T'Challa - All The Time

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T'Challa was definitely the most put together person she'd ever met, of course he had to be as a king. Though, sometimes she couldn't stand how calm he was. Whenever they fought she wanted him to yell and throw things and be as angry as her but he only spoke with a calming voice and listened to everything she screamed at him.

He made her feel like a fool when they fought.

This was putting stress on their relationship as they had been fighting more often then usual. T'Challas previous relationship had lasted over two years when she left him suddenly with no explanation. No goodbye or anything, she just upped and left leaving only a note. A note that said, 'I've led you on for too long.', and nothing else. (Y/n) wasn't stupid. She knew he was still in love with that woman, and not with her.


"Why are you angry at me? I have done nothing wrong and yet you find any reason you can to fight with me." T'Challa asked with furrowed brows as (Y/n) had just snapped at him at dinner.

"Because I'm trying so hard!" Tears began to fall from her eyes. T'Challa reached over and began to wipe them away.

"Trying for what?" He asked with concern. (Y/n)s face fell into her hands and her shoulders shook.

"To make you love me!" Her voice was exasperated. The room fell into silence and all you could hear were her sobs, but she was quick to change that. "I do so many things to show you how I care for you and love you but your mind always goes back to her! It was four years ago for crying out loud!"

"I'm sorry." He hesitated to say.

"Sorry? We've been together a year and you still haven't been able to tell me you love me!" She cried. "Its going to take more than sorry." She stood from the table and stormed to their bedroom. Her evening dress flowing behind her. T'Challa was quick to get up and follow her.

"I haven't been able to say I love you but I do care about you." He tried to explain as she kicked her shoes across the room. She ignored his words as she began to take off her jewelry and then make-up. He then accepted the fact that he would be getting silent treatment for the rest of the night.

He went to the bathroom to shower and change into pajamas before heading back into the bedroom to see (Y/n) laying in bed with a book. He crawled into the bed next to her and pulled out his laptop. All that could be heard was the clicking of his keyboard and the sounds of her turning the page, any other night this would be calming for the two of them but not tonight. No, not tonight.

After a moment, she spoke, "Do you miss her?" Her voice scarcely a whisper.

And in three words he broke her heart, "All the time."

(Y/n) felt her chest tighten and her eyes burned as she held back the tears. In the beginning he thought he could learn to love (Y/n) the way he had loved the woman from his past, but he now sees what a mistake he has made, breaking the innocent girls heart. She tried to focus on the words on the page in front of her but her vision became a blur as she had failed to hold back the tears once more.

He preferred it when she was angry. When she was screaming and yelling and knocking things over. He knew he could fix that. He knew he could earn forgiveness. But now, as she sat silently in their bed with tears falling from her eyes and hands shaking so much she could barely turn the pages of her book, he knew he had lost her. She would no longer stay to keep him company while he did paper work for his kingdom. She wouldn't be there warming his bed as he came in from another late night. She wouldn't be there to heal his wounds after a night of being the Black Panther. As these thoughts came to his mind he realized his greatest mistake, he had loved her but he was too blind to see it.

She pulled the blankets off her legs and pulled herself out of the bed. She was leaving and he knew it. She was leaving and there was nothing he could do to stop her. She slowly began to get all of her clothes and fold them neatly into a suitcase, going slowly incase he might try to convince her to stay, as that is what she desperately wanted.

He never did though. He watched and ignored the clenching in his chest as she bid him a simple farewell.

"I'm going to head to my brothers. If you find any thing of mine please send it." She politely requested for him.

"Of course." He agreed as she opened the door and tugged on her multiple suitcases.

He never found anything left if hers, but he did send her a copy of the books from his library that she wanted to read but never got the chance to. He sent a copy of her favorite as well, with a note written in the cover.

My darling,

     I do believe that I made a mistake in letting you leave without a fight. I now wish that I had begged of you to stay, but I understand why you had to go. It seems that all that time I had indeed been in love with you.

    I hope that one day I may have the honor of getting another chance with you.

                  Sincerely, yours.

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