Chapter 18 ❥ Problems.

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'Thanks I can stay here, it means a lot' 'No problem' I get myself inside and look arround, 'You live here?!' She blushs, 'Yeah' 'So, your career is doing great?' 'Yeah, it started after you left... well actually you already left but when we- you broke up' 'But how?' 'Well, I joined the voice and someone noticed me, I got a call a few weeks after ya know... and I said yes to it. Now my first album is done and I have a tour coming up' We sit down on her couch and we continue our conversation. 'Your album is done?' 'Yeah' She smiles and nod proud. 'Can I hear something?' 'Erm yeah, but before that I have to tell you that I used your lyrics in one of my songs...' She blushs. 'What? really?' 'Yeah, it's inspired on.. you...' I don't know what to say, we just sit there... 'erm, sing something please?' She sing a song named 'give your heart a break' and I really love it! 'I LOVE IT OMG!' She smiles and sit down again, 'thanks Am'.


Amy called me and she asked if she could stay here tonight, I said yes. We talk and I sing for her, when I look at her face my heart jumps. She is so damn beautiful, I just want to kiss her and- 'Demi?' 'Heh what?' I fear from my thoughts and look at her face, she looks at me with her beautiful eyes. 'What did you ask?' 'Where the bathroom is?' She laughs. 'Oh, walk with me.' 'Here it is' Her jaw drops, 'Wowww' 'Make it your own'

'What do you wanna eat?' 'Do you have pizza or something?' I nod. 'Okay' 'Wanna watch Harry Potter while eating?' I freeze, the memories... 'Y-yeah' She gets the dvd out of her bag, we eat and watch the movie in silence. When I finished my pizza I stand up to get a chewinggum because, yeah. 'Can I have one too?' Her cheeks turn red. I give one to her and we look in eachother eyes. I lean into her, my lips are getting closer and closer to hers. Am I gonna do this? Does she even want this? 'D-Demi' 'Yeah?' 'I love you' Her lips touch mine and we kiss, I missed this so much. Her soft lips, her hands arround my waist, her hair falling on my face, her tongue touching mine. 'Demi?! Are you still here? Hellooo' I fear, shit, it was a daydream. 'Yeah, I am here' 'What were ya daydreaming about?' She raises her eyebrow. 'Nothing' She sits closer to me, 'I know you were daydreaming, you can tell me' 'Well, I don't think you agree with my fantasy' 'Maybe I dooo' She comes closer, 'Just tell mehh' 'I can't tell, it's something I have to do' We look at eachother lips and she is coming closer any second, I can feel her heat. 'Do it' she whispers. Her lips touches mine, it's better than in my daydreams. Her tongue still taste the same, 'I will never let you go again' I say between the kisses. She mumble and I feel her hand going down. She lets go. 'We still have to do something.' 'What?' 'The thing I couldn't do a few years ago' 'Erm, are you sure? Because, I mean, things changed and I-' 'I am sure' 'Okay' We go upstairs and I get undressed, so does she. She lays down on top off me and she takes over. I wish we did this that night... After an hour she falls asleep in my arms.


Last night was amazing, I mean sex with Nick is good but this is so much better. Also the sleep part is better by Demi. Her phone rings, I look at the called ID it shows up: Wilmer. Who's Wilmer? 'Demi, Demi babe wake up. Your phone is ringing' 'Just let it' she mumble and pull me closer, awh she's so cute when she's asleep. 'Are you sure? It's Wilmer' her eyes widen and she takes the phone, that was fast. She walks aways so I can't hear the conversation... I get out of bed and pull on some clothes. I go back to bed and go on twitter. I wonder who Wilmer is, she was so quick when I said his name. It takes Demi 30 minutes and she looks kinda irritated when she comes back. 'Who's Wilmer babe?' 'Nobody.' 'Okay, you don't have to get mad at me because I asked something.' She sighs, 'sorry love' she kisses me and I totally forget about the phone call. 'I have an interview today but you can stay at home if you want to.' I nod. 'Okay, I'm gonna take a shower now' 'Okay' I kiss her and go back to sleep. When I wake up Demi isn't there anymore, there is a little note on her pillow.

"babe, I have that interview, I didn't want to wake up. love ya xoxoxo"

I smile, she is so sweet. I hope her interview goes great. I get out of bed, this time for real and get myself breakfast. Her house is so big! While sitting at the table I get flashbacks to the days with Nick, the day I called Demi and the way I got kidnapped... I hate those flasbacks. Now I am doubting again because I am with Demi now, right? I just broke up and I have to get my stu- fuck! I look at the time, I have to get my stuff by Nick's house! Did I just called it Nick's house? It's my fucking house too, ugh nevermind. I jump in the car and drive to Nic- my house, he isn't home. I get all my stuff and I want to leave, then I realize what I just did. The past few years have been a mess, I've been with someone I didn't even loved and I made a big mistake for breaking up with Demi. Now I have the chance to get her back and I'm feeling like I don't even want to get her back, I'm gonna screw up anyway. Before I start crying I get in the car and drive back to Demi's.

'Baby I'm home! I see you've already got you stuff!' I hear her footsteps coming closer. 'Baby, what's wrong?! Why are you laying in bed like that?!' I lay in bed, rolled up like a snail in his house and my eyes are red and puffy. 'Why did you cry? Come here' she gets me up and hugs me. I start crying harder again, 'It's going to be okay, calm down love' I try to take over her breathing but I failed it, my breathing is getting worse and I can't even talk. 'D-D-Demi' 'Don't talk you're gonna pass out calm down' 'I-I'm s-s-so sor-sorry' 'You don't have to say that, you didn't do anything wrong' 'But I-I-I lied to-to you' 'About what?' 'My-my lov-love for' Then everything turns into black and I can't hear anything.

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