Chapter 8 ❥ I'm sorry.

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Dear Demi,

The past 3 years have been a fight, a fight to myself.
It all begun when my mom and dad divorced, my mom became a horrible person. It was all about money and she didn't even care about me anymore. Once in a discussion she called me fat and she wished me dead. So, I started eat less. We also moved to another city (this city) and I got bullied here, though I still get.
So I started to eat healty and less, but I didn't loose any weight. I started running and weighted myself every sunday and thuesday. I lost 2 kilo's in 4 weeks, I had to loose more. I skipped meals, run more and weighted myself everyday. I lost more but I still didn't think it was enough, I didn't know what I did wrong... I started cutting, I had to show the hate for myself on my body...
After a few months I lost only 6 kilo's, it wasn't enough for me. I started purging. It helped, I lost 3 kilo's in 1,5 week. I stopped eating and started fasting. I ate like 3 crackers in a whole week.
At the same time my mom started hitting me, we had fightes all the time. I had bruises and nobody ever noticed, the bullies just continue with what they were doing and so did my mom. She was gone most of the time on a trip for 'work' she always said. I didn't even care. Sometimes she acts like she cares and then she calles me sweetheart and give me candies. Like I'll ever eat them.
She never noticed I lost so many kilo's, I just wear oversized sweaters...
So in the past 2 years I've cut everyday. I purged twice a week and weighed myself everyday... I lost 46 kilo's and my weight dropped down to a unhealty weight and I know that I can blackout again but than forever. I was planning to let that happen the next time my mom was gone. (This week) But you came... I fell in love with you. I ate more and I drunk cola with you. I ate pizza and chips, all because off you. I gained 1 kilo... I am 3 days clean today and I am proud of that. Demi, it's all because of you, you made me see I am beautiful and not worth the scars. I want to recover, it will take a long time... But I know I can do this.
When you read this letter I am gone, not forever but for I think 6 months. I'm going to a treatment. I can't tell you where, I'll write you if I get the chance.
Can you please give my mom the letter that's in the box under my bed, my blades are also in that box... I'll throw them away when I'm back. My mom will be back sunday, she text me. Just wait for her in the house okay? The key is under the plant on your right hand.
I am so sorry for leaving you with only this letter... I couldn't tell you what I feel in real life because you told me your story and I didn't want you to worry about me. I'm going to get help now... I'm so sorry for leaving you this way...
I realized I deserve it to be happy, all because of you. I know this battle will be hard, but I have you in my mind so i won't give up.
I also hope my scars will faded away when I'm back but I don't think so... I understand if you hate me now, but I'm doing this because I love you.
I hope you understand me and that you can be proud of me... And about school, I'm gonna quit it. I can't take school anylonger and that one year...
Demi, I love you so so much and thank you for saving my life.

A lot of love, Amy

I set a lipstick kiss next to my name and get some tape. I've already packed my bags so I can leave now. Did I forgot something... erm. No, okay, I open the door and stick the note on the front door. 'I'm so sorry, I love you' I whisper to the note and I leave....

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