Twinge of terror

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Nighttime had descended rapidly. The stars shone brightly against the inky sky, the moon hidden behind a few clouds. I was rooted to the stop, unsure of wether I should run outside or go and call my dad.

That shrill whinny pierced the air again and my mind was made up. I grabbed the kitchen door and pulled it open just as the lights inside the house went out. We were all plunged into the inky darkness. I froze. What was going on?

"Jacob I can't see. Can I hold your hand?" In the dark I rolled my eyes at Brianna. "I'm going to check on Spirit," I said to no one in particular. "Kate wait!" Called Jacob but I stepped outside and let my eyes adjust to the darkness.

I heard the sounds of hooves in the pasture a few feet away. Another angry whinny. "Spirit! I'm here boy," I called out as I slowly made my way towards the pasture. A soft nicker answered me and I realized it was Phantom. She stood beside the fence watching me. Her moon white coat shone in the darkness. I reached out and rubbed her muzzle.

Spirit suddenly slammed into the side of the fence causing me to jump back in alarm. He  reared, his hooves pawing the air, his ears flat against his head. Why was he behaving like this?

Phantom stood quivering beside the fence and I hurriedly tried to comfort her as Spirit threw up his back legs and galloped around the pasture again. "Spirit! It's okay I'm here boy." Someone suddenly grabbed my arm from behind.

I cried out in alarm. "Whoa Kate it's me." Said Jacob. Brianna stood beside him, clinging to his arm. "Why is he acting like?" Brianna asked. I looked around. "I'm not sure." Jacob bent down and picked up something. "What is it?" I asked. "It seems like a piece of clothing."

"We'd better show this to my dad," I said. Jacob pocketed the cloth. Spirit was still galloping around the pasture, kicking up dirt and grass. "Come on Kate," said Jacob.
"In a minute." I walked to the pasture gate and slowly climbed. Not to spook Phantom, I lowered myself down.

Spirit angrily whinnied again as he galloped past me. I stored towards the middle of the pasture. "Spirit! Calm down boy I'm here."
Spirit completely ignored me. He continued to gallop around the fence occasionally throwing up his back legs.

I waited patiently for him to calm down. After another good 10 minutes Spirit seemed to calm down. His ears pricked forward, he slowly made his way towards me. I slowly reached up a hand and stroked his muzzle. Then I carefully bent down and checked his legs, making sure he wasn't injured.

I was puzzled. Spirit seemed to be fine. Then what had made him act up? "Kate! Are you out there!" Called Alison from inside. "Were here!" answered Jacob. I was still surprised to see Jacob and Brianna standing beside the fence. 

I gave Spirit a last pat before walking back towards Jacob and Brianna. "Why are the lights still out?" I asked Brianna. "How am I supposed to know?" She snapped.
"Don't you live here?" I muttered. Jacob hid his grin.

We made our way back to the pitch black kitchen. A light suddenly appeared in the doorway. It was Alison. "What were you guys doing outside?" She asked.

I quickly explained to her what Brianna had seen and the piece of cloth Jacob had found. Alison seemed worried but she didn't say anything. Together we made our way back to the living room with Brianna still clutching Jacob's arm like her life depended on it.

Brianna let go of Jacob's arm and walked up to her father. "Powers out. We'll get it fixed in a few minutes," Rick said to Brianna.
Tom laid a hand on my shoulder. "You alright Kate?" "Tom I think someone was out there," I whispered.

Tom frowned. "You sure Kate?" I nodded Brianna said she saw someone by the pastures and Spirit started acting up and Jacob found this piece of clothing." "I'll be right back," said Tom. I watched him walk up to my father. They whispered and Robert looked towards me.

The lights in the room suddenly turned back on. Olivia sighed. A few minutes later she said goodbye to Brianna and left with her parents.

Jacob sat down beside me as we watched the adults converse. "Something strange is going," muttered Jacob. I quietly agreed. Robert suddenly appeared. "Jacob do you still have that piece of cloth with you?" Jacob nodded and pulled it out of his pocket.

Robert nodded his thanks and took it. I watched as he gave it to someone. It was captain Ned. What was he doing here? Brianna sat down on my other side. "He's gorgeous," she sighed. Jacob made a face. "He's like 17 years older than you Bri."

Brianna ignored him. I couldn't help but feel that the adults were hiding something from us. Probably so we wouldn't be alarmed. I didn't need for them to tell that us we were somehow being stalked and it all started with that morning ride with Spirit.

The picture above is from the 2006 Flicka movie. The next chapter will be released next week Friday. Things start to get interesting in the next chapter. Plz vote & comment it motivates me to write☺️

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