Stay Awake For Me

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Title Credit: Hawaii (Stay Awake) by Waterparks

"Hey, Vic. How is everything?"

Not what I expected from my Mom. I expected her to be freaking out or extremely happy to hear me again. I guess they notified her that I could call. Thanks for ruining the surprise.

"Uh, hey Mom. Everything's fine," I reply.

"Do you have a room mate? Is everyone there nice to you?"

"I do have a room mate. His name is Kellin. He's a sassy little shit. And, everyone is nice. I've even made a few friends," I explain.

"Have you told anyone that you're gay?"

'Ugh, the 'g' word.' "Yes Mom, I have. I told everyone in group therapy. They didn't care. This is a place of healing, not shaming, remember?"

"I remember. It's just hard here without you. Mike is heartbroken," Mom says. A heavy feeling sets place in my heart. I remember the promise that I broke. Now, it haunts me. It's a constant reminder of how disloyal I was to my brother.

"Vic, you okay?" Mom asks. "I'm fine," I reply, "but, I do have something to tell you."


"I have a crush on my room mate and I know he likes me too. I want to ask him out, but I'm scared to. I'll have to leave him in two days," I explain, "any advice?"

"Just be honest with him. If he's not getting out any time soon, just give him your number. He can call you every day," Mom assures me, "just trust me on this one."

"Okay, thanks. I love you," I say.

"Love you too," Mom replies, "bye."

"Bye," I reply and hang the phone up. I see Gloria smiling behind me. "You like Kellin, right?" She asks. "Yes," I reply, "and I can tell that he likes me. Remember yesterday?"

"Yes," she replies, "I remember. He has never done something like that to his other room mate's. I guess he does like you in more than a friendly way."

"It was like love at first sight," I say, feeling a little ashamed. I've denied the existence of love at first sight. Well, up until now. Now, I'm a firm believer in it.

"Get on to your room. I'm sure you should tell him," Gloria says. She's breaking a rule right here: letting two patients get romantically or sexually involved with each other. She could lose her job. Oh well, I guess she doesn't care.

I run out of the private room and back to mine. There, I see Kellin shirtless. He does look very thin compared to other guys, but I still think he's beautiful.

"Hey, Kells," I say as I step in. "Hello, Vikturd," he replies. I sit on my bed. Soon, Kellin joins me. "You're really cute," he says. "Thanks," I reply, feeling a familiar warm, fuzzy feeling.

"I think you're cute, too," I reply. "I'm not cute," he argues, "look how thin I am. That's not cute." "It's fine, Kells. You're healing. Plus, I don't care what you look like. I just like you, for you," I reply.

He smiles; then, he gets closer to me. I feel a little nervous at first. "Don't be nervous," he says, his breath on my lips. Then, I feel him press his lips against mine.

At first, my eyes are wide. Then, I finally relax and close my eyes. I kiss back happily. 'I'm finally kissing my crush of one day!'

All too soon, the kiss come to an end. Kellin pulls away first. "That was amazing," I say shyly. "Oh, I can do a lot more than that," he smirks. "I-I have n-no idea w-what you mean," I say shakily.

"Well, I mean-" "I do not need to know!" I interrupt, "but, where does this take our relationship?" I make sure to say the last part quietly.

"Boyfriends," he replies quietly while smiling.

'Boyfriends? I like that.'

Sorry if it seems that their relationship is forming too fast! It's just that in the book that this was inspired by, Kenna (the girl admitted) had a big crush on Jag (another patient.) Kenna and Jag do get in a relationship, but it isn't stated. You have to infer. So, this explains the quick escalation. :)

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