Can't Beat Your Teacher

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A/N: before we begin! This will be the first out if three chapters to lead to the end. Thank you so much for all the reads and lovely comments! You guys have made this book so special to me and I hope you've enjoyed it!

Ash scrolled through his socials mindlessly when he saw something terrifying. Serena, in his second best friend Brocks arms, at the movies. He squeezed his phone, almost cracking it. Seriously!? Even Brock was after her? He sighed. He wanted to punch Brock badly, he'd never lost a fight before, but he knew he couldn't beat Brock either. It had been years since he had even talked to Brock. He had moved to Kalos years ago to study new types of pokemon and they just fell out of touch. Ash hated that the next time they talked he'd be digging his fist into his old friends face. Ash grabbed his jacket and dialed Gary, asking for a ride to the theatre.


Serena giggled with her friends as they left the theatre. Dawn hung onto her best friends arms but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Ash and Gary. She tugged her best friend back.

"What are they doing here?" The bluenette pointed at the two boys. Serena followed her finger to see her ex and her bffs ex. She turned around and grabbed Brock.

"He's here, what the hell do we do?"

Brock opened his mouth to speak when he was interupted by someone yelling his name.

"Brock buddy! Long time no see!" Ash walked over hands in his jean pockets smilling at the older guy.

"Oh hey Ash-" Brock was interupted by Ash's fist.

The tan boy stumbled back slightly rubbing his jaw. "Well damn, you've gotten stronger," Brock handed Olivia his jacket, "but you still aren't stronger than I am." Brock charged at Ash dropping slightly, colliding his shoulder with Ash's stomach. He lifted the smaller boy onto his shoulder and walked off, ignoring the punches to his back while holding Ashs legs flat against his body.

"Put me down you bastard!" Ash tried to break free but failed.

Brock walked into and alley way before setting Ash down and holding him against the brick wall.

"Listen I'm not going to throw punches at you. You have a reputation and I'd hate to ruin a friends reputation." After a few more minutes if resistance Ash gave up the fight.

"Why the hell were you on a date with Serena?"

Brock burst out laughing. "Wow you actually took that bait! I knew you weren't the brightest bulb but come on Ash!"

Ash just stared at his older friend. "What do you mean? What bait?"

"Ok first, I have a girl friend, her names Olivia. Second, Serena asked me to fake date her to get in your nerves. She wants you back but she wants to mess with you."

Ash slid to the ground. "That girl- ugh I can't believe I fell for it."

Brock crouched down. "Listen, go into that theatre and ask for a word with her."

Ash nodded and stood up.

"Oh and Ash," Brock put his hand on Ashs shoulder. "Don't ever pick a fight with me again, you know you'll lose."

Ash nodded before jogging back to the theatre. He opened the door and scanned the theatre where he saw Serena, Dawn, Lily, and his cousin May. He walked up to the group of girls who glared at him.

"Serena, can we talk. Please?"

Serena sighed and nodded. She walked off, Ash following her.

"I shouldn't give you another chance you know that right?"


"So what did you want to talk about."

"Another chance."

Serena giggled. "Ash today isn't April 1st, come on what did you want to talk about?"

"Another chance." Ash said a little more sternly.

Serena stared at the boy who was a little taller than her. Even in just a t-shirt and jeans he looked good. She sighed and shook her head. Was she really going to let this boy back into her life? After everything that had happened? It had only been a couple months since they had even met, since they played truth or dare, since their first fight, weeks since he had her run around town to collect roses. She stared into his brown eyes. She could never tell what he was thinking. She was hit with memories. Some happy, like their first date. Some bad, like when he found out her past. Some a little less PG. Her eyes flickered to his lips, she remembered every kiss suddenly, the soft cute butterfly kisses, the passionate ones that made her lips tingle from being bitten and sucked on. She placed her forehead on his chest. Can she really do this? What if she just gets hurt again. She let her arms snake around his waist.

"People don't change Ash. This whole hurting me thing seems to be a habbit."

Ash placed his hands on her head, tangling his fingers in her hair. Her scent was suffocatingly sweet, she smelled like fresh baked pokepuffs and macrons. He gently pressed his lips to her forehead. He didn't have words, he wouldn't deny he had hurt her beyond belief, but he still loved her.

"I may not be able to change right away, but I can learn." He tucked a few strands of honey blonde hair behind her ear before tilting her head up.

"I can learn from my past, I can learn from right now, I can learn from what you want and wanted. With the knowledge I gain, I can use it to get closer to changing into a man you can be proud to call yours."

Ash leaned down timidly, staring into Sarenas sapphire eyes that were still dull. The girl with blue eyes closed her eyes and met his lips half way. Ash closed his eyes and pulled her small figure closer. After a few seconds the two pulled away, once more vibrant sapphire eyes meeting deep brown eyes.

"Serena Grace Yvonne, for the final time, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes I will, Ashton Nathaniel Ketchum."

A/N: WOAHH I UPDATED! So Im declaring this the last chapter, I'm gonna make an epilouge and Ill hopefully have it out soon, for everyone who's waited months for this update, thank you so much for sticking around, and for anyone whos been here since I started this book 3 years ago, you're amazing. Thank you for reading "The Cute Nerds".

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