Chapter 25: Lets Get Ready To Rumble

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The day had come for the battle royale to start but when they arrived they saw the principal speaking to Mitsuki. Izuku began approaching the two when he saw Mitsuki begin activating his W.M.D Izuku immediately dropped into his fighting stance and charged at them Mitsuki threw a punch towards the principal. Izuku landed in front of it and blocked it with his stockpile. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MITSUKI?!" Mitsuki's eyes were filled with rage. "HE IS SAYING I AM NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE TOURNAMENT!!" Izuku looks towards the principal and the principal just nods, "He has been disqualified from competing after his conduct in the last tournament. At first he was fine but eventually he killed one of his opponents and it was deemed that it was an accident but it is known among officials that it is because of his personality." Izuku looks to Mitsuki who was still evidently pissed off but had let the principal explain. "NOW I AM GETTING READY  TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT FUCKER!!" Mitsuki sent a punch into Izuku's gut, this knocked Izuku to the ground because he hadn't realized the blade on his hand. Mitsuki then charged the principal just to have a wave of flame thrown at him by Scarlet. "Mitsuki your at a 10 we need you at 5. Otherwise I'm going to have make you boil even more." Mitsuki looked to Scarlet with rage and began charging her. "YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE TOURNAMENT BECAUSE YOUR OPPONENT WAS TOO WEAK!!" Scarlet smiled as she dodged repeated punches from Mitsuki. "Your right, I don't know because I know how to hold back in a competition." Mitsuki seemingly got even more angry at this comment. He began swinging faster using the weight of his W.M.D to increase the momentum of his punches, as he threw them faster and faster Scarlet was seemingly struggling to continue dodging and had stopped firing random balls of fire. Izuku got up and checked his wound he knew if they were going to stop the raging Mitsuki they would have to stall for Amestra to arrive. Izuku created some flames in his hand and pressed them to his wound to cauterize it. When he finished he got up and activated his Reaper Form, he charged at Mitsuki with an increase of speed from Stockpile and manged to land a kick onto Mitsuki's back. Mitsuki looked towards Izuku and threw a punch that Izuku countered with a matching punch, this caused a crater to begin forming underneath the two powerhouses. As this happened Izuku was once again reminded of the blade on the arm of Mitsuki and hovering an inch above Izuku's hand. Amestra walked in and saw the crowd avoiding Mitsuki, Izuku and Scarlet and knew what was happening. She immediately formed a large hammer and yelled for Izuku to move, Izuku managed to dodge out  of the way as the hammer connected with Mitsuki's face. After landing the hit she made her hammer disappear and then created two katanas, and began slashing at Mitsuki and using her blades to block as well. Izuku tried to help but Amestra stopped him from doing so by going in front of anywhere he went to launch an attack. "Brute force isn't the answer to every problem use some intellect to try and win." Amestra yelled at Izuku. Izuku began looking at their fight and trying to figure out what she meant, he did use his intellect to fight, he then had a realization that he could use his Scythe to disable the nerves of Mitsuki so he doesn't cause more problems. He manifested the scythe and began running at Mitsuki and Amestra smiled. "There you go that is using that brain of yours." As soon as this happened Mitsuki landed a kick into her stomach which sent her flying. Izuku ran towards Mitsuki who dodged the scythe as it came towards him. Scarlet knew one on one Izuku could handle himself but Mitsuki wasn't who he normally was, she began firing streams of flames at Mitsuki while Izuku jumped around him to try and hit him with the scythe. Mitsuki's punches were messing with Scarlet's flames as there was massive air pressure changes due to the power. Izuku took this opportunity to swing his scythe to slice Mitsuki's knees this caused him to fall to his knees unable to stand, this didn't stop him from trying to throw punches at Izuku. Izuku continued to slice Mitsuki and paralyze him, Mitsuki when he was fully paralyzed just stared at Izuku with killer intent. "Izuku when I get up I promise you that this will end with one of us dead." Amestra, Scarlet, Izuku and the principal stood there looking at Mitsuki. "Well what should we do? He is intent on killing Izuku at this point and he will given the chance." The principal said to Amestra. "Well how I see it we either get Izuku to destroy his brain with one final slice or we send him off and hope he doesn't come back."  The principal reacted to her statement and looked to Izuku. Izuku nodded knowing what the decision was but he wanted to hear it before assuming. "So am I?" Mitsuki's eyes widened in horror realizing what was about to happen. The principal looked at Mitsuki, "I'm Sorry...Son. Izuku do it quick and make sure it's painless." After saying this he walked away, Izuku knelt down to Mitsukiand placed a hand on his shoulder. "I am so sorry..." Izuku swung his scythe at the boy and finsihed him off. 

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