Chapter 15: Rematch

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Izuku had been training with his new arm for a few weeks now and had been talking to his teachers about when he would be allowed to go out and fight again. "Izuku we don't believe you are ready to fight again just yet but if you are determined we can do a match similar to a sports festival match to test your limits." Izuku smiled and nodded. "Well, then set it up and I will win against anyone you put me up against." Aizawa smiles as he leaves the room. 

A few hours later 

Izuku smiled as he got a message saying his opponent would be Bakugo. Izuku began thinking how he would beat him. He began walking to the arena they would be doing their fight and saw Bakugo in full costume ready to begin fighting. As Izuku gets to his spot in the ring he began bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation for this fight. "So Kacchan it has been awhile since our last fight. Do you think you can win this one?" Bakugo laughs. "Well can I brag if I do? If If I win I beat up a cripple if I lose I got beaten by a cripple doesn't seem to be a way for me to win." Izuku laughs. "Well this cripple is at 100% so don't worry about losing to me." With that remark the match began with Bakugo using his explosions to speed towards Izuku who had yet to manifest anything but managed to dodge by using Shadow Step. Izuku appeared where Bakugo had initially began. Izuku smiled and then a black mist came out of his arm and solidified as his cloak and hood manifested. Izuku then ran at Bakugo who dodged by using an explosion to jump over him and then grabbed his leg and swung Izuku at the ground using the momentum of the explosion to increase the impact. Izuku lands on his back and loses the wind in his lungs causing him to be unable to breathe. Izuku laid there gasping for air as Bakugo stood over him and looked down in pity. "I thought you would be able to do more even if you are crippled." Bakugo begins walking away awaiting the call that the match is over but heard nothing. Izuku got to his feet as his arms creases began glowing purple and slowly a purple and black energy pattern appeared all over Izuku. "What was that about being crippled?" As Bakugo turned to see Izuku still standing he felt a pain in his gut and all of a sudden Izuku had a fist where he felt the pain. "I guess I am going to put up more of a fight than you thought." He then did a spinning back kick which hit Bakugo in the side of the head and sent him flying out of the ring. "Izuku Midoriya wins and this match is concluded." Izuku dispersed the manifestations of his cloak and hood and the energy slowly disappeared. Izuku walked over to Bakugo and held out his hand. "Hey nice fight but I guess you lost to a cripple." Izuku chuckled and Bakugo followed suit and grabbed his hand. "I guess I did but as you said you were at 100%." They walk over to where Aizawa was watching the fight. "Does this clear me for returning to class and hunting villains?" Aizawa sighed and nodded, Izuku smiled at Bakugo who smiled back. "Welcome back brother."

The next few days were the most productive days in recent memory for Izuku as he had arrested several villains a day. He was searching hard for All For One but was unable to find any trace of the villain but was hoping interrogating some of the captured villains would lead to some clues as to where he would be. Izuku began getting obsessed with trying to defeat All For One that he began going days without sleep just to be found later passed out in some area of the school between take downs. As he was still a student he had still managed to go to classes and keep his grades up but it was becoming obvious that this obsession would cause him to deteriorate until he completed it or died trying. Bakugo was the only who seemed to try and snap him out of it but Mei tried to come up with ways to help the boy out. 

Then one day in class Aizawa had assigned everyone to teams for mock battles after a fairly successful night of hunting villains. The team he was on consisted of him Todoroki Kirishima and Uraraka, Izuku knew this would be a pretty hard team to beat with only Bakugo's team being any hope against them. As Izuku was fighting another team he began slowing down significantly until he took a hit from Mezo Shoji who is strong enough that it knocked him out. He awoke several days later to find out that he had been out for days and he began getting up immediately too try and fight other villains. He began getting restrained by staff. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME I HAVE TO FIND ALL FOR ONE!!!" Just when he finished saying that Bakugo walked in with Iida. "Hey Deku I brought someone you should talk to." Bakugo said showing that Iida was behind him. "Hello Midoriya, I know what you are going through as I had gone through it before with Stain. But you can not continue like this, you are trying to live for revenge and as you had made me realize that isn't the path of hero. Please Midoriya return to us and show you aren't the villain that people used to make you out to be." Izuku looked down at this statement and began thinking to himself. "Am I really turning this much to defeat All For One? Can I even call myself a hero? Would All-Might be happy with how I am handling the situation?" Izuku smiled at Iida. "I'm sorry I will try to be better I have just been shaken as of late, you know losing a mentor and a part of my body has made me delusional." Izuku knew he was just trying to get them out so he could think about the situation but he was unsure whether he was convincing them. "I am going to take a rest for a bit longer. But thank you guys for caring so much about me." 

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