Chapter 19: The Council

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After being defeated Izuku had been taken to the nurse to heal any injuries he may have gotten. The nurse had made a comment. "This is the first time she didn't bring someone here who was unconscious. Must have made an impression." Izuku smiled uncomfortably as it meant that he got lucky or she was holding back, both of those thoughts were scary to him. As he was released due to him only having minor injuries he went to the council office this time there were more people there. There were 2 people he had yet to meet one was a boy with long spiky red hair, he looked to be short but very muscular and reminded him visually of Kirishima, the other was a female who has long silver hair in the back but the front covered one eye. "Hello I'm Monika. Pleasure to meet you." Izuku smiled and waved. The boy then said "I am Mitsuki Hatsudenjo." Izuku smiled and then wave. "That's Japanese right, I had a friend back where I am from named Mitsuki Bakugo." Mitsuki laughed. Then Amestra spoke up. "Izuku these are the other two people on the student council. Now that you have joined that makes 5 of us." Izuku looked around and saw Stephen, he assumed that meant Stephen was also on the council. "So what do we do on the council?" Izuku asked unsure of the role of a student council due to his school only having class representatives. "Well the council doesn't really have a job. The 1st ranked student has always been student council president and is allowed to make their own council, usually this makes people targets as they are usually high ranking students. But usually it those students who have made top 50 that challenge the council as losing usually means you are kicked off the council and are replaced by the one who defeat you but I was lacking a fifth person after the last person on the council graduated." Izuku smiled. "So is it okay if I ask what everyone's quirks are?" Amestra laughed. "Took you long enough we have heard you are kinda nerdy when it comes to quirks. Well my quirk is called Armory. What it does is it allows me to create any wield-able weapon and use it while preventing others from using it unless I have given permission. I also have a second quirk but I don't talk about that quirk too much because I can only use it once every ten years. Mitsuki's quirks are blood control and W.M.D body. The blood control is fairly self explanatory as it allows him to control blood so he can form it into weapons and other forms. The W.M.D body boosts his physical body to what would probably be the level of that symbol of peace guy in your country." At the mention of All-Might Izuku stiffens up a bit and is obvious that he still holds anger towards what happened to him. "And Monika's quirk is Magnetism. It allows her to change the magnetic fields of any metal which is useful because she herself has a magnetic field so she is able to change metals magnetism to repel or attract things to her." Monika smiles as a metal pen began moving across the table towards her. "And there is her downside, sometimes metal objects get attracted to her without her having changed their polarity. And Mitsuki's downsides are he is extremely heavy at 192 tonnes and has to fight that weight constantly and his blood control only works if he cuts himself or someone else to create the blood flow but that is why his hero costume has metal claws on it so he is able to cut himself at the beginning of battles." Izuku smiled knowing that no matter where he went there were quirks that he had yet to experience. "So if I may ask what are we doing on this council?" Amestra smiled. "Well today as the new recruit you will face whoever on the council wants to fight you." Mitsuki punched his fists together and pulled out his student I.D but before he could issue the challenge Monika challenged Izuku. They went to the arena that was nearby, in it there was a fight just finishing. When it finished everyone moved aside and watched the upcoming match. Izuku got into his fighting stance and Monika just stood still on her side, Amestra came into the ring and signified the match was to begin. As soon as it started Izuku felt his arm pulling him towards her, he knew she was trying to use her magnetism to throw him off balance slightly. As he was brought towards her he ran faster towards her and did a spinning kick towards her ribs. Monika smiled at this and used her magnetism to send him spinning the opposite way Izuku figured this would happen and used his rotation to then use the opposite leg to kick her ribs while activating the dark manifest form. The impact sent Monika flying into the walls of the arena. Izuku noticed his mechanical arm was loose and Monika stood up and smiled before Izuku felt his arm come off and sent flying towards Monika. Izuku looked in horror as he screams in pain, with his arm gone he slowly feels as the quirks he had were draining. Monika looks at the severed arm in horror realizing what she had just done. Izuku used shadow step to go into the ground and popped up in front of Monika and kicked her in the ribs again before sweeping her legs out from under her. Izuku with rage in his eyes began punching the girl in the face with his remaining arm. When Monika went unconscious and he was declared the winner, he picked up his arm from where Monika had dropped it and reattached it. Amestra walked to Izuku. "We need to have a talk Izuku." 

10 Minutes Later

"Izuku I am aware that your quirks have been linked to your cybernetic arm. That disappearing act of yours is obviously your true quirk without your arm. I have a friend that may be able to regrow your arm but it may mean the quirks attached to that arm are gone." Izuku smiled "Yes I would love to meet this friend I want my real arm back as fast as possible." Amestra laughed and leads Izuku to a room where there was a bulky man who had snacks everywhere in his room. "This is Ignelius, he has a time quirk that can revert people up to a year into the past meaning they can have the body they had a year ago, but he can also go for shorter time." Izuku smiled. "Well I lost my arm about a month ago." Ignelius laughed "Easy work, come over here and I'll begin. Letting you know this is going to hurt especially because it'll regrow one of your limbs." Izuku prepared for the pain he would be experiencing. As the quirk of Ignelius began Izuku felt a searing pain similar to when he lost his arm except it is seemingly worse somehow. Izuku woke up a few hours later with his arm regrown. Ignelius was sitting there but looked insanely skinny with snacks in hand. "Thank you so much. You do not understand how much this means to me Ignelius." Amestra smiled. "There is one more thing I want to show you." They went to Amestra's room and she turned to him. "My second quirk is quirk change, I can only use it once every ten years and that timer is reset in a few days. I was wondering if you would like to be the one I use it on?" Izuku looked shocked this is the first time he had heard of a quirk that can change quirks. "I will have to think about it as I have already been given so much." Amestra nodded "I have already asked the members of the council and they believe that you should be the one with that option." Izuku nodded "I have multiple quirks so would I be able to change all of them or just one?" Amestra looked shocked. "Well I don't see why I couldn't change them all if you wanted." Izuku knew he would have a hard decision to make over the next little while. "I will let you know soon." 

Authors notes: hey sorry for the delay I just get distracted with life now, Im leaving this part as an open ending as I want to know if you guys want me to change any of the quirks Izuku has except for the death manifest form as that is his main quirk and is the beginning of this story. if you have an opinion on whether any quirks get replaced let me know what quirks you would want replaced and if you want an idea for a quirk to replace it. 

as a refresher as to what quirks Izuku has they are 

Death manifest: his scythe and robes along with his skull pupil form

Dark manifest: the purple energy form that gives him the strength boost

Shadow step: his telportation

and with the readdition of his arm

War form: The manifestation of the sword of ares and the metal gauntlets. 

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