In the saddle

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I watched the trees and farms roll past as we drove along the highway. Today, Robert had decided to drive me to the equestrian club.

Phantom was in the trailer and getting her inside it had been easy. Before allowing me to bring her  Robert had instructed me to train her a bit and get her used to a few jumps. Spirit was familiar with jumping but he hadn't been ridden since the last competition and Robert wasn't taking any chances. And then there was the problem I had with Brianna.

I glanced out the window as we drove closer to the equestrian club. I was excited to continue my riding, but the one person I wasn't excited to see was Brianna. She hadn't taken it so well when I'd gotten Spirit back. She also blamed me for her breakup.

"You alright Kate?" I blinked. "Ya dad I'm fine." Robert glanced at me we as we drove through their large white gates. He was silent for a few minutes as he parked the car in front of their large house.

Robert turned to me. "Listen Kate. If it's not too much too ask don't go picking any fights with Brianna. Especially after what happened with Spirit." "Dad, Spirit was my horse. You had no right to sell him to her and she had no right to take him away from me."

Robert closed his eyes for a seconds. I knew he was going to lose patience fast. "Okay, okay I promise I won't do anything." I quickly opened the door and hopped out of the truck.

I walked back to the trailer and was about to unload Phantom when I heard someone call, "Hey there Robert." I looked up and saw Brianna's father, Rick. His eyes lingered on me for a few seconds before greeting my dad. I'd seen the disapproval on his face.
I clenched my jaw. My dad was still discussing business with him even after he'd sold my horse.

I unloaded Phantom who was looking around curiously, her nostrils quivering with excitement. I'd washed and brushed her coat today and it shone like pale snow as she tossed her. Her beautiful white mane was into the rosette braids.

"Bye dad!" I called as I made my way to the back of their house where most of our lessons took place. From the distance I saw Olivia and Brianna standing together. My heart did a few flips as I saw Jacob who was already mounted and trotting around the outdoor arena.

Technically there wasn't anything between us. He'd helped me take Spirit back from Brianna but I wasn't sure if he returned my feelings. Not wanting to ruin our friendship I decided to stay quiet about it.

I took a deep breath and walked up to them Phantom trotting beside me as she spotted the other horses. Brianna turned and whispered something to Olivia who smirked.

Ignoring them I pushed open the arena gate and led phantom inside. A few poles had been set up. No jumps for today, it seemed. Ms wasn't here yet. I gave Phantom a pat as I pulled on my helmet. I put my foot in the stirrup ready to mount when Brianna appeared. She crossed her arms. "Where's my wild Horse? The one you stole from me."

I smiled at her. "Oh you mean Spirit my horse? Well he's doing fine. Thank you for asking." I turned back to Phantom when Brianna hissed, "you're pathetic. Stealing my horse and boyfriend."

I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down. "Spirit was my horse. And it's not my fault Jacob left you." Before Brianna could respond Jacob dismounted and walked over to us. Brianna smiled sweetly when he walked past her and threw his arms around me, taking me completely by surprise.

After a few seconds I returned the hug. "It's great to see you Kate." I smiled. "You too. And you brought Celestia." Jacob laughed. "Ya and it seems she already likes Phantom." Phantom was curiously sniffing Celestia, who nickered, returning the greeting.

"Alright everyone mount up!" We turner and saw Ms Moore striding towards us. "Nice to see you too Ms. Moore," said Jacob. Ms. Moore turned to Jacob and said, "indeed it is nice to see you all. Now we need to rebuild your muscles. We have another competition coming up against the Wolfside equestrian club again and this time you'll be riding in their territory. So we're not wasting another minute. Mount Up!"

We all turned and mounted our horses. Ms Moore turned to me. "Where's that handsome stallion of yours?" "I'm not bringing Spirit anymore." I pointedly glanced in Brianna's direction who rolled her eyes at me.

"This is Spirit's daughter Ms Moore," said Jacob. Ms Moore's expression softened as she stroked Phantom's forehead. "Well I hope this beauty helps us win."

We begun the lesson warming the horses, trotting and trotting over the poles. After about 15 minutes Ms. Moore asked us to canter around the arena. I was enjoying myself and Phantom was fantastic when Ms Moore suddenly called for a stop.

I was confused. Had someone fallen off? I looked around. Everyone seemed as confused as I was. "Take a break. I'll be right back," said Ms Moore. I followed her gaze and saw with a start that Ned Mcgivens and a few more officers, along with Brianna's parents and my father were standing at the gate looking grim.

Soo why do think they're all looking so grim? The picture above I've used for Phantom is from Pinterest. This chapter is Kate taking phantom to the equestrian club. Next chapter will be published next week, Friday. If u liked this chapter plz vote & comment😊

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