Chapter 36: Disarming The Nuke

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Izuku looked at Mitsuki with an obvious hatred, the others except for those present at the tournament had no clue as to why this was the case. Scarlet started letting loose flames at Mitsuki, Amestra had created a grenade launcher and was landing grenade after grenade at him. Todoroki took the opportunity to also pelt him with fire and made some ice to try and slow him down. Mitsuki continued to walk forward seemingly unfazed by all this, all of a sudden the 3 students were sent flying through the wall that had been behind them. Izuku ran at Mitsuki glaring and it had become obvious he was using Aizawa's quirk to prevent Mitsuki from using his quirks. Izuku had no clue that the W.M.D quirk was a mutation type meaning it was still there. Izuku had a boot sent into his face which sent him flying into the wall, he got up an it was evident that he was pissed. Bakugo, Alice, and Kirishima were surprised by the amount of power that Mitsuki had now, Alice knew he had ridiculous power but to be able to do that much damage to Izuku know while he had managed to increase the amount of shock he could absorb to about as much as a nuclear bomb. Izuku began walking towards Mitsuki with his hair flowing like water due to Aizawa's quirk. "Mitsuki, I will defeat you and if you surrender now I promise you'll just go to prison but if I have to fight you, you will die I swear on every person I have cared about." Mitsuki laughed and threw another punch but Izuku dodged the extreme speed. "You may have more power than me but I have speed over you." Izuku quickly landed a quick succession of hits on Mitsuki who had been slightly damaged but not even close to the amount that would defeat him. Bakugo charged into the fight and used his howitzer impact to try to do damage to Mitsuki, but what happened nobody expected. Mitsuki had grabbed Bakugo's left arm and ripped it off then kicked Bakugo back to where the others had landed blood spurting from his wound. Todoroki barely still conscious used some fire to cauterize the wound so Bakugo wouldn't bleed out. 

Izuku saw the arm of his brother and Izuku began glowing with red lightning all over his body, his cloak manifested his scythe not long after. "Alice I need a favor, I am going to borrow your quirk." He didn't give time for an answer as he sliced into Alice without killing her. Izuku manifested a Diamond armor underneath his hood and cloak. He charged Mitsuki and sliced at him fazing from solid to ethereal scythe constantly Mitsuki smiled as the scythe was hitting him but not doing the expected outcome. Izuku turned and did a back heel kick to Mitsuki's head. Mitsuki fell down to his knees for a second before getting up, he felt some blood drip down his face. "How the fuck did you damage me?" Izuku smiled as the diamond armor on his foot had shattered and then it was remade by Izuku. Mitsuki understood the idea Izuku was using. Izuku dispersed his scythe and used flash step to get behind Mitsuki who used his blood to create spikes towards Izuku. Izuku smiled as he punched Mitsuki's back and the blood flowed some more. 

Izuku's POV

My plan was working if i used enough force to shatter the diamond it damages him while my shock absorption prevents me from damaging myself. I know that there will be diamond shards all over after the shattering and that will allow me to end this when there is enough. I just need to continue the hits. 

Back to normal Pov

Izuku continued punching Mitsuki who was seemingly unable to keep up with the speed of Izuku but knew it was due to the Flash Stepping technique. Izuku made a small error and Mitsuki blocked Izuku's punch with his own the diamond armor on his fist shattered but Izuku felt the pain. Izuku made more armor on his hand and knew that it's too late now to disappear and begins pucnhing as fast as he can and with each punch Mitsuki blocked more diamonds fell to the ground and Izuku could feel his arm beginning to shatter. They continue this for a few more minutes and then a spurt of blood falls from Izuku's arms, this didn't stop Izuku who continued to lose blood but the power of his hits didn't diminish and neither did his speed. There was a pile of diamonds around the room and Izuku smiled. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SMILING YOU ARE ABOUT T....." Mitsuki looked down and saw why Izuku had been smiling, a spear of diamond about 1 foot wide was through his stomach. Mitsuki looked down at it and tried to use his blood to fix himself but to no avail, he fell to his knees blood now flowing from the wound and from his mouth. Izuku walked up to him and manifested his scythe once more and sliced into Mitsuki and Izuku felt the power in him this time, he then created a solid scythe and held it to his neck. "Looks like I will be your judge, jury and executioner." With that said Izuku slices off Mitsuki's head now that his abilities had been reduced enough for the scythe to cut. The group of students stood in shock at the boy who had just decapitated a man without hesitation and began worrying that Izuku's mind had become tainted. Izuku turned to the group and smiled before collapsing from blood loss.

Izuku woke up several hours later after many of the villains had been captured and detained, there were some healers helping the students and Izuku had been healed. There was a door between him and All For One and nobody had seen him leave. Izuku got up and felt pain the ground around him was a crater but Izuku had no problem moving. Izuku walked to the door and no heroes stopped him as they knew this was the event that had to happen but his friends were worried. He punched the door down and it went flying, All For One was standing there and had used a force field to stop the doors from hitting him. 

"Izuku so happy for you to join me. I take it you have decided to change to my side in this fight. Those quirks I gave you should of corrupted you enough by now." He held out his hand but was met by fire. "I see so you have a fire quirk being mimiced now but that doesn't mean shit." All of a sudden there were balls of blood hovering around Izuku. "I got rid of your fucking quirks, I now have the quirks of my mother, my father, All-Might, and that first Noumu's shock absoprtion." All For One laughed. "Well then I guess I am going to have to kill you today. Unfortunate that you didn't join me, we could of changed this world and you could of inherited my quirk." 

Izuku got into a fighting stance ready to fight his final enemy. He felt the presence of his Mother, All-Might and all those he had killed behind him. He knew that this wouldn't be over until one of them was dead, but he felt okay with this after all he was the reaper. 

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