If I Were You, I'd Put That Away

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Title Credit: Hold on Till May by Pierce the Veil

-Please Read This With Caution. There Will Be Triggering Content Throughout This Book. Although, It Is Being Written For A Purpose. The Purpose Is To Tell People It All Gets Better.-

"He was caught cutting in the school's bathroom," Creeper says, "with a blade from his personal pencil sharpener."

I sit in silence as the Creeper looks back at me. This Creeper is a police officer that has to watch me while someone checks my body over. I hate this. I hate getting caught. I hate this stupid gown that is open in the back. I hate my life.

'This is all your fault, Jack. You can say that you're 'just trying to help me', but I'm not buying your lies.'

I can't believe I let myself do it at school. Why couldn't I wait until I got home? I could've went into my own room and done it. No one would've ever found out. Well, at least till they actually started checking my arms.

The Creeper gives me a cold look. I cringe and take my eyes off of him. They go to a clock hanging on the wall. It slowly ticks. It's counting down to my ultimate doom.

Soon, a woman holding a clipboard comes into the small room. I glance at the clipboard and see a small outline of a paper doll on it. She asks me to stand up. I stand and watch her walk around me. She looks at my wrists, ankles, upper hips and abdomen. All of these scars were so easy to hide. Up until now.

She makes a small mark on the doll with a fine tipped Sharpie whenever she sees a scar or even a small scratch from my cat. Apparently, they can't let anything slide.

When she's done, there are small marks on the doll's arms, legs, hips and abdomen. I feel ashamed of myself. I let this happen. I let the pain from cutting take over my life. 'What have I done?'

"He's cut in every common area. We should call his parents," the nurse says.

No, she can't! My parents will be pissed. My brother will be ashamed of me. I promised to stop cutting when he stopped. Yet, I'm getting myself admitted into a mental facility. This is fantastic.

This nurse walks out. Creeper still stays in with me. "Kid, I feel sorry for 'ya," he says, "I really do. No one should have to go through this kind of pain."

"I-I guess," I reply. Creeper gives me a sad look. I think he actually cares about my feelings.

"I've called his parents. They're on the way," the nurse says as she walks back in. I feel the tears coming on. I'm screwed! I'm so screwed! Long live Victor Vincent Fuentes.

After about twenty minutes of waiting, my parents arrive. I hear them talk to that nurse. I look down at the floor, trying to focus on it so I can drown out the voices. Although, I still hear my mother say, "He's fifteen, for God's sake! You can't send him away!" Sadness and hurt clear in her voice.

"We're sorry, but due to the Baker Act, we must admit him for the mandatory 72 hours. We're helping him, I promise," the nurse says, attempting to sooth my parents. Help me my ass. How is shipping me away from everything I love helping me?

"Please tell him that we love him," Mom says. "Okay," the nurse replies. Then, I hear footsteps walking away from the office. I know that I'm gone now. I wish I could've told them, "Please don't be lonely when I'm gone."

"Time for him to go," the nurse says when she enters the room once again. The Creeper grips my elbows and makes me stand. He swipes his badge on a keyless lock. He makes me walk through a pale green hallway. I swore that we were still at school. I guess that trip wasn't a complete waste.

Next, we get onto an elevator, his grip tightening. I just want to kick him or tell him to "let me go, you Creep!" But, if I did, I'm sure something even worse would happen. Like getting wheeled in there on a weird standing stretcher like thing with a mask on like in the movie Silence of the Lambs.

After we get out of the elevator, I'm forced to walk down another hallway. I expect to see a prison like scene, but I see a cheerful scene. It looks like one of those artists that paints windows went crazy in here. Since it's close to Halloween, there are painted pictures of pumpkins, witches and skeletons everywhere.

Finally, I'm when we reach the end of the hallway, we're met by another woman. 'Can't I stay away from women today?' She smiles, "I'm Gloria. I'm going to show you around." I gulp and look at the area around me.

Looks like this is the beginning of my (new) life for the next 72 hours...

I STARTED WRITING THIS WHEN I WAS COMFORTABLE WITH WRITING THIS SORT OF CONTENT. IT WAS JULY 2017. Now, this story will be focused more on healing instead of hurting, okay? Stay strong, loves.

~Danny <3

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