Obsessed Pt.2

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A/N: That's right bet you didn't think this was a two part chapter haha! Ok no some of you might have since I left it on a cliff hanger but hey, hope you enjoy.

Mr.KuKui pushed past students towards the ruckess. Students had a made ring of some sorts with their bodies. If only it was a Pokemon fight and not a fist fight. Kukui pulled students off of eachother to get through. Eventually he got to the middle to see Ash Ketchum and Calem Malcem punching and kicking at eachother, or Ash Ketchum punching and kick Calem Malcem who was in the fetal position. Professor Sycamore appeared on the other side of the ring. Kukui grabbed Ash and dragged him to one side of the now disappearing ring. "My office. Now. Both of you." He said out of breath dragging Ash holding his arm tightly. Professor Sycamore walked behind him also tightly grabbing Calem.

The counciler opened his office and sat Ash in a chair. Professor Sycamore came in and set Calem in a chair a few feet away. He nooded at Mr.KuKui and went back to his class. Both boys glared at eachother dangerously.

"Let me make this very clear, if either one of you gets up from that chair, you're expelled, understood?" Both of the black haired boys nodded begrudgingly. "Now then, were you or were you boys not in a fight just last week?" The two boys thought for a moment and then nodded. "And if I remember I kicked your ass that time as well." Ash mumbled to himself. "Ash do you have something to share. Ash looked up and cleared his throat. "I said yes and if I remember I kicked his ass that time too." Calem went to go stand up but remembered what the counciler had said. "Ash, that is not appropriate." "Sorry." The older man sighed. "So who through the first punch, or do I have to pull up camera footage?" Ash sighed. "I did." He said in a low growl. "Thank you for being honest but unfortunately that won't lessen your punishment. Now who wants to tell me why the fight started?" Kukui leaned forward. "I punched him cause he sexually assaulted Serena." Ash said glaring at the other boy. "She's not your girlfriend anymore Ash, she's up for grabs." Calem said throwing his head back with a smile. "And I plan on grabbing her while she's still fresh on the market, make a few guys like yourself jealous." Ash growled. "Sexually assaulting someone isn't going to make someone date you, even I know that." Calem stared at him. "Well atleast I wasn't so much of a douchebag to her that she dumped me and cut her hair off." Calem snarled.

"Boys please!" Mr.Kukui said grabbing their attention. "Calem I am already aware of your interaction with Ms.Yvonne, and you will be having a meeting with the principal and your parents about your behavior. Whatever punishment you receive from that will be added to this punishment." Kukui sighed rubbing his temples. "Ash you have a 4 day suspension, Calem you have 3 days of suspension. Go get your stuff and go to the office to call home." Both boys stood up nodding and left the small office.

Serena wandered the halls killing time before her performance class. The bell rang and she heard chatter among her fellow students.

"Did you hear about the fight between Ash and Calem?"

"The one on Friday? Yeah that's old news."

"No stupid, just now!"

"God Ash really is obsessed with her, fighting for her even after they broke up."

"I don't think Ash is gonna let anyone date her."

"I wish Ash was that obsessed with me!"

"I know right! It's so nice having a big strong guy in your corner!"

Serena rolled her eyes as she listened to the conversations. Having a guy be obsessed about you wasn't all that great. If she wanted to date another guy she should be allowed to, Ash didn't control her. A stupidly smart plan crossed her mind. She smiled devilishly to herself and walked into the auditorium for her performance class. Dawn and Lily ran up to her.

"Serena are you ok!"

"We heard what happened, is everything alright?" Serena smiled at her friends, she loved them so much. "Yeah everything's fine, Mr.Kukui is going to tell the principal about what Calem did and I could care less that Ash got in a fight." The platinum blonde and the bluenette smiled. "Actually I have a plan. If Ash Ketchum is so obsessed with me, I want to show him I don't even care about him." Dawn frowned slightly before picking her smile back up. "Oh? How so?" Lily asked holding her vulpix. "I'm going to date another guy, easy." She looked out The door to see a guy walk past. "And I know just who to ask." The three girls laughed slightly before running down to the front row to listen to their teachers lecture on preforming. Serena smiled to herself. In all honesty she missed Ash and was greatful Ash had fought Calem for her, but she wanted him to beg for her to come back. She pulled out her phone.

Serenade: I need a favor

BrockAndRoll: yeah what's up?

Serenade: you can take a punch from Ash Ketchum right?

BrockAndRoll: Sweetheart I can kick his ass, who do you think taught him to fight? Delia?

Serenade: lmao no, but I need you to fake date me for a few weeks to get his attention.

BrockAndRoll: you know I have a girlfriend right?

Serenade: yes I know but I want Ash back, but I want him to come begging to me.

BrockAndRoll: ohhhhh ok yeah sure I'll help you, just no kissing k?

Serenade: Those were my rules too.

BrockAndRoll: so I'll get you at around 8 for a movie?

Serenade: yeah and bring ur girlfriend I'm gonna bring 3 girls.

BrockAndRoll: k sus

Serenade: byeeeee

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