You're Not Alone

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Title Credit: Carolyn by Black Veil Brides

After lunch, we're off to another therapy session. This will be boring. I'm sure Martin still expects good conversation out of me. I'll never give it to him.

We all enter the room and sit. I see CC and Jeremy from earlier. They look embarrassed and tired. What were those two doing?

"Welcome back. I hope you're day has been lovely so far," Martin says. "Gay," Jaime whispers under his breath. "Excuse me, Mr. Preciado?" Martin says and Jaime smiles innocently.

"So, what are everyone's goals? Goals are good to have," Martin says. "But why?" CC asks. "Well, goals keep you focused, give you purpose and give you something to celebrate when you achieve them!" Martin replies as he writes it on the whiteboard in from of us.

He then hands us pieces of paper to write three goals on. I could write the ordinary, "Get good grades. Get out of here. Stop cutting." But no, I'm going to write things that I actually want to happen.

1. Quit cutting.

This would really benefit me in the long run. People would stop worrying about me and I could say that this stay actually meant something to me. And that it actually helped.

2. Lock lips with Kellin Quinn Bostwick.

Yes, I just met him, but he's adorable. I've taken a liking to him. Although, I need to wait before I confess to him. I guess I'll need to tell him tonight or tomorrow morning since I'm leaving in 57 hours or so.

3. Start a band.

Maybe my few songs could help other kids in my situation. Tell them that there's more to life than surrendering to a blade or finding a fast way to kill yourself. There's more to life than misery. As I stated, maybe if I start a band, I could help people through music. It's the only therapy people need.

Martin soon collects the goals. Hopefully he won't question them. Especially mine. Although, I'm not as worrier since I'm sure someone wrote something ten times worse than mine.

I watch as Kellin makes small talk with Tony and Jaime. "May I ask what you guys are talking about?" I interrupt. "Sure," Kellin replies.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Well, we could all help you finish your song. Maybe even get some art for it. Jaime knows a guy," he says and Jaime nods. "His name is Gerard Way. He's not much of a talker, but he is an artist."

"The Gerard Arthur Way?" I ask. "Yeah," Jaime replies, "has a brother named Michael, had a girlfriend back home, wants kids. That Gerard."

"I know him," I say, "I'm sure I can get him to do something. We were in a club together!" "Art club?" Tony asks. "The Broken Glass Club," I correct him, "it was a self mutilation club. Maybe the other member, Andy is here. He needs to learn that harming yourself is bad."

"Wow, you can get into clubs for anything now," Kellin says. "It wasn't approved by the teachers," I say, "or the school. We approved it ourselves."

"That's fucked up," Kellin says.

"What chu guys talking about?" CC asks. I jump back away from him, "What the hell, man?" "Oh, you have paranoia, too?" He asks. "No," I reply, "you just scared me. And, do you even know what paranoia is?"

"I self diagnosed myself with paranoia. I'm in here for Schizophrenia," he explains, "my boy- friend! Just friend, says that I shouldn't try to diagnose things myself." "Clearly," Kellin mutters.

"Kellin, be nice to CC," I say, "so, Cee, do you know anyone else here?" "Hmm, there's Jinxx, Jake, Ashley, Andy, you, Kellin, Jaime and Tony," he replies. "What's Andy's last name?" I ask. "Biersack," CC replies, "why?"

"I know him! When did he get here?"

"Today," I reply, "he was roomed with Ashley. Although, they have a different schedule than us. They're in free time now." "Can you take me to Ashley's room later?" I ask. "Sure," CC replies, "but be prepared to see a much more panicked Andy."

Oh, I'm ready.

So the three amigos are back together. How will it go??? What do you guys think?

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