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Finally after 2 weeks of I was finally a step closer to Spirit. Tonight I was going to find to find out where they'd taken him, who they'd sold him too.
I ran out of the pasture. Robert was on the phone. He looked up when I stopped beside him. "Sure we'll be there first thing tomorrow." He ended the call.

"No not tomorrow. We're going now," I said as turned I walked towards the truck. "Kate'a it's almost 10 pm! You're not going anywhere," said Robert. "Fine. Don't come with me. But I'm going anyway."

I heard Robert say, "damn," a second later he strode towards me. He yanked open the door and started the car. I hopped in the passenger seat and put on my seat belt.

The drive to police station was in complete silence. I could feel tension in Robert as he parked outside. If he expected me to apologize I wasn't going to. He should be the one to apologizing to me, but right now I had more important things on my mind.

I particularly hurled myself out the car and dashed up the steps to the station. I heard Robert call out my name but I walked straight to the front desk. The man at the desk looked up. He raised his eyebrows as I tried to catch my breath.

Before I could ask where those horse thieves were locked up I heard Robert say, "Hello Ned. You asked us to come down to the station?" I whirled around. Ned looked extremely annoyed to see both us standing there.

He ran a hand through his blonde hair. "Mr. Harrison I asked you to come down tomorrow morning." Robert shrugged. "Kate couldn't wait." Ned turned to me. "Ah I see. Well then follow me."

He led us through a door past the front desk and down a long corridor. He turned left opened a door. The plaque beside the door read: Interrogation room. A couple of chairs and a table were the only furniture as Ned asked us to sit.

In front of us was long rectangular glass that separated us and the thieves, one whom I recognized as Renigan. The man was dressed in all black, the scar stood vivid against his cheek, his blue eyes shining with amusement as he surveyed the cop who was interrogated him. A recorder sat between them

Ned pushed a button and suddenly could we could hear every word. "I understand you've stolen a lot horses and money heck you've even killed people. Before we get to that there's Ranger here who'd like to know what you did with a certain black mustang," said the cop.

Ren looked up. "What mustang? I've stolen a lot of horses. You gotta be more specific." I cleaned my fists. This guy was clearly lying.
Ned stood motionless watching, as the cop pulled out a picture of Spirit, the one I'd sent then two weeks ago.

Ren grinned. "Ah that beauty. That horse gave me hell but he was worth the money in the end." My breath hitched. I was so close to finding out where Spirit was. I sat on the edge of my hair, fingers clenched as I waited with anticipation.

The cop looked back at the glass mirror as if he could see us there. Ren laughed. "Is that girlie there?" He waved as though he could see us.
The cop looked back at him. "Tell me how you found this horse."

Ren ran a hand through his black hair. "It wasn't easy. I saw that horses picture on the newspaper. The girl and her horse had just won some competition and one look I knew that horse valuable. Any idiot could tell that the girl's horse was a purebred mustang. So I followed them for days. Learning where they slept, ate and who her friends were. One of men got pretty close to that mustang one night
It was right after the party at some rich girls house but the horse sensed him and went crazy that's when the girl came out."

I realized what day he was talking about. It was the same day our team had won the competition. At Brianna's house where she held the party, when the lights had gone out and I had heard Spirit's whinny. They had planned on stealing him that night.

I glared at the man in the other room, wanting nothing more than to go in there and bash his head against the table, to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

Ren continued; "we waited and one day the girls parents left the town and the girl went out with some friends. It was rainy night but we managed to sedate that horse and get him into a trailer but not before that mustang kicked me hard."

I felt a rush of pride for Spirit. "Who did you sell that horse to?" I suddenly stood up walked right up to the window. I was seconds away from knowing who he'd sold Spirit too. I waited holding my breath. Robert suddenly stood up and walked up to stand beside me.

Ren tapped the table. "Some rich lady." "Did she know that you stole that horse?" The cop asked sharply. Ren laughed. "Hell no. That woman didn't know shit but she was eager to buy that wild horse."

"Alright where does that women live?" Ren looked straight at the mirror, as if he could see me there and said, "London."

~So Spirit's been taken to London. What do u guys think Kate will do? And who is this buyer? picture from above is from google.

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