Thor - My Mind

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Thor walked with Director Fury through the halls of a hospital, they were on the very top floor. He had heard this is where they kept the mentally sick. The Black Widow had been compromised during a mission and somehow kidnapped. Apparently there was only one person that could help and that's who they were here to get.

"Thor, I have to warn you. This girl is messed up in the head. You've got to keep her under control." Director Fury told him in a stern tone. He could tell how serious this was.

"Yes sir." Thor nodded.

"Oh, and Thor," Fury stopped as he grabbed the door handle. "If you don't get to Agent Romanoff in time she will end up just like this girl." For some reason this sent chills down his spine. He nodded in understanding and Fury opened the door.

They walked into the room to find a girl in a glass cell. She layed on the ground, a straight jacket was restricting her arms. She seemed to be singing a song that couldn't be understood and her eyes were closed.

"Look, who finally decided to visit?" She asked without opening her eyes. "You're a few years too late, Director."

"(Y/n), we need your help." Fury spoke. Thor watched the girl curiously as her eyes snapped open and went directly to his.

"Oh, you brought a friend." A strange smile stretched across her face as she stood and made her way towards the pair. "He looks like fun."

"Agent Romanoff has been taken and we need your help in retrieving her." Fury ignored her words.

"Nats a big girl. She can take care of herself." (Y/n) told him as she continued to stare at Thor. "This one of your new heros?" She asked as her tongue moved across her lips.

"This is Thor, he'll be your partner. It's the same people that had you." She seemed to freeze upon hearing this information. Finally she made eye contact with the Director, her face now serious. "You're the only one who knows how they work."

"I'll do it, but I don't wanna be shoved in this cell as soon as I get back." Fury seemed unsure about it but finally he nodded in agreement.

"I'll wait for you in the lobby," Thor spoke with a small smile on his face. "I'm looking forward to working with you."

"Hmm, we'll have to see about that." She chuckled as the nurses began to remove the straight jacket.

As he waited for her in the lobby a doctor came up to him with a case.

"She doesn't sleep, but whenever you think she needs to or if you just need to use them, give her a shot of this. It'll knock her out in a minute." He informed him before walking away swiftly.

"Fury, what exactly happened to this girl?" Thor asked, shocked that she would refuse sleep. What could be so bad that she wouldn't sleep?

"Things even I couldn't handle. Honestly, she should be dead. She lost everything because of it. Her family, friends, and even fiancé. It really screwed her up." Fury explained. Before Thor could respond she came out in her SHIELD uniform ready to go.


Thor watched as (Y/n) seemed to talk to herself, she even laughed at some of her own jokes. He went to speak to her but saw her foot swinging up to hit him in the face. He stared at her in shock as her strange smile made another appearance.

"Sorry. Not used to people coming up behind me." She smirked as he slowly released her foot.

"I was just coming over to talk. Thought we could get to know each other."  A giggle escaped her lips as she sat down. She pat the seat beside her for him to sit. He slowly walked over and sat.

"I'll start, why didn't Barton come? He's her bestie." She asked with an eyebrow raised.

"He's on a separate mission." Thor responded. "Do you talk to yourself often?" He sounded unsure, not knowing if the question is considered rude to mortals. She laughed again but this one sounded genuine and a little less crazy.

"Yes, but sometimes I see other people." She whispered in his ear and felt her teeth slightly graze it.

"What do you mean?" He stared at her, unsure of what she was saying.

"Sometimes I see people that no one else can see." She explained with a crazy look in her eye, glancing into the empty corner behind him.

"And this is because your mind is different?" He was terrified of offending her but he also wanted to know how she worked.

"Ha! What mind?" She laughed once more, but this time it was sad. It was something he didn't expect. "Out of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."

Before he could respond is was announced that they were about to land.

"So, when we get there you're going to make a huge distraction outside the compound while I go in and deal with the leader and get Romanoff out." She announced as she started to place her weapons in her suit.

"But Fury said to leave the leader alone and just get Natasha." He said as he looked her with wide eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll get her first. Then I'll go back in and y'all will leave."

Right as Thor was about to argue the doors opened and she had set off. Their plan was in action.

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