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Everyone at the party who played truth or Dare agreed to keep everything that happened a secret. Serena woke up early and took a shower. As she undressed she looked at the multiple hickeys on her thighs from the raven haired boy. She sighed at herself with dissapointment. Why would she let him do that? She hopped in the shower and quickly washed her bidy and hair. She curled her hair today, she also wore black mary-janes, thigh high socks, a pink pleated skirt and a loose smock top. She stared at herself and decided to wear a hair clip. She walked down stairs and saw Dawn on her phone. "Hey" "Hullo!" Serena said brightly. "Wheres my Mom?" "She was leaving when I got here, she said that there were pop tart's but I didn't wanna eat with out you" Serena nodded. Fletchling was pecking at some berries. "Dawn got up. She wore blue skinny jeans with a loose black shirt that said Messy Hair? Don't Care. Dawn had thrown her hair into a messy bun. She wore some black converse. "So you and Gary?" Dawn looked at Serena in Horror. "I don't know what came over me! He promised not to tell anyone-" "Anyone what?" Dawn sighed. "I can trust you with a secret right?" The honey blonde nods. "After the party Gary and I swung by his place since Mr.Oak was out working on something. We continued our little make out sessions and things went a little to far and he gave me a few hickeys and my breasts. Dawn pulled her shirt down slightly reavling a dark mark. "Well if were being honest, when me and Ash went to the bathroom he did this" Serena pulled her skirt up slightly revealing a few, but less dark, hickeys on her thigh. The two girls looked at eachother. They grabbed poptarts and left. As they were walking a certain sports car pulled up. "Hey girls! Wanna ride" Gary looked over his sun glasses. The two female teens looked at each other and sighed. They were tired from the party so they decided to get a ride. Ash climbed into the back letting Dawn take shot gun. "Hey Serena. About last night-" "Ash I don't wanna talk about it. Don't think cause I let you kiss me means I like you now. It was late and I wasn't thinking properly" Serena stared straight ahead. "K. But hit me up if you ever want another magical night" He winked at her as they pulled into the school. Serena grabbed her back pack and huffed off to class. Battle strategy, was difficult today. Mr.Sycamorre, decided to do a project. "Okay class! Today we will be doing a project, and to get to know your class mates more I made the groups! First group is Delilah, LeeAnna, Charlotte and Andrea! Next we have..." Serena wasn't paying attention she was fearing the worst. "Then we have Serena, Ms.Hikari, Ash and Gary!" Great! Now she had to work with the playboys. They all turned and looked at eachother. The boys smiled while the girls glared. "I want you all to figure out the best way to battle. Do research online, interview people, and so forth" and with that the bell rang. "Just so you know" Dawn grabbed Gary's collar. "We are NOT doing all the work" she dropped him and stormed off. Serena sighed. "After school my place, xxx on Vannaville road. Be there, or we snitch" She followed her blunette friend to there next hour.

The whole day was how it should have been. Ash and Gary picking on and flirting with the girls while they ignored them. Serena had gone to the bathroom to get away from everyone when a girl with light brown hair was standing in the mirror. She noticed Serena. "Oh hi there! I'm May! You are?" "S-Serena?" "Nice to meet you Serena- Oh gosh whats wrong. The brunette held her at arms length away. "Ehh just Ash Ketchum. I don't know how to feel about him! One minute he only wants to flirt with me then the next minute he's flirting with every girl he sees!" "Yeah that sounds like my cousin alright" "CoUSin?" May giggled slightly. "Unfortunately" Serena gave a half smile. She really needed to get back to class. "I gotta get back to class, I really need to get better at preforming if I wanna beat Aria some day and be crowned Kalos Queen!" Serena waved as she left the bathroom. She jogged to the auditorium. Lillie was sitting in the back waiting for her. "You okay now?" Her green eyes were filled with concern for the blue eyed girl. "Yeah! I made a new friend actually!" Lillie smiled and nodded and turned back to the teacher.

"I want you all to go outside and catch a pokémon, create a bond with it, and make me a beautiful preformance!" The students were handed six pokéballs each. Serena looked at Lillie. Lillie came all the way from a regoin called Alola, and she had a pokemon from there that she had a great bond with. The blondes face was written with conflict. She raised her hand.

"Madame! Can we use pokémon we already have?" The teacher looked at Lillie, she gave her a soft smile. "Sure" She dismissed the class. Serena dashed to her locker, she had to prepare for her 'guests'.

She arrived at her house and started making some snacks. She grabbed some crackers, cheese, and different meats. She placed the tray on the coffee table and went to go grab her laptop. The door opened and Dawn came rushing in. "They're almost here!" Serena put her lap top down and sat down. She didn't care. Dawn sat down with her and the two started talking. The door bell rang.

"Come in" The door opened slowly and Ash and Gary stepped through the door. They removed there shoes and Ash removed his hat. He flashed Serena a smile and took a seat next to her. She rolled her eyes and started making a plan.

A/N: Hey guys! Just wanna say I love hearing what you guys think about the book! So great to know some of you are reading this book! The insane train never stops! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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