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As the rest of the week passed by I heard no news of those horse thieves and hoped they'd moved on. Every morning Tom would drive to me to the equestrian club for my lessons and wait there an hour for me until we finished.

After the lessons I came home and spent quality time with Spirit and Phantom. I sometimes stayed in the pasture for hours with them. Being with my horses made me loose track of the time I didn't mind but my dad did.

It was another sunny day, the air crisp and cool when I'd let Spirit and Phantom out into the pasture. I was just about to join them when I heard my dad call out to me. "Kate! Can you come over here for a moment?"

I debated mounting spirit and riding him bareback, out into the woods but I knew that would only make him angrier. I sighed and turned and walked back towards the house. I could see Alison standing beside Robert.

What was she doing there? It was true Alison had helped me a lot the past year she'd even informed me that my dad was going to sell Spirit. As much as I appreciated her help she was never going to replace my mom. She's grown on me a bit and that was it.

I put on a bright smile and stopped on the porch. "Hey dad, Alison." Robert frowned at my cheery tone. "Kate what are you doing?" "Me? I was taking care of Spirit and Phantom."

"Taking care of Spirit and Phantom," Robert repeated. I nodded. "Kate you're playing with them." Why was he saying that like it was such a bad thing? "So? They're both my horses I can play with them whenever I want."

"That's a wild horse. A wild horse is a dangerous animal." My jaw dropped. Was he actually opening this subject again?
"You're neglecting your chores and I don't see you studying for your exams." I shot Alison a look. "Did she tell you that?"

Alison was about to respond when Robert interrupted her. "No she hasn't told me anything. I can see for myself. I've got two eyes Kate. Playing around with that horse can get you killed. You have Phantom. She's enough let that mustang go."

"Why? Why do you hate Spirit so much?" Alison stepped forward. "Kate sweetie.." I held up my hand. "Excuse me but I asked my father." Robert glared at me. "Why dad?"

Robert closed his eyes. He abruptly turned and walked inside the house the screen door slamming behind him. Alison and I stared at each other for a few seconds I was about to turn and leave when the screen door banged open again and Robert marched out holding a box.

"Come with me Kate." And he strode straight for the trail behind our house. Confused I hurried to catch up with him. Spirit, who had been grazing raised his head his eyes following me, as I ran past the pasture. "I'll be right back!" I called out. Robert was already going through the thicket of trees. I caught up to him and we continued to walk silently together. I had no idea where he was going so I just followed and asked no questions.

To my surprise Robert stopped underneath that same large oak tree where Jacob and I had planned for Spirit'a escape. Without a word Robert sat down. "Sit down Kate."

I sat down in the lush green grass and crossed my legs. "What's in the box?" Robert silently handed me the box.
I pulled off the lid and my breath caught in my throat. It was photos of my mom.

The weddings photos were first. My parents looked so happy. My mother's Auburn was in waves as she smiled up at the camera. The next photo was of them building the ranch. A few more followed with my parents riding horses.

The rest of the photos were my baby photos. My mom taking a bath for me, Robert putting me on my first horse, my mom reading stories to me. I looked at my dad. He was quiet. Eyes looking straight ahead. "Your mother loved you very much Kate.

Tears welled up in my eyes but I took a deep breath, willing them not to fall. Robert continued, "I'm sure you don't remember much about her death. You were just a little girl. So you recall that black horse I'd brought in one time. You called him blackie?"

I barley remembered that horse. Robert pulled out a photo of all three of us standing in front of our pasture. In the background a beautiful black horse with a splash of white on its forehead ran around the pasture wildly.

The horses brown eyes seemed familiar. "You're mother brought that mustang, Spirit's site in thinking she could tame him. She mounted him and just like that he threw her off. Her head hit the ground. And she wasn't wearing a helmet."

Robert continued to look straight ahead. "I told her not to that it was dangerous. She could get hurt. But she didn't listen to me not even when I told her to wear a helmet. Her head hit the ground so hard she immediately lost consciousness."

Robert's voice broke. "You were laughing. You didn't understand it. I told Tom to take you inside you. I drove Mia to the hospital as fast as I could but the doctors said internal bleeding had already occurred."

I tried to keep my tears from spilling but they fell one by one. I was startled to see tears welling up in my dad's eyes. "They tried to rescue her but she was gone."

Robert took a deep breath. "When I came home you'd asked where mommy was I told you that she'd gone away on a trip. You were too young. After Mia fell we'd forgotten to close that gate and that mustang had vanished. Probably gone back to the mountains."

"Im sorry dad." I whispered. Robert finally turned to me. The tears staining his cheeks. "No Kate I'm sorry. I thought by keeping you away from Spirit I was protecting you. I can see how wrong I was. You're fearless and compassionate just like your mother. I was just trying to protect my little girl. I didn't wanna lose you the way I lost Mia. I'm sorry Kate."

"You don't have to be sorry dad. I understand why you did what you did." Robert pulled me in for a hug. "You won't lose me dad."

You guys finally know the story of how Kate's mother died. Let me know what you think in the comments. Next chapter will be published next week Friday. Picture above is Spirit's sire. The picture is from Pinterest.

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