Chapt 43

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It was a few days after the incident. Hoseok thankfully hadn't asked what the panic attack was all about and Suran had begun avoiding Yoongi, leaving for her school as quietly as she could somehow understanding the effect of her presence even if it wasn't her fault.

He had wanted to apologize, not wanting the younger girl to feel guilty but Hoseok had stopped him saying that it was okay and that she wasn't bothered by it.

Something in Yoongi had calmed down after all that had happened.

Maybe it was time, or maybe it was Hoseok. He didn't know. But he wanted to find out. What was it about the younger that made him feel like this?

Yoongi felt like he was on the edge of the cliff looking down at the deep cavern and Hoseok was his safety cord. The only thing holding him in place.

Was this normal? He didn't know.

Maybe that's why a few days later, he found himself stumbling over his words and blushing a beet red as he asked the younger out.

On a friendly date. He had amended. Failing to notice the way the younger's face fell because he was too busy staring at his own two shoes and biting his lip out of nervousness.

"Why?" Hoseok had asked, a teasing undertone to his voice that made Yoongi flush even more.

"Because I wanted to thank you for all the things you did." Yoongi made up lame excuse.

I just want to spend some time other than sleeping and crying.

"Hyung." Hoseok had started, boney fingers holding Yoongi's jaw ever so gently, making Yoongi look up at the younger.

"Its okay to cry with me. Its not like you can sleep away from me either and it's the same for me too." Hoseok said gently looking deep into Yoongi's eyes and Yoongi suddenly realized he had thought outloud. "You are by far one of the strongest person I know."

Yoongi swore his heart stopped beating.

The soft marshmellow find of warm fuzz had entered Yoongi's heart and refused to leave like a tantrum throwing kid and Yoongi wasn't complaining.

So Yoongi nodded, a soft smile grazing his lips as he just stared and stared at Hoseok, wondering if such a beautiful person could exist.

"I will come with you only one condition though." Hoseok mumbled into Yoongi's hair as he pulled the shorter into a hug. Yoongi nodded into Hoseok chest, silently willing him to go on."

"It has to be a date." Yoongi's heart stopped for real this time. Were his ears hallucinating? Was that possible?

"A gay date." Hoseok whispered, making Yoongi's heart feel like it was a jungle which had just caught on a forest fire. Yoongi tried to move away and look up at Hoseok but Hoseok held firm and just pushed the older back into his chest and Yoongi finally melted against the younger, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's waist.

Yoongi didn't reply. His mind was blank.

"B-but aren't you straight?" Yoongi asked believingly, slightly heady from Hoseok's earth and rain scent.

Hoseok went still for a few seconds and Yoongi tried to hold back a laugh. Well, tried to, since he ended up giggling into Hoseok's chest.

"A-about that. I may have lied?" Hoseok stuttered and Yoongi was laughing really hard into Hoseok's shoulder, still not letting go.

"Figured." Yoongi managed to look up at Hoseok from beneath his lashes, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Oh shut up."

"Make me." Yoongi retorted sassily, only realizing his words as Hoseok eyes suddenly grew hooded, something entirely predatoral entering them.

Hoseok licked his lips and Yoongi found himself staring at the younger's glossy lips as the latter slowly teasingly bit into it.

"Hoseok." Yoongi suddenly groaned at the intentional teasing, making the younger burst into absolutely wonderful sunshine peals of laughter.

The younger was still laughing when Yoongi finally closed the distance between them, Kissing the hell out of the laughing Hoseok, effectively managing to shut him up.

Yoongi moved his lips lazily against Hoseok's as the younger took his sweet time, coming out of shock and began kissing him back. It made Yoongi smile into the kiss.Yoongi finally pulled away for air looking at Hoseok tenderly.

Hoseok was breathless and panting.

Hot damn.

"We didn't have our first date and we already kissed?" Hoseok asked touching his lip as if chasing after the phantom of the kiss.

"There were rules?" Yoongi asked indifferently making Hoseok scoff slightly.

"The story was dragging out anyways. Something had to be done." Yoongi winked.

"So is it a yes?" Hoseok asked nervously, ignoring Yoongi's comment.

Yoongi's eyes grew in disbelief. He snorted into the air at the younger's cluelessness and confirmed with a yes pabo.

Just when he thought that Hoseok's smile couldn't get any brighter.

Yoongi's mind suddenly found his mind going blank suddenly as he was pulled into a warm embrace, muscled arms going around his waist and a hair covered fore head , resting against his own.

"Kiss me ." Hoseok said softly, closing his eyes as if he was embarrassed.

Yoongi grinned and obliged happily.



I was not supposed to update today, for some reason but it just happened LOL. so surprise? Whose shook rn btw?

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