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1 week later:

I sat in the classroom bending over the exam sheet. Today was thankfully the last day of exams. The first week had flown by really fast and barley remembered any of it. History was one of my favorite subjects and easiest but right now I couldn't concentrate on the questions.

For the past week I certainly hadn't expected to stay inside and study while Ned and the others searched for those horse thieves but my father was right. I helped no one by failing my exams and repeating the year.

I could tell that Robert and Alison were worried about me. They probably thought they'd wake up one of these days and find me gone. Riding Phantom and charging through the Wyoming countryside as Robert had put it.
It was an entertaining thought but I knew I'd do more damage than good.

I just had to wait for those horse thieves to be found. We find them and I find Spirit. I often thought of Spirit. What was he doing? Was he still in Wyoming? Was he being mistreated? I just hoped he was alright. I answered another question on the sheet. Id only answered a few. I wasn't paying attention and I forced myself to focus.

I looked up at the clock. Just 30 more minutes left and this would all be over.
Jacob sat in front of me, bending over his paper, Brianna and Olivia across from him.
He had called and dropped a few times to ask if I wanted to take a break and go for a ride. I told him I was fine. I was feeling guilty for the way I was acting but I wasn't in the mood to have fun especially with Spirit gone.

I'd make it up to him somehow. I sighed and answered the last few questions on the sheet and waited for the bell to ring.

The next day I woke early. Today was graduation day. After a light breakfast, Alison helped braid my hair into a a fish tale. I applied a bit of light makeup and pulled my graduation gown over my black halter dress. I had no desire to even attend my graduation but I didn't want to disappoint my father.

Brianna picked us all up. Olivia and Brianna sat chatting in the car on the way to the school and I tried to start a conversation with Jacob.

We finally arrived at the school. Together we filed into the large auditorium. We rehearsed walking up and down the stage as the principal called out our names. We'd shake hands with the principal and accept our diplomas, take photos and walk off the stage.

Soon the auditorium was filled with the guests and parents. Once everyone was seated the principal begun with a speech and then one by one our names were called. Brianna walked down the stage flipping her blonde hair as her name was called. She accepted her diploma and smiled widely as her photo was taken.

One by one the students walked up and accepted their diplomas. I spotted my father, Alison and Tom in the crowd as the principal called out my name, "Kate Harrison!"

I took a deep breath and walked towards the principal. I realized this was actually happening, I was graduating. And despite all the unpleasantness of last week, I smiled widely as my photo was taken.

"That's my girl!" I heard Robert yell. Tom waved his hat. I waved to them and made my way off the stage. Jacob pulled me into a hug. "We did it! We graduated!" After everyone had accepted their diplomas, the principal said, "congratulations to our graduates!"

We all pulled off our graduation caps and flung them into the air. I was ready for the next chapter of my life.

Kate & and her friends finally graduated. Now do you think Kate will continue her search for Spirit?

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