Chapt 9

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He knew he was right about his assumption when the black haired man froze upon hearing Yoongi's words. He was baffled that time, as to why a complete stranger would pet his hair while he cried in his sleep.

He also was baffled when the stranger turned around to say something but then ended up staring at him and stuttering.

He was baffled for many reasons. But right now he was baffled at himself.

Honestly, which idiot says 'its okay' to some stranger who just touched their hair while they were sleeping?

Maybe Yoongi had said that because the stranger looked so lost. Maybe it was because, Yoongi always believed that a person's eyes were the windows to their soul and the strangers eyes looked dead. A hard emotionless barrier with no holes in it. He looked like he needed someone to say those words.

Or maybe it was just Yoongi's pathetic, always wrong 'instincts'. Because, right now the stranger was pinning him against the tree behind him, a wrathful expression on his face. Yoongi had just blurted out those two stupid words when it looked like the stranger had enough of his stupidity and pinned him against the tree, before he could even blink.

He moved like water, Yoongi thought.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" the stranger snarled in his face.

Woah talk about mood swings.

"Uh- Min Yoongi?" he replied dumbly to the stranger. He immediately felt strong arms that pinned him to the tree tighten even more as the stranger moved closer, smooth like a snake.

"Keep your wise guy comments to yourself and get the hell out of my territory." The stranger said menancingly.

Territory? What was he, a werewolf?

Yoongi suddenly noticed the strangers eyes were not emotionless. They were burning with an anger that seemed to emit from his soul. His heart stuttered for a second and he blurted out the only thing he could think of, at that moment.

"You look like a horse."


Im going to complete this story for my satisfaction, even though practically reading it. LOL

Byeeeeeeeee lovelies.*blows kisses to imaginary audience*

Torpidity.(A Sope fanfic) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now