Chapter 34: The Return

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Izuku accompanied by Scarlet, Stephen, Alice and Amestra went to the airport with their belongings. Izuku was surprised that he was being able to return so soon after the tournament and then there was the fact that his friends would be coming with him back to Japan. Izuku was preparing to see his old friends and teachers, he was wondering what they would say now that he has changed so much in the past 2 and a half years. Amestra noticed Izuku spacing out and decided to poke his side. "Hey, Izuku are you okay?" Izuku snapped back to reality. "Yeah I am fine Amestra, just some things on my mind." Amestra smiled at Izuku who returned the smile. 

Several hours later

The group of students landed at the airport in Japan and Izuku looked to see if they were getting a pickup from anyone they knew but the airport seemed almost deserted. "This is weird normally this airport is pretty busy, guys be ready to suit up I have a license so I can use my quirk but you guys might not be able to." Izuku said this as he got into his hero costume to prepare for any fighting they might have to do. Just then he heard the familiar sound of explosions. "Aweh fuck, I know whats going on. No need to suit up just follow me." The group of students kept walking towards the sound of the explosions. Izuku smiled as he saw a horde of people looking at an arena in the airport, Izuku walked up and saw Bakugo in the middle of the arena having a sparring match with Todoroki. Bakugo was moving around really fast using his explosions to try and close the distance between him and Todoroki, Todoroki was using his flames to completely block the side of the arena so Bakugo would have to get close on his icy side. All of a sudden Bakugo started spinning and Izuku smiled before saying "Howitzer Impact" The group of students looked at him confused. Then a loud "HOWITZER IMPACT" was heard by everyone watching and Izuku began getting stares from the friends that had come with him. Todoroki ws hit by the move and sent him out of the arena, making Bakugo the winner. Izuku smiled then put on his hood and jumped down to the arena, Izuku's hood was now accompained by a mask that covered his mouth and only let his eyes be seen. Bakugo laughed, "What someone else wants to fuck with me? Did you not see me mess up Endeavor's son?" Izuku laughed, "You bet your dumb blonde looking ass, I'm going to destroy you." Bakugo smiled. The match began with Bakugo using explosions to speed towards Izuku, Izuku stood still and waited for the punch that he knew would be a right hook. It came and Izuku grabbed the arm and smashed his shoulder into Bakugo's chest and proceeded to throw him onto his back. Izuku smiled and then backed away using the flash step. "Amestra Izuku seems to be enjoying this fight even though it has just started, do you know why?" Alice asked, Amestra shrugged. 

Izuku kept using his flash step to land light blows onto Bakugo, everyone was impressed with the "Quirk" that Izuku was using. Amestra, Alice, Stephen, and Scarlet were snickering to each other after hearing all the theories people had. Izuku began throwing punches without the use of flash step, Izuku's clothes had holes burned into them after the explosions had gotten close. Izuku smiled as he manifested his scythe, Bakugo's eyes widened. "You mother fucker! We were waiting for you now you come back and you can fucking teleport that is some bullshit." Bakugo smiled as he came up to Izuku and then went to do a quick uppercut to Izuku. Izuku blocked it, "Not a teleportation quirk, and frankly I could do this without any quirk." Izuku flash stepped around the arena then kicked Bakugo out of the arena using about 8% of One For All. Izuku went and picked him up and brought him to the others along with Todoroki. 

"Guys I would like to introduce you to Bakugo and Todoroki. Todoroki and Bakugo, these are Alice, Scarlet, Stephen and Amestra. These are some of the friends I made at the other school, they came because a former friend of ours has turned bad and is with All For One. Todoroki was just staring at Izuku's arms. "Todoroki you okay man?" Todoroki nodded. "Well when did your prosthetic look so human." Izuku looked down. "OH YEAH, fuck I forgot this isn't my prosthetic arm it is my real arm. A person I knew at the school had a time quirk and was able to set my body back to how I was before my fight with All For One so I have my arm back." Todoroki and Bakugo both looked surprised. "You guys have to fill me in on what has happened since I have been gone." The two guys looked at each other. "Well maybe we should get back to U.A so you can see some familiar faces. We will fill you in once there." 

They arrived at U.A and Izuku had a weird feeling. They got into the dorms and everyone saw Izuku. "IZUKU!!!!!!" Everyone yelled but Izuku noticed a few faces were missing. "Where's Mineta, Shoji and Toru?" Everyone looked down and Izuku began to understand. "Shortly after you left we had internships again and while on those internships Mineta was attacked by All For One to make another spectacle. They found his body shortly after but found his head several days later on a spear in the middle of town. Shoji had his quirk drained and then his skull caved in by All For One, and Toru was found out as the traitor. She had been giving information to the league for so long and when she was found out she was evacuated by the mist guy from the U.S.J attack. Izuku looked down. "Well then I have some bad news. The league is about to be even stronger, the former friend of ours was stronger than All-Might and is currently able to beat me in power but I out preform him in technique. He is a dual type quirk user like Todoroki but his quirks are blood manipulation which alone is really powerful as he can control people with his blood after hitting them with his blood projectiles. Then the second quirk is called W.M.D it significantly boosts his power and speed and I don't know the limits of it, the worse part is his psyche has deteriorated to the point where he ripped his own mother in half and then killed his baby sibling." The others looked at Izuku in horror. "How do you plan on beating him if you can't overpower him?" Izuku smiled. 

"I have a plan." 

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