I Need Your Help

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"Okay, so I say we go interview gym leaders!" Serena said enthusiastically. "Uh hello! You have a Champion right here!" Ash said pointing at himself. "Yes but thats just your way of battling, we have to find an overall way of batteling" Dawn stated closing her eyes and sticking her nose in the air. "Well I think Serena will like my way" Ash leaned closer to her, causing the honey blonde to lean. "What's your way?"

"Well you want to be a pokemon preformer correct?"


"Well, I don't just use moves, I use combinations and shit" Serena rolled her eyes. When suddenly she remembered remebered her performance class.

"H-Hey Ash?"

"Sup blondie?"

"Uhh for my performance class I need to catch a pokemon, a-and I was wondering if you could help me?" Her ocean blue eyes stared at his chocolate brown ones. He gave a toothy grin. "Sure thing!" He grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the shoe rack. He threw her a pair of sneakers.

"Ashy-Boy! Where are you going we got a project to do!" Ash looked back at his friend. "Oh yeah...come with us! We can stop by the cyllage city gym and interview the leader!" Ash grabbed Serena's hand again and ran out the door to a local route.

Dawn stared at Gary. "So are we going?" Gary looked back at her. "Sure" He quickly leaned in and pecked her cheek. He got up and put his shoes on. "Come on Dawn! Ash doesn't wait for anyone when it comes to catching pokemon!" Dawn held her cheek and stared at Gary as he held the door for her. She slipped on her boots and ran over to him. She stopped outside the door and turned to the boy with mahogany hair. She quickly smashed her lips against his and started running. Gary started to catch up, when Dawn suddenley tripped and nose dived into the concrete.

"Dawn!" He helped the blunette up, her face was scratched and her nose was bleeding. Her hands, knees, and elbows were scraped. She smiled, though pain was evident. Her gums were also bleeding slightly. She attempted to take a step but crumpled to the floor.

"Agh! I think I sprained my left ankle" Gary helped her back up. "Want me to carry you?" She stared at him. "Can you?" "Yeah your super light!" He picked the blunette up bridal style and continued jogging towards Ash and Serena. "Ashy-Boy! Serry-Berry!" The two teens turned an looked at the boy who had called them. Serena saw her friend being held, her face showed pain. She ran over.

"Dawn! What happened!?" She screamed at her friend.

"Heh, ya know just me being a clutz! Ahh!" She winced.

"She sprained her ankle pretty good too" Gary spoke calmly. Dawn was clinging to his neck. Ash jogged over. "Dawn, do you want us to bring you to the hospital?" His eyes were full of concern. "Y-Yeah that would be nice" she winced again. "I think I'll try walking" She attempted to get down but Gary pulled her body closer to his. "Not on my watch your not!" "But aren't you getting tired holding me?" "Again Dawn your really light" Said girl sighed as she let Gary carry her to the local emergency care center. Ash and Serena walked behind. Ash swiftly grabbed her hand locking her fingers with his. She stared at him as he continued to look forward. She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. This caught him off by suprise.


Dawn stopped by Serena's house Friday morning. She was on crutches unfortunately so the girls had to leave earlier than usual. They were getting ready to leace when the door opened. Ash stood with his back pack slung over his shoulder.

"Oh good you haven't left! Gary and I are here to pick you girls up since Dawn's on crutches." Dawn nodded and started making her way through the door.

"Ash wait!" Serena called out. She checked to make sure her mother wasn't anywhere. Ash closed the door slightly. "Whats u-" He was cut off by Serena pressing her soft, vanilla flavired lips against hi own. "What was that for?" "For helping me catch this eevee" She smiled. She walked out the front door her heels clicking. Ash smirked to himself. He walked out side and got in the car.

When the four of them arrived at school the usual happened. Girls swarmed them trying to get closer to Ash and Gary while Dawn and Serena were shoved away from them. They made there way to class.

Mr.Sycamorre had put the desks into four. "I want you all to get with your groups. We have some chrome books so you all may do research and ask eachother there opinion on the best way to battle." Ash, Serena, Dawn and Gary sat doen at a table. Gary disscused about pokémon type stuff he had heard his grandpa say, while Ash and Serena played footsies under the table.
Serena still couldn't believe what happened yesterday.


"Hey Serena?" Ash said staring off into the distance. Serena hummed while petting her eevee. "What would your reaction be if I asked you out on a date?" Serena's hand stopped moving. The raven haired boy was now staring at her. She smiled and continued stroking the pokémon in her arms. "I would say maybe, and that you would have to work for a yes" She stared at the boy. He squated down next to her. "Then I guess I should ask you---" he leaned in closer there lips barley touching. His warm breath tickled her lips. "I should start trying to win you over" His lips locked with the honey blondes.

*end flashback*

"Serena! Ash! Are you even listening?" Gary stared annoyed at the two. "Hmm? What oh no. Sorry Gare-Bear!" Ash said apologizing to his friend "You see I was distracted by this beauty to really care"

A/N: K well! Sorry for the shitty chapter! I know theres no antagonist yet but just you wait!

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