School Drama (Pt.1)

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Ash and Serena laughed hand in hand as they raced down the street in the rain splashing through puddles. They made it back to the arcade where they found May again.

"Hi May-Day" Ash waved to his cousin.

"Hello Ashy-Boy" She stayed focused on her game. The honey blond tugged on her boyfriend as she kept running towards her house. Gary was no longer at the boutique so they kept running. They were on the same street so they decided to walk. It was only about 7. Ash picked Serena up causing her to squeal. He knocked on the door and Grace answered.

"I take it went well?" She questioned. The two teens nodded laughing. They stepped inside to see Dawn and Gary sitting on the couch sipping some coffee. Serena looked at Ash. "I'm going to go change okay?" The raven haired boy nodded and went to sit with his friends. Serena dashed back up stairs and found a pretty dress the barley went to the middle of her thighs laying on her bed. It was a light pink, with a sweet heart neck line. She put it on and a few minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Come in" Dawn came in, her crutches clanging on the wood floor. She smiled half heartedly at the honey blonde. "What's with the sad smile?" She questioned her friend. "Do you like the dress?" Said friend asked avoiding the question. "It's pretty, why did you give me that sad smile?" The blunette limped to Serena's bed. "Are you sure about this" She pointed out the door and downstairs. Serena sighed and joined her friend on her bed. She grabbed her hands. "I promise, I won't let him hurt me---" "I'm not worried about him hurting you Serena! Gary told me Ash has never---NEVER---asked a girl out, only flirted, and he put so much into that 'proposal'" She stared into her friends blue eyes. "I'm worried about the other girls, you know there gonna attempt to make your life a living hell so you'll break up with him! You-you do know that right?" Her eyes were so full of concern. Serena always thought Dawn Diamond Hikari, her best friend since pre-school, was always laid back, she had no clue how much she cared about her first relationship. She trusted Ash, Dawn trusted Ash with Serena's happiness, and her happiness was Dawn's happiness. "Come on let's fix your hair  and pick out some tights and shoes.


Serena had put on a pair of grey tights and her silver flats. They got in Gary's car again and drove to school. Serena was nervous, scared even, she looked at Ash. He noticed that she was nervous so he took her hand. He gave her a gentle smile, the smile said so many things at once. I love you, I won't let them hurt you, I'll protect you, I promise I won't hurt youThey walked into school. A group of girls started running towards them, but they took a double take when they saw Ash holding Serena's hand. Serena glanced at Dawn and Gary. Gary had his arm slung over her shoulder. She looked happy, content even. They ignored the small groupie of crying girls that were giving them dirty looks. They walked into Battle Strategy, there desks still set into fours. Dawn and Ash swapped seats. They talked and laughed like they had been friends since they were born. It was about the middle of September so Gary brought up a topic. "Hey we should go camping this weekend! I'm sure pop's will take us, and we have an RV so we would be more glamping then camping." He stared at Dawn, her eyes were a stormy grey mixed with bits of dark blue. She smiled and nodded, she stared at Serena, who gave a small nod and smile, she stared at her boyfriend. Ash seemed lost, in a dream. "Ash?" "Hmm?" "Do you wanna go glamping this weekend?" He shook his head as if waking from a trance. "Oh, yeah sure!" The bell rang and Sycamore walked into the class. " Bonjour le class! Comment'allez vous?" Everyone looked at him like he was crazy except for Serena, she smiled. "Bonjour Monsieur. Bein" Everyone looked at the honey blonde. Her boyfriend gawked at her.  "Ah mademoiselle, tu parles francais?" "Oui" The teacher nodded content with his small conversation. "Good morning class! Today we will continue our project on researching battling, I hope you got some research done yesterday" He smiled to all of his students. "Let's get to work!" Everyone started talking with there groups. Ash looked at his best friend. "Are you two official?" He pointed to the girl next to him. The two teens stared at each other but before either of them could answer a girl with orange hair in a yellow crop top and jean shorts walked up to them. Serena remembered her from Ash's party, she had asked to strip for Ash but he turned it down. "Hey Gary~" Her shirt was dangerously low and the angle she was at was revealing a little to much for Dawn's liking. Misty? Yes Misty was the girls name. Dawn never liked to assume but she had an assumption. Misty was a slut. She hated that she was hitting on Gary. She and Gary had talked about them and what they were. They agreed that they would go on a few dates. Dawn loved Serena but she thought it was kind of stupid just to dive into a relationship with out going on a few dates before hand. They had of course been secretly holding hands under the table, but when Misty came over Gary immediately let go of her hand, cold air filling the gap. Gary gave her his full attention. At first it started off as a conversation, then they started flirting, and finally Gary asked her out. That was it Dawn couldn't handle it. The first tear fell, but she couldn't let him see her like this. She got up completely forgetting her ankle, she made it one step, two steps, three steps without the crutches before collapsing to the cold classroom floor. She screamed in agony. The dam broke and the tears fell continuously, out of physical and emotional pain. A few people tried to help her up, but she pushed them away, they didn't understand, she heard laughter but she couldn't see who since her vision was blurry. She found her crutches and got off the floor. Someone grabbed her shoulder, she looked it was Gary. He looked mortified. She didn't know what to do but push him. She moved as fast as she could and left the room. The minute the door closed the room burst out in laughter. Serena couldn't bare to watch, she has her face buried into Ash's shoulder. He hugged her. Gary stood on his desk.

"Will all of you fucking leave her alone! She doesn't deserve this!" Everyone shut up right away but one girl spoke. Misty.

"Well you are the reason she's crying Gary" She said innocently. Gary turned around so fast and glared at her. She stood at the back of a group of people. "You! You bitch!" He jumped of his desk and walked with confidence, with rage to the group. He stopped and glared the the people in his way. They parted like the red sea to Misty. She looked scared. He grabbed her shirt pinning her to the wall. "You-" he snarled. "I should kill you, you hurt her--" "No you hurt her Gary" She choked out. "You're the one that asked me out on that date"

A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!!! I'M BACK BITCHES! WITH 1280 WORDS!!! This chapter could have easily been over two thousand words...BUT NOPE! I'm giving you a two part!! I hope you guys enjoy this...Gary might possibly be to over protective of Dawn and he might've fucked up, but hey! PLOT PROGRESSION!!! I luv y'alllllllllllllllllll! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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