Grim news

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Ms Moore walked up to us. "Everyone dismount!" Puzzled, we all dismounted. Robert called out to me. "Time to go Kate." I blinked. "Go? Go where?" A few feet away I heard Brianna arguing with her parents. "What do you mean I can't go trail riding with Olivia?"

Jacob was on the phone. Probably with his parents. "Dad, what's going on?" I asked. "I'll explain when we get home." Robert grabbed Phantom's bridle and started to lead her out through the gate. Two grooms appeared and led Brianna and Olivia's horses away.

"This isn't fair! What's going on?" Brianna snapped. I turned to my dad. "We deserve to know what's going on." Robert sighed and turned to Ms Moore. At that moment Ned walked forward. I hadn't seen him since the day he helped us set Spirit, which was a year ago.

I still didn't know what to make of him. First he'd helped my father take Spirit then he'd helped me set him free again. Ned stopped a few feet from us and tipped his hat. "Kate. Jacob." Jacob and I exchanged a look.

Ned crosses his arms. "You kids are practically adults. Might as well tell you. Especially since you," he jerked his chin at me, "have two beautiful, priceless horses."

He was talking about Spirit and Phantom. I walked over to Phantom and stroked her neck. Ned continued, "We've been getting reports that a few towns from here peoples farms and houses are being broken into. Horses and valuables are stolen with the residents either dead or injured."

"Excuse me? What does that have to with us?" asked Brianna. Ned turned to her, his blue eyes gleaming. "It has to do with all of you. You all own horses don't you?" Ms Moore walked forward. "What Mr Mcgivens also means to add is that these two criminals are dangerous. The worst bandits, horse thieves, whatever you prefer to call them are the worst."

"Which means Kate," said Robert, "your not go riding that wild horse of yours alone out in the woods. Until these two thieves have been caught. You're to stay home." "What about our competition next week?" I asked.

Ms Moore fixed Ned and all the parents with a sharp look, as if daring them to argue with her.
"We will continue to train as planned. But from
now on after every ride lesson you kids will be accompanied by an adult. And you all are to go straight home afterwards. Is that clear?"
We all nodded. "Good. The lesson ends here for today."

Brianna turned and followed her father back inside still arguing about her trail ride. Olivia hurriedly followed her.

"What do you make of this? I asked turned to Jacob. He shrugged. "I'm not sure but I guess we should listen to the adults. And not go wandering off."

I turned to Ned. "Can I see what they look like?" Ned turned to my father, who nodded.
Ned pulled out two wanted posters. I read the names. Ren Carden and Ed Whelborne.

I didn't know what to make of them. Ed didn't look too bad but Ren, had a scar running down his cheek as he smirked up at the poster. His eyes were blue but there was no warmth in them.

I shuddered to think of Spirit or Phantom in the hands of this man. Horse thief or not there no doubt that this man was cruel, probably even a sadist.

Jacob was peering at the posters over my shoulder. "Ren looks scary," he commented. Ned folded the posters and pocketed them again. "Listen if you two see them or hear or see anything suspicious you call us immediately do you understand?"

I noticed he was looking right at me when he said this. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, irritated. "Because when things happen you tend to be in the middle of it all. You both," said Ned indicating Jacob.

I huffed. "We do not. Last year was different. It was because you helped Brianna take my horse." Before Ned could respond, Robert appeared. "Time to go Kate." I said goodbye to Jacob and walked back to the trailer, leading. Phantom.

Once we got Phantom into the trailer, Robert started the truck and we drove home in silence.
Finally back at the ranch I saw Alison in the pasture with Sandy and Tom. Spirit was nowhere to be seen.

I took a few deep breaths. It wasn't concerning. Spirit always left to go and visit his herd or run around. But after hearing this news today I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Tom helped us unload Phantom and take her back into the stables. Alison looked up as we approached. Robert went over to her and explained what had happened.

Tom smiled at me."How did Phantom do today?" My eyes were glued to the trail leading past our house into the woods. "She was great. Tom have you seen Spirit?"

Tom scratched his head. "I haven't seen him since this morning. Why?" Before I could respond I saw a dark shape move between the trees.

My heart beat faster as I waited. A few seconds passed then Spirit's beautiful head appeared between two trees. I sighed in relief. "Spirit!" I ran towards him ignoring Alison as she called out to me.

The happiness I felt at seeing at seeing Spirit was indescribable. I was probably being paranoid but this horse was my whole world. Spirit nickered softly and trotted towards me, his head held high. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his coat.

I'd just gotten Spirit back and I wasn't about to lose him again.

Anddddd This weeks chapter is done. This chapter is a little longer than the previous one and I apologize if things are going slowly. I promise things pick up in the chapters to come and Do you guys think Spirit and Phantom are in danger? Was Ned right in telling them another the bandits? The Next chapter, chapter 6 will be published next week Friday. Hope u all enjoyed this chapter

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