Spirit is gone

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I slowly took a step inside the barn as my mind tried to process this. This couldn't be happening not again. Spirit's stall was empty, the door wide open. I looked around all the other horses seemed to be fine. Phantom and Sandy stood watching me though I noticed they were pawing their bedding uneasily.

The rain water dropped from every inch of my body as I rubbed my arms, trying to create some warmth. My brain was still trying to process this. Spirit wasn't gone, he was probably outside with his herd.
But no matter how many excuses my brain made I knew that he was gone and someone had taken him.

I ran towards his stall and examined the latch. No damage had been done which meant someone had opened it. I looked around the barn again, moving from stall to stall. All the horses seemed to be fine. Phantom and Sandy seemed a bit spooked. I calmed them down as best as I could.

I returned to Spirit's stall. His bedding had been disturbed. It looked like he'd put up a fight and the realization that he was actually gone dawned on me.

I took a deep breath to hold the tears at bay. Tears would accomplish nothing. I still couldn't believe that this was happening again. Someone had taken my horse and I didn't even know where to start or who to interrogate.

If it had been a year ago I would have blamed Brianna considering she did steal my horse before but I somehow knew she had nothing to do with this.

Maybe he was just outside, maybe somehow he'd learned to open his stall door. This was highly unlikely but i wasn't going to give up.

I ran back out into the rain and called out Spirit's name as loud as I could. If he was nearby he'd hear and he'd come to me. He always responded to my voice.

I waited a few more minutes when he didn't appear I called out for him again, as loud as I could. The cold wind stung my eyes and the rain seeped through my clothes, chilling me to the bone and still I called for him. Again and again until my voice was hoarse.

Spirit was gone. I refused to believe this. And yet, no matter how hard I tried to reassure myself that he was okay, but I knew he was gone. I sank to my knees in the mud and finally the tears fell.

The tears fell fast down my cheeks mixed with the freezing rain. I cried my heart out and I don't how long I sat there clutching my arms, shaking, until I felt another pair of arms grip me and pull me up.

It was Jacob. "Kate what are you doing out here in the rain!" He yelled over the lighting. I couldn't find the words to tell him. Jacob looking increasingly, worried dragged me back inside the warm house.

He sat me down on the couch. He kneeled beside me and pushed my wet hair from my face. "Hey Kate look at me. What happened?"
He asked.

I looked up at him. "Spirit. They've taken Spirit." "Who did Kate?" Jacob pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around my trembling arms.

I chocked back on a sob. "I don't know he's just gone!" "Stay here I'll go look for him."
"Are you crazy?" Brianna asked. "It's raining like crazy out there!"

"I'll take a look. Kate do you guys have a flashlight?" I pointed to the kitchen drawer. Jacob grabbed the flashlight and walked  towards the door when I silently handed him his jacket back. Jacob pressed a kiss to my wet hair. "I'll be right back."

He left leaving me and Brianna alone in the living room. The tears had dried up on my face and I realized I was freezing.

Brianna touched my arm. "Come on you need to change or you'll catch a cold." I nodded. She helped me back up the stairs and into my room, where she waited outside while I changed and stepped into the warm shower.

The warm water helped calm me down but it did nothing to stop the terrible ache in my heart. My beautiful, wild mustang was gone again. I was probably never going to see him again.

After the shower Brianna helped me into my pajamas. I was aware of her talking but I didn't hear a word. I lay down in my bed and closed my eyes, hoping that when I woke everything was going to be okay and that Spirit was home.

Hopefully tomorrow this nightmare would end.

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