Don't Tell

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*smut warning? Maybe? Kind of? Idk? Lots of make outs and leg hickeys*

Ash and Gary stared in shock at the honey blonde, but that was soon followed by laughter. Serena stood up staring dagers at Ash. There was a sting and soon Ash was cradling his smacked cheek. Gary stared in shock and Dawn stared in horror. Ash stood up and grabbed Serena's collar.

"I will make your life a living hell blondie" he spat. The whole cafeteria was holding it's breath, staring at the display. "I-I'd like to see you try, Ass K-Ketchum" Serena was losing her breath as Ash pulled her closer to him a hand wrapped around her neck. She smiled sweetly though it hurt like hell. Ash realized, this girl was immune to his charm, she didn't cower in fear. He let go of her neck dropping her to the floor, leaving her gasping for breath. He helped her up causing her to flinch slightly. "Your different Serena Grace Yvonne, I want you to come to my party tonight, you can bring Dawn. I'm sure Gary won't mind" He looked at his friend with a smirk causing both Dawn and Gary to blush. "Fine Ashton, I'll come to your silly party. What would you like us to wear?" Ash pondered for a moment. "First call me Ash not Ashton, I hate it when people use my full name, and wear something that makes you look hot" He dismissively waved his hand and Gary followed. "See you tonight blondie" he whispered into her ear. Dawn stared. "Did you just get us to a party thrown by Ash Ketchum by standing up to him?" Serena stared in the direction the two boys had left. "I guess I did?" She questioned herself.

*time skip because the author wants to be lazy*

Serena and Dawn had decided to go shopping considering most of there clothes didn't make them look 'hot'. Dawn bought a dark blue sleevles crop top and some grey high-waisted short shorts. She wore fish-net stockings underneath and black high heels. Serena wore a transparent pink shirt that was very lose so it drapped off of one shoulder and a black mini skirt with black knee high boots and see through black tights. Dawn decked herself out in silver rings bracelets and ear rings. While Serena wire rose gold jewlery along with an ear cuff on her right ear. The girls wore some simple make up considering there clothes were a lot. They stared at then selves in the mirror. Dawn krimped her hair puling it back slightly while Sarena left her's straight. The door bell rang. Dawn looked at Serena in confusion, causing her friend to shrug. They walked down stairs to see Ash and Gary dressed in skinny jeans and some sport tee's. Grace was talking with them.

