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The trees in the woods swayed to a gentle breeze. The rustling of the leaves and hoot of an owl nearby were the only sounds heard.
The light of the moon was lost among the canopy of trees as two men dressed in complete black, silently made their way among the broken branches and tree roots.

It was pitch black as one of the men struggled to find his footing. The one in front however, didn't seem bothered by the darkness. He strode through the woods easily, his boots barley making a sound.

"Hey there partner slow down there I can't see! Everything is so dark." The man in the back, Ed called out.
The man in the front turned around and snarled, "be quiet we're almost there." Illuminated by the light of the moon a thick scar ran down the side of his cheek all the way down to his neck hidden beneath the collar of his shirt.

There was silence again as both men made their way through the woods. The light of the moon shone weakly through a few branch of trees as the two men continued their trek through the dark woods.

Occasionally an animal would dash out of the bushes making Ed jump in surprise. The one with the scar wasn't bothered by the small critters. He ignored them and continued to walk towards the edge of the woods.

Once or twice he saw the bright yellow eyes watching them through the woods and he knew they belonged to a predator. The predator hadn't attacked yet so he wasn't worried. It was mostly likely curious. The man with the scar turned and beckoned Ed over.

Ed hurried over and the man with the scar pointed. Through the thicket of trees in the distance lights glimmered. After a few more minutes the two men emerged from the woods and stood over a hill looking down at a few farms. Further away the highway stretched towards the town.

Ed saw the dangerous gleam in his partners eyes and he knew what he was thinking. "Ren come on not now. The sheriff could be on our trail right now!"
Ren turned to Ed. "If you're such a chicken then stay watch. I'll only be a few minutes. We need those horses and we need the money!"

Not making a single sound, Ren turned and slowly made his way down to the farm. Ed reluctantly followed. Once at the farm gate Ren paused listening for any sign of dogs. There was only the nicker of a few horses nearby.

If this farm had dogs they would have heard them by now. Grinning like a maniac Ren pulled out his gun. Just as he made his way towards the door Ed grabbed his arm. "What?" Growled Ren.
"Look over there on that mail box." Ed led to mail box. Ren found himself looking at his own wanted poster.
Ed's wanted poster was right beside his.

Ren grinned. "Well things just got interesting." And ignoring Ed he silently made his way across the yard. Pausing on the threshold Ren made sure he had his dagger strapped to his waist before entering the home of those farmers.

This picture above is from google. This chapter doesn't have Kate, Spirit or phantom in it. This chapter was just introducing these new characters. The next chapter will be published next week Friday.

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