The Epilogue; pt1

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"Marry me."

"No. " Suran fired and the crowd gathered gasped. "Ask me properly." The girl on her knee in front of her looked peeved and mischievous but complied.

"Casar. Cama. Mojado.Mujer." The girl on one knew before Suran, proposed passionately in her questionable Spanish knowledge while the curious people around them giggled nervously at Suran's much awaited reply.

Does she even know what she just said? But then again Shealyn being Shealyn, knew what she was talking about if she knew how to string the words; marry, bed, wet and woman together.

"Si." Suran replied after a dramatic pause, a hand on her heart and the other her cheeks to show that she was flustered as the crowd cheered loudly, some of the Spanish knowing ones laughing so hard they fell on the grass carpeted ground.

As they dispersed, some familiar and unfamiliar hands clapping her on the back accompanied with her name, in mock congratulations. Some knew Suran even if she didn't know them because of her hard earned title as one of the college's skilled students.

Well it was a nice day to get proposed, Suran supposed, the sun was bright and shining, the weather was extremely hot but the laughter in the air seemed to beat it all down as the forgot about their sweaty bodies for a moment and fell prey to mirth. It was nice day to get proposed, that is, if that little piece of shit, Shealyn wasn't already platonically married to her.

It all had started when one of the local girls, a beautiful tall girl with a hijab had come to college with a Spanish dictionary in hand. Shealyn and Kaziah, her bestfriends, had taken an immediate liking to it, the former flipping through the dictionary to get towards the words like 'orgasm' 'blowjob' 'sex' 'wet' and of course 'marriage'.

It had been hilarious to see Kaziah running around the classrooms, trying to hit Shealyn with her books as she yelled scandalous phrases in Spanish. It was hilarious because, Kaziah's burqa and hijab were flying in the air as she ran, reminding Suran of Ninja's with extra-long skirts.

Then Shealyn had found her hiding place or shield behind Suran's tall form and then one thing lead to another and then she was accepting the proposal from the chubby cheeked Indian girl in the college compound right where everyone could see.

If you had told Suran that she would be best friends with an Indian girl and an Arab girl who was too pure for her own good and doing her degree in the middle east, she would've laughed at you.

But right now, it was reality. And Suran was never more grateful.

It had been three years since Suran had left Korea after getting accepted into New York University for majoring in arts and Literature on a full ride scholarship. Of course majoring in two subjects was hard but she loved it, doing what she loved, made it all the all-nighters and stress worthwhile.

She remembered how she had jumped and danced around the entire house for getting a scholarship to a university abroad but had been quite intimidated by the fact that she was going to live alone too. But it was her dream university and Hoseok, Yoongi, Lisa and all the others, especially Jimin, who had pushed her to go, saying teasingly that he didn't want to endure her jokes about his height anymore but she still remembered the way all of their eyes had filled up when it was finally time for her to leave.

When the university had asked if she had any preferable locations where she wanted to study and she had just said she wanted a place with safety, culture and diverse people. Somewhere she could constantly draw inspiration from.

Torpidity.(A Sope fanfic) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now