"Dawn and Serena ar-Ah there they are girls! You look amazing!" Grace ran over giving her daughter and her friend a hug. They smiled awkwardly as the two boys stared. Who knew a nerd could clean up so nicley? Dawn noticed Gary's eyes were wandering. She cleared her throat. "Gary my eyes are up here~" She giggled. Gary shook his head and walked over to Dawn. "I call dibs on this one Ash" He slung his arm over Dawn's shoulder. She slapped him. "I am not an object" She shunned him attempting to look mad. "What ever you say...babe" Gary leaned forward whispering it in Dawn's ear. She turned back around. "Whatever can we just get this party over with?" Serena stared at Ash. "Fine" he sighed. He linked his arm with Serena causing her to stop walking for a second but continue the heels of her boots clicking. They got into Gary's sports car and drove off. Dawn and Serena sat in the back talking while Gary and Ash kept giving each other looks. One thing went through there minds. Truth or Dare was no longer an option at the party it was a necessity. They arrived at Ash's house, or well, manchine. A few people were already there dancing to the music the DJ was playing. Ash walked up to the booth allowing the girls to go mingle. Fortunatley Lillie was there with Hau who was dancing like a mad man. "Oh hey girls! Didn't think to see you here, you look great though" She gave her signature smile. She wore a white tank top reveling some cleavage along with ripped black high-waisted skinny jeans and some combat boots, she also wore a black and white baseball jacket. "You look great Lillie! And yeah Ash and Gary dragged us here I guess you could say were there dates?" The honey blonde said rolling her eyes. "Ooo who's got who?" "Apparently Gary has dibs on Dawn leaving me Ash?" Lillie nodded her head when Ash's voice boomed through the speakers. "Hey everyone were gonna play some extreme Truth or Dare upstairs if you wanna join!" A few people cheered and ran up stairs. Hau came over and told Lillie they should go play. Lillie finally gave in to her boyfriend chasing him up the stairs waving good bye. Gary and Ash walked over to the girls. "Come on you girls should play too!" Gary grabbed Dawns hands. She stared at him. She looked to her friend who shrugged and allowed the boys to drag them up stairs. Everyone was in a guest bedroom waiting for Ash. Ash jumped onto the bed. "Okay so considering I'm the host of the party I'll start! Barry truth or dare!?" He looked at a boy with blonde hair. "I'm not a pussy so dare me bro!" Ash smirked evily. "Oh Iris~" A girl with purple hair looked at Ash her face was red but not as red as Barry's. "How would you like to go into a closet with Barry for 7 minutes?" Iris stared at Barry before giving in and grabbing his hand bringing him to the closet. "Oh Barry wait! Choose someone first!" "Oh um okay, agh whats her name again? Serena! T or D?!" Serena stared she new she would have to do something crazy no matter what so she choose "Dare" She stared at the blonde boy. "Uhhh sit on Ash's lap, sexiest way possible, for seven minutes" Barry got dragged into a closet with Iris. The door slammed shut. Serena stood up. She was not going to blush, she didn't like this boy and she was doing. It against her will. Ash got up and sat in a chair. She decided the sexiest way she could do this was side stradel him. She wrapped one leg around the back of his body with the other leg ontop. She positioned her 'womanhood' near his rod and wrapped her arms arpund his neck. Ash smirked at her. "Dawn Truth or Dare?" She didn't take her eyes off of Ash. "Dare I guess" She looked at her friend and smirked. She loved her she really did, but if she could make Dawn uncomfortable she always did. "Stradel Gary and make out with him" The blunette just hung her mouth in shock, she had never kissed anyone, let alone make out with a person, but she couldn't back out. Gary was a slight punk but Dawn didn't care. He was sitting on the floor. She stradeled him in his lap and pushed him to the floor. She would be dominant. She grabbed his collar and smashed her lips against his. She felt Gary place his hands on her ass. There was cheering as the made out, right there on the bedroom floor. Serena was laughing hysterically whiel Ash cheered his friend on.
The two parted for air. "Wow~" They both said. "Gary Truth or Dare?" Dawn whispered. "Dare." "Kiss me again" "Okay" And just like that they were back at it on the floor, but this time Gary wanted control he flipped them over pinning Dawn to the floor. Serena rolled her eyes. She glanced at Ash and realized he was staring at her. Dawn and Gary finally broke again. "Uhhh Paul Truth or Dare?" "Uh considering what been going on truth" Gary grinned. "How much of your virginity do you still have?" Everyone stared at Paul. "Ugh all of it but that's only because I'm saving it for who ever my specail someone is" Everyone murmered in agreement. "Uhh Misty truth or Dare?" "Dare" "Strip for anyone you like" Misty stared at Ash. "Ash" she said seductively. Ash stared in amusement. "Nah I think I'm good" Just then the closet door opened. Barry and Iris came out rhere hair messy. Iris had a hickey for two. "Wow you guys got busy in there" Gary chuckeled. "Yeah why was there cheering?" Dawn pounced ontop of Gary and started making out with him again. The cheering started again. "Ooh okay, oh Serena, you can get iff Ash's lap now" Serena shifted around taking her leg out from behind Ash. "Nah it's actaully kind of comfy" She laid down her haid going over the edge of the chair, with her chest being pushed up due to the arm of the chair. Her mini skirt fell up a little. "Ugh fine John can I strip for you?" John shrugged and let Misty strip to her bra before telling her he was good. "Ash T or D" "Dare" Misty stared at Serena. "Uhh go into the bathroom with her for 7 I guess" Ash immediantly scooped Serena up but not before saying. "Gary T or D?" "Ehh Truth" "Do you wanna fuck the blunette?" And with that he left. Gary stared at Dawn who was a dark crimson. "Uhhh not yet"

Ash set Sarena down. Closing the door.

"What the fuck A-" she was cut of by Ash's lips pressing against hers. At first the kiss was soft, but soon it became heated and most of all it was hungry. Serena rolled her hips against Ash. Ash moaned softly in the kiss. He had slid his hands up Serena's shirt. Serena brought one leg up and wrapped it around his waist. She grabbed his hands and put them on her butt. Ash got what she wanted. He picked her up and set her on the counter. "Can. I. Give. You. A. Hickey?" He asked through small breaths within the kiss. "On. My. Thighs" Ash broke the kiss and pulled her skirt and tights down to her ankles. He spread her legs slightly and began sucking on her soft skin.

"A-Ash?" Serena was trying not to moan. The boy looked at her. "Don't tell anyone"

A/N: Holy Mother of Jesus' cows! 1700 words! In one chapter! I hope that was good enough for yall! Byeeeeeeeeeee!

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