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It was around 8 am when Spirit galloped towards our ranch. He stopped beside the pasture and I quickly dismounted, intending to lead him back inside the barn when I heard someone say, "how was your ride?"

I turned around and saw my father standing right behind me. "Hi dad." Robert frowned. "Don't hi me Kate. Where did you go this early in the morning?" I looked towards Spirit who was already grazing. "I just rode him a bit."
Robert sighed. "Kate didn't I tell you that you're not to go far?"

I looked down. "I didn't go really far." At that moment Alison opened the screen door. "Breakfast!" I signed in relief but Robert said, "we're not done yet." "I need to feed Spirit. I'll be right back." I turned and quickly walked Spirit back to the barn where I gave him a good wash, brushed his coat and finally brought out his oats which he happily ate.

I looked around the barn wanting to find some other chores to do but when I turned to go, I found Tom watching me. "Can't put it off any longer Kate." I sighed. He was right. I turned and walked back up to the house. To my surprise I found my dad and Alison sitting quietly on the table, the food untouched.

"So Kate care to explain where you were this morning?" I knew there was no point in lying. "I took Spirit out for a ride." Robert sighed. "Kate didn't I tell you that your not to go out on your own?" It was then I suddenly remembered the people id seen. "Dad I think I saw someone in the woods." Alison and Robert exchanged a look. "Who was it Kate? Did you see them?" asked Alison.

I shook my head. "I didn't exactly see their faces but they were close to the trail at the edge of the woods." Robert suddenly stood up. "I'm going to call Ned." He disappeared down the hall and I turned to Alison. "Why is he calling Ned?"

"Your father thinks it might be those bandits." My eyes widened. I'd completely forgotten about them. If they were here and so close to our home I'd have to keep a close eye on Spirit and Phantom.
The rest of the meal was eaten in silence.

About a few minutes before 9 am I asked my dad for a ride to the equestrian club. "Tom will drive you there today. Will you be taking Phantom again?" I looked towards the barn. "I'm not sure Phantom is a good horse but she's still nervous around the bigger jumps. Can I take Spirit today?"

Robert was silent for a moment. He seemed to be contemplating the idea. I was silent afraid, that if I spoke he'd change his mind. Robert turned to me again. "Alright I know how important this competition is. You can take Spirit but I don't want any trouble with Brianna. Don't provoke her."

"Thank you dad!" I quickly ran upstairs changed and was back downstairs and out the door. Tom helped me manage to get the saddle and bridle on Spirit. Spirit was surprisingly still. I wondered if he was looking forward to jumping again.

Once he was loaded in the trailer Tom backed the truck out of the ranch and drove out onto the main road. I watched the trees pass by and suddenly remembered the person I'd seen in the woods. I turned to Tom.

"Do you think it was those bandits I saw?" "Well I cant say for sure Kate but you have to be careful. It was on the news the other day. Someone's home had been broken into. The horses and money stolen. The elderly couple dead."

My blood chilled. What kind of a kind person broke into a home of an elderly couple and killed them? "Well maybe you're right. It probably wasn't them."

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence as we drove towards the equestrian club. Ms. Moore was putting us a through a bunch of exercises from trotting and cantering over poles to cavalettis. We also worked on leg strength and our jumping position. Practicing the two point over every pole and jump. Ms Moore was really strict about winning this competition.

"I'll be back here in an hour," said Tom as he parked the truck in front of Brianna's house. I thanked him, unloaded Spirit and, keeping a tight grip on his bridle I led him to the back.

Everyone was already there and mounted. I murmured reassuring words to Spirit as I led him the outdoor arena. Spirit walked with his head held, his coat and mane gleaming in the sun.

Jacob, who was already mounted grinned at me. "Hey there Spirit." Spirit nickered softly. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Brianna whispered something to Olivia who nodded and made a face at me. I ignored them as Ms Moore walked up to us. "Good to have you back on the team Spirit." I couldn't believe my eyes. Ms Moore was actually smiling,

"Alright everyone. Let's warm up first. A few rounds of trot around the area and then I want you all to complete this course I set up for you today." I put on my helmet and gloves, gave Spirit another pat and mounted him.

Brianna took the lead follow by Olivia, Jacob and myself. It was an enjoyable lesson. I nervous at first jumping Spirit but Ms Moore insisted he jump a few smaller jumps the course.

So when Spirit jumped the smaller ones perfectly Ms Moore allowed me to try the course. Spirit seemed eager to jump. He pulled at the bridle shaking his head impatiently. When we finally approached the first jump Spirit gathered his legs, I leaned forward, his front legs lifted off the ground, he stretched his neck and sailed over the jump beautifully.

Spirit easily completed the course. And i hadn't been at ease while jumping for awhile. But now, with Spirit I felt relaxed, my muscles lose as I kept up with Spirit. Nothing made me happier than riding and jumping with Spirit.

I leaned down and wrapped my arms around his neck as he stood proudly before Ms Moore who said, "I think that trophy will have our name on it."

The picture above is Kate in Spirit & I got it from Pinterest. The next chapter will be published Friday next week. Was it really the bandits Kate saw & do u think they'll win the jumping competition? 🤔

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