Chapter 8: Brothers

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It was decided that there would be a day of rest before the final match so that the 2 boys could be at full power for the final fight. Izuku and Bakugo both went home. They smiled at each other "So we are the finalists of the sports festival who would of thought this would happen?" Izuku said to Bakugo. "I know a few years ago if you had told me how this ended up I would of punched you in the face and released an explosion. But in this past year you have developed 2 quirks and managed to beat me a few times." Izuku smiled as they both went to their rooms and went to sleep. The next day they arrived at the arena ready for their match. Izuku felt confident as he now had ice and fire as long as he doesn't use his scythe on Bakugo. Izuku smiled knowing this was going to be a great fight, Bakugo knowing exactly what he was thinking smiled to Izuku. "Good luck Deku you'll need it." Bakugo said smiling. The buzzer went off and Bakugo charged Izuku who released a massive fireball towards Bakugo. Bakugo using his explosions to dodge it sent a wave of explosions towards Deku as he tries to dodge but manages to get hit on the legs burning them. Deku decided to activate the cloak and hood after this as they provided some defense from what he remembers while sparring with Bakugo. As soon as he activated it he launched himself into the air with a pillar of ice. While in the air he spun and released a fireball that turned into a wave of fire that was like a disc that went towards Bakugo who managed to smile and release an explosion to dodge it and launch into the air where he began spinning. Deku knew what was about to happen as he had practiced this move before on him. Izuku smiled as he created a dome of ice and while inside shadow stepped into the ground and hid. As Bakugo detonated the ring pieces of concrete and ice flying into the air Izuku emerged from a chunk of concrete high above the arena where he was able to drain the life force of some flying animals and the tops of trees. He manifested his scythe and had an idea, he ignited himself in flame while using ice to keep himself from being burned and began swinging the scythe to begin him spinning while falling he continued to swing in multiple directions and screamed. "Flaming Scythe Orb!" When he landed he had managed to hit Bakugo through many points of his body leaving immobile but still standing. Izuku felt he no longer had the ice and fire quirk from Todoroki and embraced the familiar power of the explosions and released an explosive shockwave that sent Bakugo from the ring. This led to Izuku cementing himself as the victor of his first sports festival and would only make Bakugo try harder. 

A few days later

After the sports festival many students in class 1-A had still thought that Izuku was more fit as a villain but had accepted that he wanted to be a hero. It surprised many who had began trying to be friends with Izuku that he was actually very nice level headed and caring. It was even more shocking when they found out the Bakugo was actually really nice if he tried to be which around Izuku he tried to be more often. The main people who had gotten close to Izuku were Kirishima, Kaminari, Tsuyu, and surprisngly Momo. Todoroki was back and forth talking with Deku as he didn't like to be around Bakugo who had intimidated Todoroki with the sheer power he had displayed without hesitation. Izuku had begun thinking things about Bakugo that he would have to ask about because he was seemingly nicer when either him or Kirishima was around but was really touchy with Kirishima who was seemingly unaware of this. Later that day Aizawa mentioned that they would all be taking internships over the next two weeks. The list of people who were interested in everyone was large for people like Todoroki and Bakugo but was much shorter for Izuku but he knew he would at least have a single offer from Endeavour. Speaking of Endeavour had just walked through the door with a recommendation in hand. "Izuku Midoriya, I Endeavour would like to give you this recommendation for an internship with me." Izuku smiled at the shocked reactions of everybody in the class especially Todoroki. Izuku stood up and said "I will be honored to think about it as a possibility." Which made Endeavour grimace at the thought that he may have just gotten played by a high schooler into being humiliated. Endeavour left after dropping the recommendation on the desk of Aizawa. "Izuku you are playing with fire by doing that to him." Todoroki said to Izuku who just shrugged. "I thought that if I taught him some humility it might be beneficial to growing as a person. If you haven't noticed your father is a bit of an asshole, is too cocky and way to focused on making you beat All-Might." Izuku smiled as he looked at the other internships he had been offered. He saw heroes he knew but he also saw a few that he had no clue about including a hero named Gran Torino. He still had a few days before he had to decide where he would be interning so he decided he would pick later. After class All-Might approached him "Young Midoriya I want you to know that I have had my eyes on you since the entrance exams, I am aware that you are the young boy I saved nearly a year ago from the sludge villain just to have found your mother dead after that experience. I was wondering if you would be interested in becoming the next symbol of peace?" Izuku's eyes widened as he was realizing that All-Might was asking him to be the next number 1 hero. "Of course I would love to but doesn't my quirk make me more fit to be an underground hero who operates at night like Aizawa-Sensei?" All-Might smiled "I want you to inherit my quirk. It is called One For All and it can be passed on by ingesting D.N.A willingly of the previous holder. As it is passed on it increases in power and can actually pass on the other quirk of the user as well." Izuku looked to his idol realizing that should he accept this he would have at any one time 6 quirks 2 of which nobody has been seen. "I'm sorry but I can't accept this quirk. I haven't told anyone but when I was kidnapped I was given three additional quirks. One of these is the teleportation quirk I use called Shadow Step." All-Might's eyes widened. "What did this villain that gave you these quirks look like?" Izuku was kinda shocked by the question. "He didn't look to have much of a face it looked heavily scared with only his mouth visible with many tubes coming from his body and was wearing a suit. He gave me the quirks by touching my head and sending a pulse of energy into me." All-Might frowned as he knew who this was. "That was All For One he is a villain who has the exact opposite quirk to mine. While we can both give a quirk he can also steal quirks and make them his own. His quirk was what birthed mine when he gave a strength quirk to his younger brother who unknowingly had a quirk to give his quirk to others." Izuku knew that this meant they were bound to have another fight. "I am sorry but I can not accept your quirk but I will help whoever is your successor and you in your fights with him."

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