Just a Crack in a Castle of Glass

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Title Credit: Castle of Glass by Linkin Park

"Well," Martin says, "we must continue on."

"Will he be okay?" Jaime asks.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot say anything about patients to other patients," Martin replies.

"Really?" Kellin asks with his eyebrow raised, signaling suspicion.

"Yes, really," Martin replies. I decide to stay silent after that. If I did try to speak, I know I'd only ask questions. Lots and lots of questions.


The rest of therapy seems to be a blur. CC's outburst messed a lot of things up for me. I haven't seen anything like it before. If I had seen something like that prior, I wouldn't be so shocked right now.

"Vic? You okay?" Kellin asks as we walk to arts and crafts.

"I think," I reply, "I don't know...I'm just shocked."

He puts a hand on my shoulder. "We all are, love." The nickname makes my whole body warm up. 'He called me love!'

"Well, I don't feel like a freak anymore," I say.

"You never were a freak!" Kellin exclaims, "the only freaks here are the doctors. Asking us about relapse and triggers as if it would help us. If anything, it makes us worse."

"Even though they say: 'you're venting! You're getting better!' That's bull," I add. Kellin and I continue to rant as we walk into the arts and crafts room.

"Well, what a heated conversation," Jaime says as Kells and I sit down.

"It's called ranting," Kellin says.

"I know," Jaime replies, "I was just trying to make you two acknowledge my existence."

"Don't worry, we would've shut up eventually," I assure him, "also, this is about the third day I've been here, correct?"

"Correct," Kellin replies with the hint of sadness in his voice.

"That means I'll be leaving.... tomorrow," I say sadly.

"We're losing everyone!" Jaime exclaims, "first Tony, then Jinxx, then CC, and tomorrow, we'll lose you."

"Don't worry. We'll see each other again. Chill," I explain. Jaime and Kellin still look kind of sad.

This must be rough for them. They've had friends come in and out of here for a long time. It has to hurt even more each time it happens.

I get a piece of paper and a pencil. I sketch out a tall castle. It's perfect. Then, I turn the paper over. I draw the same castle. Only this time, I begin adding cracks; one for each patient here. If the crack is kind of thin, the patient is gone. If the crack is thick, the patient is still here. Just a crack in a castle of glass.

"This is interesting," a staff member says, "what does it mean?" Everyone here is a fucking therapist and it's very annoying.

"A glass castle with cracks," I reply.

"What does it resemble?" You fucking bitch.

"Nothing. It's from a song by Linkin Park," I reply. The staff member nods slowly. She doesn't believe me. That's why I'm beginning to hate every staff member here. Luckily, she soon walks away.

"What does it actually resemble?" Kellin asks.

"Us. We're all just cracks in this castles of glass," I reply.

"Damn. That's deep," Jaime says in a serious tone.

"Like something else," Kellin attempts to mutter and I slap his arm. 'Bad Kellin!'

"Is that actually from a song?" Jaime asks, ignoring mine and Kellin's small moment.

"Yeah. The song is 'Castle of Glass' by Linkin Park," I reply.

"I'll ask to have it played for me later. You do know you can ask for the staff to play music, right?"

"No," I reply.

"You can! Just tell them you need it to calm down. They'll get their phone, attach it to a Bluetooth speaker, and play any song for you. As long as it's not too depressing," Jaime explains.

"I may try that out before I leave," I say.

"You should."

I nod at Jaime's comment. I decide to end our conversation there. Maybe Kellin can say something else so we can converse some more.

He doesn't say anything. Even after minutes of silence. What's up with Kellin?
Does anybody else reading watch Dragula? Or UNHhhhh w/ Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova? If you do, please comment! I want to make some friends.


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