Chapt 55

269 36 5



When Yoongi said 'my sister's boyfriend' or Kim Seokjin, he hadn't expected this.

As he saw an older looking man, sipping his drink nervously in the coffee shop they had just entered, Hoseok felt his mind go blank.

His beauty.

The man had the most beautiful sculpted face complete with piercing eyes and soft plump lips and wide shoulders. Really wide shoulders.

Hoseok suddenly had the thought that if Taehyung had been named the world's most handsomest man, then this man, could give tae a run for his money.

Without even trying.

And by the looks of it, Kim Seokjin himself knew it too, it showed in the way he held himself. Ignoring the admiring and awed gazes of other people, shoulders back, wide and confident, face emotionless.

Those piercing eyes combed through the shop and suddenly snagged on Yoongi's form and he felt Yoongi's finger tighten their grip on his hand and Hoseok squeezed right back.

The man's beauty was so intimidating and unnerving that Hoseok didn't realize what he was doing until he heard Yoongi's light laugh weaving through the air, mixing with the light clatter of disturbed utensils.

Hoseok's arms were possessively around Yoongi's waist as the elder was pulled up right beside the taller.

"Let go." Yoongi gently asked.

Yoongi looked up at him with twinkling espresso eyes and Hoseok couldn't bring himself to let go. So he didn't.

He walked with Yoongi, hands still on his waist and Yoongi giving in with a little happy sigh.

"Hi I'm Kim Seokjin." The man introduced himself to Hoseok, bowing as they reached the table.

"Jung Hoseok." Hoseok bowed back and took a seat opposite Seokjin pulling Yoongi with him.

"You are Yoongi-ah's...?" Seokjin asked carefully as if approaching a tentative topic.

"Boyfriend." Hoseok supplied and Seokjin nodded silence falling upon them.

"Want to order anything? Its one me." Seokjin smiled kindly.

"Caramel Machiatto." Hoseok said.

Hoseok waited for Yoongi to make a response but when silence followed, he looked over at the elder to find his lower lip trembling as his head hung down.

Hoseok's panicked gaze was met by Seokjin's unusually calm ones.

"It was what she liked." Seokjin as if that was supposed to explain everything but just made Hoseok feel even more lost.

"Oh you didn't tell him?" Seojin asked worriedly and Yoongi shook his head and Hoseok could feel the elder visibly clamping up.

"Was about to." Yoongi admits murmuring and Jin takes amoment before nodding.

There's enough heartbeats and breaths taken before Yoongi looks up, that Hoseok does a thorough once over of Seokjin.

When Yoongi lifts up his head, Hoseok doesn't hesitate to divert his entire attention to him.

"I'm going for military enlistment tommorow." Jin suddenly admits before Yoongi can speak up and Yoongi freezes, mouth going slack.

"Is that why you insisted that I come here?"

Another nod.

Another beat of silence.

"Seokjin hyu-" Yoongi starts, his voice trembling but is swiftly cut off of by Seokjin.

"It was not your fault." He states firmly.

"I saw her get hit before my eyes." The man adds and Yoongi flinches back so hard, that Hoseok has to immideatly keep himself at growling at the older man as he holds a comforting hand around Yoongi's waist.

"S-stop." Yoongi weakly murmurs out.

"No. This is hard for me too." Seokjin's eyes are fierce and veiled with sorrow but its nothing compared to Yoongi's eyes that hold a million memories and shared laughter that cant be brought back.

"She was my sister." Yoongi sniffles, finally letting go of his tears. "And I fought with her."

"She was my girlfriend." Seokjin's elegant hand clench on the table. "You know how much I loved her Yoongi-ah."

Yoongi nods frantically and a beat of silence follows as the waitress keeps their drinks on the table and the terse silences follows.

"It was my fault." Yoongi's head is once again down unable to look the other man's eyes.

"It wasn't." The mere statement is said in a way that doesn't defend that it's a truth or a lie. Like one would state a fact. That in itself is so comforting that Yoongi breaks down.

"M-My f-father-" Yoongi sobs and Seokjin looks so angry that Hoseok throws him an angry glare not caring about the fact that hes older and Seokjin looks away huffing.

"Your father is a piece of shit." Seokjins says seethingly and Hoseok is surprised when he sees Yoongi nodding without hesistaion.

"But h-he knew w-what was g-goo-" Yoongi is now sobbing incorehently and Jins slams a hand down on the table loudly enough to startle the tables next to them.

"You are a piece of shit if you think that."

"Jin Hyung." The term itself is a plea and Jin leans back closing his eyes.

"She was happy Yoongi-ah." Jin admits and Yoongi's heads shoots up, "Kyunsoo was happy that day, she knew that you would come around and would apologize. She was just waiting for it."

Yoongi begins to sob harder into his hands.

"K-kyunsoo. She was H-happy." Yoongi chants under his breath trying to comfort himself and Hoseok immidealty wraps his hand around the sobbing man in an embrace. Seokjin watches keenly as Yoongi sobs into Hoseok's shoulder.

"You have him. I'm glad." Seokjin says softly and Hoseok startles at suddenly ebing addressed.

"I'm glad too." Yoongi confesses as he finally calms down.

"Can we go to a private place to talk this out?" Jin asks softly, eyeing Hoseok apologetically and Yoongi nods because he too realizes that this is something he needed to do on his own. And that having him here with seokjin as they talked might just makes him more confused.

Yoongi looked at the younger, apology gleaming in his eyes but Hoseok was already smiling gently.

"Go ahead." Hoseok said and Jin immideatly got up followed by Yoongi who was a bit hesitant.

"I'll wait for you." Hoseok says.

I love you, Yoongi wants to say but he feels like now is not the time.

So he leaves with a nod, warmth, love and gratitude leaking from his heartstrings, mingling with the aroma of coffee.


Later, when Yoongi comes back, Hoseok is at his house trying to figure out a rhythm to dance to. But all his frustrations getting in the way and he can't feel the music like he is supposed to.

The phone had rung three times before he had answered the call, breathless from all the dancing.

"I'll tell you everything." Yoongi wasn't crying or sobbing or stuttering and Hoseok let out a breathe of relief.

"I'm waiting."


Almost the end ohmygod

Torpidity.(A Sope fanfic) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now