A prize

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After sacking that ranch, killing the residents Ned and Ed were on the move again. Getting those horses out of that ranch hadn't been easy. Ed had brought out that trailer in the back of the ranch. They'd only been able to load about 2 horses.

Selling those quarter horses hadn't earned Ned enough money and he was in a foul mood. That horse buyer hadn't give Ned enough money for the horses. The only thing that had stopped Ned from killing that buyer was that he knew he'd never find another another buyer willing to buy or sell stolen horses.
Ned was in need of more money and stealing selling quarter horses wasn't getting him anywhere.

That old couple hadn't had any valuables either which had enraged Ned further. He'd left that house covered in blood. He'd seen the expression on Ed's face but he didn't care. When Ned wanted something he got it. He didn't care if he had to kill for it.

Thanks to more wanted posters Ned and Ed had been forced to walk through the woods again. This part of the woods was new and foreign to Ned and he didn't like having to navigate through a part of the woods he didn't know.

Ed on the other hand was whistling a merry tune as he didn't have a care in the world, as if they weren't wanted by the cops and rangers.
Ned suddenly stopped causing Ed to bump into him. "Do you think you can stop whistling for a few fucking minutes?" Snarled Ned.

Ed looked taken aback. "Sure thing Boss. Can I hum?" Ned looked ready to explode when the sound of a girls laughter made him stop. He grabbed Ed and pushed him against a tree just as a girl on a horse rode by.

Ned pressed himself against the tree, keeping a hand on Ed's mouth. He craned his head and watched them walk away. Though he couldn't see due to the shadows in woods he could make out the outline of a beautiful horse.

What's a girl doing all alone out in the woods? Ned motioned for Ed to be quite as he slowly started to follow them. After about 20 minutes he saw the woods begin to open up and ahead he could make out a large open field.

Just as the horse and the ride were about to walk out into the field a large twig snapped. Ned whirled around and saw Ed looking horrified. He'd stepped on a large tree branch.

Ned grabbed him and pulled them both down. But the damage was done. The horse had stopped and seemed to be listening.
The girl peered into the woods. "What is it boy?" The girl asked.

The horse seemed uneasy as if he could sense them. "Not one word," Ned hissed at Ed who nodded. Ned silently pulled out his dagger.
A few minutes passed and the girl turned the horse around saying, "let's go home."

Ned raised his head and saw the horse and his jaw dropped. Just as the horse stepped into the clearing, the morning sun shone on that jet black coat making it shine. Ned eyed the horses powerful legs and wild eyes.

The girl nudged the horse into a gallop and off they went. The girl glanced back, but Ned was too focused on the horse.
"What kind of a horse was that?" asked Ed who seemed just as impressed with the horse as Ned was. There was a strange gleam in Ned's eye. "That my friend, was a mustang."

Ned and Ed saw Spirit. Do u think they'll get to him & steal him from Kate? 🤔 next chapter will be published next week Friday. The picture above is from

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