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The flight to London was long, At least 9 hours and 44 minutes. I had decided to occupy myself by reading the book I'd brought.

Robert read address Ned had given us of the Cassabelle Academy. It was in the countryside and at least 30-40 minutes away from that college I'd applied to. Robert looked out the window. "Kate you shouldn't have come. You should have stayed home with Alison."

I put my book and glared at my father. "Me wait home with Alison?" I snorted. "You have got to be joking." Robert raised his eyebrows. "Besides Spirit is my horse. I need to be there. I need to be the one to get him back. I can't lose him dad."

Robert sighed. "I know Kate. I just want you to consider all the outcomes. The money we have might not be enough to buy him back." I had considered this, but that lady had no business owning a stolen horse. "She can't keep him dad. Spirit is my horse. Nothing will change that."

Robert sighed. "Just don't be disappointed."
He pulled out all the other papers Ned had given us, including Ren's confession and a statement saying that all stolen horses were to be returned to their rightful owners.

What worried me the most was the fact that I had no official papers stating that Spirit was mine. I'd for a awhile now but we'd never gotten around to registering him. Would that woman really give Spirit back to me if she didn't see the papers stating that he belonged to me?

For the rest of flight I decided to get sleep. The moment we landed in London I intended to immediately drive to the countryside.

Hours later I felt Robert shaking my shoulder. "Kate wake up we're here." I looked out the window as the plane finally descended.
I tapped my foot impatiently as the plane finally came to a stop and the seat belt sigh was turned off.

Robert and I grabbed our duffel bags and stood up as the doors opened. In my haste to get out I accidentally knocked over a man. He fell back into his seat with a yell. "I'm sorry!" I cried as I ran out of the plane. Robert running to catch up with me.

"Kate slow down!" He grabbed myself arm and pulled me to a stop. "We have to go through passport control." "I know dad. It's just I'm afraid that if we don't get there now Spirit will disappear again."

Even now it didn't feel real to me. I felt like he was going to be sold again the moment we walked inside the academy. It was just a silly fear but I couldn't help but feel as though Spirit was slipping through my fingers. Robert guided us towards the passport control.

We waited in the line and i kept checking my watch impatiently. Thankfully after we cleared the passport control we headed straight for the exit. We didn't have to pick up any luggage, the only luggage we had were out duffle bags.

Once outside I quickly flagged down a taxi. Robert gave the driver the address and the man nodded. We hoped in the backseat and my excitement returned. We were finally on our way to the Cassabelle Academy.

-Kate & her father are on their way or the academy. Do you think they'll bring Spirit back? Picture of London above is from google. If you've enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment.

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