A Savior Will Be There

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Title Credit: Saviour by Black Veil Brides

"Vic? Are you okay?" Kellin asks.

I snap out of my daze, "Yes! Yes, I am."

"What happened?" Tony asks. "I just realised something...I just realised that Kellin is the only reason I'm trying to get better," I reply. "Wait, how? I can barely even save myself!" Kellin says.

"Well, you help me keep my mind off of my demons. I can't really think of anything else in detail besides you when I'm with you," I explain, "thank you."

"You're welcome," Kellin says and hugs me. He still sounds confused, but I'll pretend to overlook it.

"So, it just hit you?" Jaime asks. "Yep," I reply, "it felt good." "Well, I'm trying to get better so I can get out of here and live a normal life with all of you." "That, we know. That's a good goal," Kellin says.

"Let's get to making art or the supervisor will separate us," Tony says. "Oh," I say, "they'll do that?" "Yeah. They did it to Tony and I one day," Jaime replies, "we wouldn't shut up long enough to create something."

I smirk as I begin drawing. I begin drawing a house. The house seems to be pulled up towards the sky by the wind. It's falling apart in multiple places; pieces are being torn off. There are cracked windows, walls, and doors. It's broken and scarred, just like me.

I then draw a girl above the house. Below her, the roof has a hole in it. Just as if she was pulled out of her home and into a catastrophic sky. The sky is a new world, a new life. Just as I have been.

Under the artwork, I write "Collide With the Sky."

"Holy shit, that's amazing," Jaime says, "and it sends a powerful message. This could be an album cover!" "It could," I say, "we just need Gerard to draw the final piece. Then, we're in business!"

"But we all need to hear you sing," Tony says, "Jaime and I played guitar as a hobby before we were admitted here. So, we could be two additions to your band!"

"Maybe... My brother, Mike, played drums. He's good. I just need to hear you two play. Then, we may have ourselves a band!" I say excitedly. All my dreams are coming true! We just need to heal.

"What about me?" Kellin asks. "You? You should definitely be vocals," I tell him. "And you should be, too," he says. "Me? Nah," I tell him. "Bitch, you will be vocals," he states, "otherwise, I won't be apart of this band." "Fine. At free time, you guys can hear me sing," I tell Jaime and Tony."

"We meet by the tree," Jaime says. We all nod and fall silent. I begin writing down random lyrics that come to my mind.

Dare me to jump off is Jersey bridge
I bet you never had a Friday night like this
Keep it up, keep it up
Let's raise our hands
I take a look up at the sky and I see:
Red for the cancer, red for the wealthy
Red for the drink that's mixed with suicide
Everything red!

I have already decided the ending for this! It will be very happy!

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