School Drama (Pt.2)

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"You're the one that asked me on a date" her voice rang through the silent classroom. Gary's grip loosened on her neck. He dropped her. He backed up his eye's wide. "N-no I wouldn't do th-that to her, I-I love her" He resembled a startled horse. He turned to his friend who gave him a sympathetic look. He had done it. He asked Misty out on a date when he had told Dawn that they would be going out. He stared at his teacher, who fortunately, seemed to find this normal. He ran out of the room. He had to find her. He ran through the halls calling her name. He checked the cafeteria, the auditorium, he even asked a girl to check the girl's bathrooms for him. He ran into the schools library. He heard her, she was crying and someone was comforting her. He turned at a right then a left, trying to find the source of the noise. He made a right and there she was sitting on the floor, with a girl dressed in all white with platinum blonde hair. She looked up at they boy, she had light green eyes too. He remembered her from fourth hour, Lilly Aether, that was her name. "Dee-Dee" His voice was shaking. She snapped her head up. Her eyes were filled with pain. "I LOVED YOU GARRET! I TRUSTED YOU!" She cried out, Lilly hugged her tighter. "I gave you my heart Gary...And you just through it away...I thought you loved me" She hugged her knees. Gary fell to his knees and hugged her. "I do love you Dawn...I'm your Gare-Bear, I just went into auto pilot...and I'll tell the whole world how much I love you"  He held her hands. "You would?" She gave a small shy smile. "Yeah I would! Hell I'll do it right now" He leaned towards her, his lips brushing her ear. "I love you Dawn, I love you so much" he pecked her cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb. She hugged him pinning him to the floor.


Serena let go of Ash. She got up and walked up to the teacher.

"Can I-uh go to the bathroom please?"


She walked out in the hall when she heard the door open again. She turned behind her. A girl with bright electric blue hair walked out after her. She thought nothing of it and continued walking towards the rest rooms. She was washing her hands when the blue haired girl walked in. Out of no where she pinned Serena to the wall.

"Listen here nerd. I don't know who you think you are, but ever since Ash came to Kalos, I've had my eyes on him. So either you break up with him, or I'll make you wish you were never born and get him to dump your worthless ass" She let go of Serena and stormed off. Serena was in tears. She was used to bullies, they usually didn't bother her. They made the same threats, give me this or you'll be sorry, or, I'll make your life hell if you don't do this. But this? She just finally became happy. She finally got a boyfriend. She finally thought she would have a happy ending. She thought she would never result to that again. She scolded herself for even thinking about it. She wiped her eyes and walked back to BS class.

*timeskip to science! Brought to you by BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!*

Serena still hadn't told anyone. Dawn and Gary were talking again but Dawn seemed more shy towards Gary. It's just her walls, but Gary can get through them, I know he can. Serena smiled at them, then she turned to her boyfriend. How is it that this one boy has brought her so much trouble? She either broke up with him, or the electric blue haired girl did something that would make him dump her. Miette. Her name was like poison. Miette had her more than any of the beatings she had ever recieved by saying three words. I hate you. Serena hated herself after what she did. Miette knew all of Serena's past secrets. Especailly the ones she was afraid to tell Dawn, let alone her boyfriend. A conversation snapped her back. A kid with black clothes and hair walked by. Gary leaned over. "Rumor has it that guy-" he pointed at said boy. "Cuts himself" Ash's face contorted into something like disgust. "Honestly who the hell would want to do that to their body? I bet they probably just do it for attention" Ash rolled his eyes. With each word Serena grew smaller and more afraid. She looked at Dawn who had a look of fear on her face when she saw Serena. She cleared her throat. "Okay so why do you guys care? It's just a rumor" She shrugged her shoulders. "Actually no it's not I saw his wrists" Gary corrected he tried to put his arm around her, she shoved it off. "Okay even so? Why do you care? Are you guys emophobic?" (Yes emophobia is real I looked it up for this) "And what if we are Dawn?" Ash asked. "Then you guys are dicks!" Dawn got out of her seat now the whole class was looking. "Ms.Hakari, please take a seat" Mr.Nye said. "Actually sir, may I go out into the hall with my table, we need to discuss something and I don't want to interupt class anymore" The teacher thought for a bit and then let out to the hall. Serena was not eager for this conversation.

A/N: Okay so I hope this was good for drama. I think Im gonna chnage the cover and so far I have one request, if you have a request please comment it! Don't forget to vote and have a wonderful day! I luv yallllllllllll byeeeeee!

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