New family member

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I checked the clock on the wall for the hundredth time that period. Jacob grinned at me from his seat. Id started class a few months ago in August. Now it was mid December and a light snow was falling outside. So far I was getting along fine with my studies and my classmates. The first week Jacob helped, showing me around and helping me get to my classes on time.

School wasn't bad but today I was anxious for my history class to end. A beautiful white mare had suddenly appeared a few months ago and we'd confirmed she was pregnant. We'd named her Sandy. The way she'd come and sought Spirit out, it was evident that he was the sire. I was glad Spirit finally had a partner.

I was beyond thrilled when Tom had told me she'd be giving birth any one of these days now. It was hard bringing her into the stables, but as nervous as she was she followed Spirit everywhere. Rob and Tom had been caring for her these past few weeks. But today at lunch I'd gotten a message that Sandy had given finally birth to a healthy baby foal, a girl.

Jacob and I were anxious to leave. I wondered if Spirit would be thrilled that he had a daughter?
I tapped my pencil on the desk impatiently trying to concentrate on the lesson but I couldn't. I looked outside at the tiny snowflake flurries that were falling.
All I could picture was the newborn foal.
Jacob turned grinned at me from his seat again, indicating that five seconds were left. I smiled back.

Finally the bell rang and Jacob and I grabbed our bags and bolted out the door ignoring the teacher who called out to us.
The students were filing out but we were already out the main door, headed for Jacob's

I hopped into the front seat while Jacob started the car. I tapped the dashboard impatiently . "Come on, come on." Jacob laughed. "Calm down." 

I playfully stuck my tongue out at him as he backed the car out of the slippery parking lot.
The whole ride back we discussed Spirit's foal, thinking of names and what she might look like. Every time we stopped at a traffic light I tapped my leg impatiently. I wanted to see foal, and I wanted to see how Sandy was doing.

Finally after an eternity we arrived back at our ranch. The snow was starting to fall at a faster pace here. The ground was already covered in it. Jacob parked his truck outside the gate. I grabbed my backpack and threw it onto the porch before slipping and sliding towards the barn.

I stopped when I saw Spirit in the pasture. He was covered in a think blanket and had leg warmers on. Tom was beside him. He waved. "Hey Kate, Jacob."
Spirit nickered softly when he saw me. His breath came out in puffs of cold air. I walked up to him and rubbed his muzzle with my gloved hand. "Are you anxious to see your daughter?"

Spirit pawed the snow as he looked towards the barn. He certainly looked anxious. I turned to Tom. "Can we go inside?" He nodded. I gave Spirit a last pat before walking towards the barn with Jacob behind me.

Inside the barn was warmer and Alison and Rob were in the stall besides Spirit's. Sandy turned her beautiful head towards us, her ears pricked. Rob turned towards us and smiled. "Come meet our new family member."

Alison and Robert walked out of the stall. Jacob and I entered. Standing on wobbly legs behind Sandy was the most beautifulest baby foal I had ever seen. Her coat was pure white, whiter than her mother's, her legs were long and her neck slender. She had no trace of Spirit in her expect for the same wild brown eyes.

I held my breath. She was so beautiful. "Wow," muttered Jacob from behind me.
The baby foal looked over at us shyly, her nostrils quivering. Sandy gently nudged her.

The baby foal walked towards Sandy and begun nursing. Sandy bent down and begun to eat some hay, while watching us out of the corner of her eyes.
Jacob turned to me. "What are you gonna call her?" Before I could respond, Tom entered leading Spirit by a halter. His jet black mane was covered in snowflakes. "He won't stay put. I thought I'd bring him in and show him his daughter," called Tom.

Robert ran a hand through his hair. He looked at Sandy and the foal. "I guess you could Tom but not too close." "Spirit won't hurt her," I said as I took the halter from Tom and led him to the stall.

Spirit tossed his head as his eyes landed on his daughter. Sandy's ears were flat against her head, her teeth bared. She was warning Spirit.

I ran my hand over Spirit's coat. "Shhh easy boy." Slowly I led him in. The foal curiously looked at Spirit from behind her mothers legs. Spirit stood looking down at her.
Then, ever so gently he leaned down and rubbed his muzzle against her tiny forehead. The foal closed her eyes and nuzzled Spirit's side.
Realizing that Spirit wasn't going to hurt their foal, Sandy relaxed. She watched Spirit acquaint himself with their daughter.

My heart swelled with happiness. They were such a beautiful and happy family. Spirit turned to me. I reached my hand out and gently rubbed the foal's muzzle. She curiously sniffed my hand.

"He's going to be a great father," said Jacob. "He sure is," said Alison. I watched the family for a few more minutes before slowly walking out of the stall. Turning to the others, I said, "I know what we should call her."

This is the first chapter introducing Spirit and Sandy's foal. Her name is revealed in the next chapter. Plz vote and comment if u liked this chapter, it motivates me to write😊The next chapters will be published every Friday

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