Epilogue pt2

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"Hoseok!" Suran yelled brightly into the phone as soon as it was attached to the ear.

"Ay! How's my little sister doing?" Hoseok replied just as brightly and Suran scrunched her nose in disgust at the term, choosing to keep her silence.

"Missed me?" Hoseok asked again unfazed by the sudden disapproving silence.

"Never." Suran lied through her teeth, shaking her head for added effect even though it was only a phone call.

"You know I can smell you lying from here?" Hoseok joked and Suran hummed in agreement, not bothering herself to deny it as she packed her bag with art supplies.

"So how's the album doing?" Suran asked even though she already knew exactly how many charts it had topped worldwide.

"You heard the song didn't you?" Hoseok asked after a brief pause and Suran shrugged, still rummaging around her apartment to find a damn pencil.


"And? How was it?" Hoseok asked and when she recognized breathless anticipation, the kind of aura Hoseok usually had when he made himself vulnerable to anyone, the kind that could easily hurt him no matter whether it was a joke or not.

"It was beyond anything I hoped for." Suran whispered, not playing with him anymore and she was rewarded with a relieved breath.

"I'm glad." Hoseok breath and she just smiled and finally secured her backpack, deciding to call and ask Kaziah for it later on. She never understood herself really. She was an art students who did not have pencils. Pencils always seemed to always run away from her, whether it was in her apartment or on her school desk, they always jumped to their suicides when she wasn't looking.

"-Did you hear?" She heard Hoseok say as she snapped back from her gloomy reverie.

"Could you say that again?" Suran asked sheepishly while trying to lock her apartment door.

"What were you thinking about?" Hoseok asked her light heartedly and Suran gave a genuine reply.


"What they committed suicide again?"

"Even worse." She whispered dramatically as she pressed on the button for an elevator. "Kidnapped."

"Whats the ransom?" Hoseok asked her rather seriously.

"I think they have an oath against staying in my pouch." Suran pouted at herself as she got into the elevator, noticing hooded taller man's presence in the lift.

"Or you just loose them." Hoseok popped her bubble and she blew breath rustling the lock of hair that had fallen onto her face.

"Oh please." Suran stuck her tongue out at herself, trying to fix herself before she got out paying no attention to the guy in the elevator with her. She was wearing grey sweatpants and a loose crop top that was fairly oversize and her hair in a ponytail.

"So as I was saying Yoongi-" Hoseok started on the other end and the thought of Yoongi connected her to Tony Montana and before she could stop herself from doing so, she yelled in realization and accusation into the phone so loudly that the taller man beside her flinched too.


Realizing her error she quickly bowed in apology saying sorry in english and to her surprise the man bowed back nodding in acknowledgment.

"What about him?" Hoseok asked softly almost as if mocking her and Suran's eyes narrowed.

"Park Jimin." She seethed noticing how the man flinched almost involuntary again, how his face was also covered by a mask, making his face not visible. "That bastard."

Torpidity.(A Sope fanfic) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now