Chapt 44

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Hoseok didn't know what the fuck he was saying until the words were out of his moutn. A gay date? What was he thinking? Yoongi was going to leave him wasn't he?

Oh fuck, oh fuck.

Well let me hold him for one last time.

And so Hoseok tightened his hold against Yoongi, ignoring the older's resistance. His heart was pounding in his chest, fear and blood rapidly rushing threw his veins, trying to think of a way out and play it off as a joke when suddenly the older melted against him.

Then everything was a blur of relief, embarrassment, happiness and shock.

Utter mind numbing shock, when Yoongi giggled –Oh my hearteu- Giggled into his chest and then kissed him to shut him up.

His lips tasted like strawberries and chocolate. Apparently the older had a sweet tooth, the thought had Hoseok responding and smiling into the kiss. Yoongi's lips were soft yet chapped from the cold, but it didn't feel weird. He kept moving his lips against Yoongi's as every kiss shared between them, ensnared his doom, he knew that he would be addicted to Yoongi's lips even before he pulled back.

Yoongi smiled his endearing gummy smile as he breathlessly rested his forehead against Hoseok's, hands around the younger's neck, breaths mingling together.

"So where are you taking me?" Yoongi asked looking deeply into Hoseok eyes, making the younger's heart feel as if it was sneezing against his ribcage.

"U-uh." Came Hoseok's magnificent reply.

"That's a nice place." Yoongi said cheekily, still trying to stare into Hoseok's runaway eyes.

Hoseok started panicking because he really didn't know whther to take the older on their first date. Coffee? Nah that's too simple. Fancy dinner? No money. Karoke was out of the question, he was sure it would end up with Yoongi running away from him in disgust of his awful vocal skills.

Besides, the only date he had ever been in was a blind det set up by Lisa, quite a long time back and the girl ended up ditching him halfway through. Didn't exactly boost his confidence in his date skills.

A sudden warm hand against the small of his back, brought him back to his marathon running, thoughts.

Yoongi's gaze was worried as he rubbed small circles into Hoseok's back.

"You know that want to date me yet right?" Yoongi said smiling gently. "I can wait a little bit more."

"Its not that, hyung." Hoseok whined, leaning down to rest his head against the elder's shoulder.

"Then what is it darling?" Yoongi's voice was teasing as a raspy chuckle graced his ears making Hoseok stiffen against the elder out of pure surprise at the nickname.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn-" Yoongi started anxiously but was cut off when Hoseok burst out laughing.

"Its okay." Hoseok said pulling back to look at the crimson Yoongi. "I don't mind it." Hoseok continued as his laughter subsided.

Yoongi nodded, still staring at Hoseok.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"like what?" Yoongi asked tilting his head.

"Like... I'm something...tender." Hoseok spoke haltingly, eyes darting between Yoongi's eyes and away.

"But you are." There was no hesitation in this elder's words, which made Hoseok's eyes widen fractionally.

"Stop being cheesy." Hoseok said as if he was embarrassed.

"why? Isnt that what relationships are all about?"

"I don't like it though." Hoseok lied with a frown.

"Then call it sweet and get diabetes." A poke to the younger's cheek came in company with the buttered words.

And Hoseok suddenly couldn't find words to backfire anymore as grinned that sugary-gummy and-marshmallow-and-all-the-fluffy-things in this world combined together smile that made his heart have a cardiac blockage.

And Hoseok realized that, not having something to say or a smile to give every time wasn't bad thing. Not everything had to sunshine and rainbows. Not everything had to be blackened clouds and darkened streets and the world would still be fine. It would still remain just as beautiful.

Because it was the darkened streets that made sunshine a god's gift.It was the blackened clouds that gave way to the most magnificent rainbows.

No, no everything, not every beautiful thing needed a smile.


I guess you guys understand that its the time that Hoseok realizes its okay to not be happy or act like hes happy all the time.....

Huge turning point in the character's life. Just saying.

Torpidity.(A Sope fanfic) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now