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We were running a bit late. Spirit was calm throughout most of the morning. I'd fed him, washed him and brushed his coat until it was shining. He was saddled and ready to go but when the time came to load him into the trailer he refused to take one step inside it.

It was now close to 8 am and the competition started at 9. I was becoming desperate. "Come boy we need to get going." Spirit refused to budge. Robert and Alison walked out of the house. "Kate what are you doing we need to go!" My dad called as he hooked the trailer to his truck.

"What's wrong?" Alison asked, stopping beside me. "Spirit won't go inside. I don't know why. He was fine yesterday when we went to our lessons."

"Maybe he's nervous?" Suggested Alison. I shook my head. Robert appeared. "Kate we need to get going." "Spirit isn't going inside the trailer." Robert looked thoughtful. He called Tom over.

Before I could ask what he was doing, Ned and a bunch of other officers arrived. They were all in their uniforms and looked grim. Alison turned around. "Ned good morning. How can I be of assistance?"

Ned tipped his hat. His eyes turned to me. "We got a call the other day those the bandits Ren and Ned were seen a few miles from here. In those woods behind your house actually."

My jaw dropped. They were the ones I'd probably seen in the woods. If my father heard about this. Spirit had been so close to them. What if they'd seen him?

"Earth to Kate!" I blinked and saw Ned waving his gloves hand at me. "I'm sorry what?" Ned frowned. "Did you see anything suspicious in those woods?" I was about to respond when Robert called our, "Kate come on! Spirit's in the trailer."

Ned was still watching me when Robert appeared. He looked from me to Alison concern lining his face. "What's going on."
"Dad we need to go I'll explain everything but I'll be late."

Ned was still watching me but he turned and nodded at Robert. "We'll talk later." The officers turned to leave but Ned gripped my arm. "I want to know what you saw."

I yanked my arm out of his grasp and walked back to the trailer, ignoring Alison's accusing stare. "Dad, how did you get Spirit inside the trailer?" Robert smiled and pointed.

Phantom stood in the trailer, with just a halter on beside her father. Spirit was nuzzling her.
"Alright lets go!" called Robert.

About 30 minutes later we arrived. Hundreds of cars and trailers were already parked. Robert drove to the back of the large stadium towards the stables where we unloaded Spirit and put Phantom in a temporary stall.

I was nervous but my mind was on those shadows I'd seen in the woods. Now I was more than positive it had been those bandits.
"Hey Kate!" I turned around saw Jacob in his dark blue jacket and white breeches.

"I was afraid you weren't going to make it. Brianna was strutting around smiling."
I shook my head. "Well sorry to disappoint her. We're here." We both laughed I gripped Jacob's arm. "I need to tell you something."

Jacob looked concerned. I quickly told him about my morning ride, and what Ned had said. "Kate why haven't you told me about this?" Jacob whispered. "I thought it was just some animal I didn't know."

Our conversation was interrupted when Ms Moore appeared. "Finally Ms Harrison your here." Behind her I saw Brianna and Olivia. Brianna's eyes slide over Spirit.

"Alright listen up. Before we begin I want to tell that Wolfside Equestrian club has new members so don't underestimate them. We have good riders and you all have trained hard these past few weeks. Keep your eyes up and always pay attention to the distance."

Ms Moore smiled. "Good luck to you all."
Robert walked forward and clapped me on the shoulder. "Good luck Kate." "Thanks dad."

I walked up to Spirit and gave him a pat. "I'm not sure if your nervous but I am." Spirit nickered softly. "Your right we can do this." I bent down and kissed his muzzle. "Lets go win."

I hurriedly tied my hair into a braid. Then we all mounted our horses and waited as grooms appeared and led us outside. The course had been set in a large outdoor stadium. I could see the stands where hundreds of people sat. Some cheering while others took photos.

I hopped the cameras and noise weren't going to bother Spirit. I leaned down and rubbed his neck but Spirit seemed relaxed. His ears were pricked forward, his attention on the obstacles.

Brianna rode up beside me on a dapple grey horse. "I was afraid you weren't going to come." Without looking at her I said, "your not getting rid of me that easily."

"Whatever just do your best out there we need to win." I nodded. We watched as the first rider from Wolfside Equestrian club, a girl riding a beautiful black Hanoverian was up. She easily completed the course.

Olivia was called next. I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself. I'd done this before. I could do it again. Spirit
wasn't nervous so why should I be? In fact Spirit looked eager to start jumping. I just hoped I could keep up.

Another Wolfside rider, then Jacob. So far none of us had any faults which was good. Jacob's timing was perfect. I replayed the course in my head as another rider from Wolfside was up.

A pole went down and I heard Brianna cheer. Right before she entered the stadium Brianna turned to me. "We have no faults done screw this up for us." I rolled my eyes as she nudged her horse into a canter.

A few minutes later Brianna completed the course. The last rider from Wolfside was up. I took a deep breath as my name was announced. "Kate Harrison from Riverside Equestrian Club riding Spirit!"

I leaned down and whispered to Spirit, "we can do this." Spirit's body quivered with excitement. I blocked out all the noise, all that screaming, the reporters and the cameras.
We entered the stadium. The bell sounded and I nudged Spirit into a canter. He took off immediately.

We approached the first jump. Spirit gathered his legs and I leaned forward giving Spirit some space to stretch his neck as we cleared the first jump. Second, third, fourth and on we went.

Spirit sailed over each jump beautifully. We approached the last jump and Spirit's pace suddenly increased. Surprised by this sudden change in speed I bounced a bit in the saddle.

The jump was a few feet away as I tried to regain my balance. I hurriedly counted in my head. One, two, three and I quickly got into the two point as Spirit sailed over the jumped and landed.

I sighed in relief as the bell sounded. We'd completed the course without any faults.

The picture above is from Pinterest. Do u guys think Kate will tell Ned what she saw? And how will Robert take the news 🤔Next weeks chapter will be published next week Friday.

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