Chapter 1 ❥ Hi, i'm Demi.

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This story is not based on the truth.


The bell rings, time for History. I hate History so much, why do we have to learn about what happend 1000 years ago?! I sigh and pick up my bag. While walking to the classroom I see that Ashley is standing in de doorway, great. I'm not even close to the door of it already started. 'Hey! Hey Amy! Come over here!' I actually hoped I could wait in the toilet till Miss de la Graza was here, but Ashley already spotted me... I hold my breath and slowly walk upto the doorway. 'What' I say softly. 'Have somebody ever told you how beautiful you are?' she chuckles. 'I don't think so because you're so ugly it hurts my eyes'
Everybody laughs. I can feel the tears behind my eyes. Don't cry, don't cry I say to myself. I feel the tears burning behind my eyes. I'm about to cry when I see Miss de la Graza, finally... The lesson starts and I sit at my usual table, at the end of the classroom, alone... I'm used to it now...

The day went by and was the same as every other single day. Ashley says mean things to me, I sit alone in every lesson and in the breaks, yup it's always the same... Every fucking day is the same, I'm so tired of being alone, I'm so tired of being unwanted. I want to end it all. But I can't, wait. Why can't I? The bell rings and I fear from my thoughts. Sigh. After school I walk home, crying.

That evening

'Amy, time for dinner!' 'I'm coming!' I close my book and throw it on my bed. When I come downstairs I see that my mom hasn't cooked, we eat pizza... Crap. While eating I realize my mom is at home the whole evening... How can i throw up while she's downstairs?! I'm in a little panic but I make a whole plan in my head. I can throw up while showering, she won't hear that. 'Aren't you hungry?' my mom ask when she sees I stop eating. I hate it when she acts like "she cares about me". 'I'm not feeling very well, I'm gonna take a shower okay?' 'Okay sweetheart' "sweetheart" jesus, since when does she call me that? I bring my pizza to the kitchen and drink 1,5 glass water, than I go to the bathroom... After 20 minutes I'm done 'showering', I drink a glass of water and get dressed. My stomach hurts, like everyday... I go to my bedroom and I turn on music. After 20 minutes I fall asleep..

The next morning I wake up with the sound of my alarm. School again. I look arround my room, I see my blades... I think of my body, Ashley, school, my dad... I start crying and I stand up and walk to my blades... I sit down holding the metal, I let the blade touch my skin. It hurts, but I deserve it. Cut deeper. I do what the voices are telling me. After 10 minutes and like 8 fresh cuts I dry up my tears and get some bandaids.I get dressed and walk downstairs, my mom is already gone so I am home alone. I grab a glass and fill it with water, this will be the only I will eat today. Good, if you only drink water you won't get any fatter than you are now. I start tearing again, this time I blink them away. I look at my phone 8:20AM already, oops. I don't make me in a hurry because no one will miss me at school.

When I walk into school I was right, I just walk in the 3th class like I've been here all morning. No one say something to me, only Ashley but she just says the usual things... Today is different than others, while lunchbreak (that I spend in the libary) I see a new girl walking with Miss de la Graza. Thats my mentor... We have her after lunch, so I'll find out soon. I walk to the classroom. When I walk in I see a beautiful girl talking to Miss de la Graza. I hear her voice. 'I'm a bit nervous, I know nobody here.' I see that she blushes when she notices I was looking at her. I turn my head and walk to my table, the rest of the class walks in and they are surprised by seeing a girl next to our teacher. When everybody's in she closes the door and start talking. 'So, as you guys can see we have a new girl in our class, she is gonna introduce herself now.' She looks at her and gestures that she can talk now. 'Erm, yeah, well, I am Demi and I moved her yesterday.' She looks at me but than goeson. 'I am 16 and I have 1 older sister, I love to sing and I'm bi.' Some people are shocked by her last word, others chuckles. I look at her, she is so damn beautiful. Her smile lights up the whole room.. 'Choose a sit so we can start with History now' Miss de la Graza turns arround and write something down on the board. I grab my book and start reading, than I see a shadow falling over my text, I look up, it's her!

Hi, i'm Demi. ( a demi lovato fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now