Chapter 1: Discovery

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At a young age Izuku had already learned that not all men are created equal. He was told he had a 1% chance to develop a quirk as neither of his parents quirks had manifested. Izuku had been bullied ever since by a person he thought of as his friend and an idol. He slowly became anti-social due to this torment and it became apparent that there was more than just the bullying. At home his father had recently been kicked out after he had hit Izuku's Mother Inko. Inko was having a hard time due to this, and Izuku was a spitting image of his father. Izuku tried to smile as much as he could but everytime he thought he could keep the smile something happened to take it away. Today was the day that everyone in school would be picking their future school and Izuku already knew he was going to try for U.A whether it his quirk would manifest or not. That day before school Bakugo was waiting for Izuku. "Hey Deku where do you think you're going after this dump?" Izuku's smile immediately disappeared. "It doesn't matter Kacchan. Isn't like I am a threat to you." Bakugo smiled "Glad you finally realized that." He turned to walk away but went for an explosive punch towards Deku who caught the punch square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. "Nice punch Kacchan." Deku said before getting back up, but Bakugo had already walked away. While waiting for the period where they would pick their future schools Izuku was called to the office. When he arrived the principal was waiting. "Izuku I don't know how to tell you this but.." Izuku went numb and couldn't hear what was being said but knew what had happened. "Sorry could you repeat that sir." The principal looked down. "Izuku there was an incident at the bank with a villain and your mom was killed." Izuku got up and went back to class as the principal was about to stop him he decided that he should let Izuku grieve. Izuku returned to class in time to pick and he wrote U.A. The teacher later announced that both Bakugo and Izuku had applied to U.A. After class Izuku was approached by Bakugo. "YOU FUCKING DEKU WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN GET INTO U.A ESPECIALLY QUIRKLESS?" Izuku smiled and began walking away. Bakugo furious threw a punch, Izuku knowing it was a right hook dodged and landed a punch in Bakugo's face. "Bakugo go fuck yourself." Izuku said before walking away, he decided he would take the long way home but remembered what he was told while he was in a small tunnel under a bridge. "Where am I suppoused to go?" Izuku wondered to himself but then a sludge began coming through a sewer grate. Izuku looking shocked watched it manifest into a sludge being that smiled. "Thanks kid you will be the perfect meat shield to hide from All-Might." The villain then began wrapping itself around Izuku who kinda just accepted his fate as who would miss an orphan. Just then he heard "Do not fear for I am here." As All-Might arrived and used a punch that disrupted the stability of the villain that allowed Izuku to escape. He looked at All-Might "Thank you All-Might sir." He bowed to the hero he thought of as his idol. All-Might took off and later the news told the story of the hero saving a boy amd capturing the villain. When Izuku got home he saw police waiting there. "Are you Izuku Midoriya?" He looked to the officer. "Yes I am."

"We are here to escort you to your godmother who will be taking care of you from now on." Izuku looked down he knew who his godmother was. He arrived at the house of Bakugo who's mother was his godmother. When he arrived Bakugo was the one to answer the door. "What do you want shitnerd?" His mother then came to the door. "Oh Izuku come in make yourself at home we will get your stuff from home tomorrow if that is okay?" Izuku nodded and Bakugo looked confused. "Bakugo your friend Izuku will be living with us for the foreseeable future. His mother died and as his godmother it is my responsibility to take care of him now." Bakugo looked to Izuku who looked normal to him. "Is this true Deku?" Izuku nodded. Bakugo went to his room unsure how to react. "If you don't mind I am going to go for a walk." Bakugo's mom nodded and Izuku left and walked to dagobah beach. He sat there among the trash when his despair finally reached him. He began crying, not realizing it was dark he continued and then he heard a sound behind him it was man with a knife and gun. "W-who are you." Izuku asked the man who then rushed him with the knife Izuku panicking got up and tried to dodge but got a slice on his arm. He kept trying to dodge but the man was faster and seemed to know exactly where he was going to head to next. He managed to dodge the last hit that was aimed at his throat. As the man pulled the gun from the holster Izuku felt something in himself. The man backed away from Izuku who was unsure what had happened, but felt a hood and cape/cloak on his head and back. He realized that the man seemed to be aging quickly but still trying to get away. The man fell to his knees looking to be nearly 90 years old now but had previously looked to be about 30. Izuku looked down as a scythe of black and purple energy manifested itself in his hand. He looked to the man, and smiled. "I guess I get to be judge, jury, and executioner." He held the scythe to the mans neck but stopped. "Leave and think of your new body as your punishment." Izuku began walking away and the items disappeared, but Izuku couldn't help but be happy his quirk had manifested.

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