Chapter 6: Festivities Commence

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As Izuku woke up the next day after seeing his mother's grave he felt an ominous feeling about the sports festival. He knew he wouldn't use the other quirks he had been given unless  he had an absolute need. He knew this was the first opportunity to show he could be the number 1 hero but he knew he would have to beat Bakugo to do that. He couldn't help but feel like the sports festival was a bad idea, so many heroes in one area made him worry about other areas. Without realizing he had been heading to the sports festival he arrived and saw his classmates and those from class 1-b. The boy with purple hair and look of sleep deprivation looked to Izuku and smirked, Izuku thought this was fishy and decided to keep an eye out for him. The first event was announced as an obstacle course race and Izuku smiled. Izuku knew using his Shadow Step (Name of the quirk used on Bakugo last chapter where he submerged in the ground and appeared) Izuku decided to run most of the race and show his intelligence more than his quirk but wanted to do the race with his cloak and hood so people knew he wasn't ashamed of his quirk. The buzzer went off and Todoroki immediately froze the ground sticking many students to place but Izuku had figured he would do something like this and used Shadow Step to get out of the area that was frozen and appeared next to Todoroki. "Isn't that a bit too harsh to the others, You should of used an ice wall that people would have to climb the frozen to the ground is just going to be a slight inconvenience to those who are competent." Izuku then proceeded to run even faster than Todoroki until he began using ice to speed himself up. Izuku then heard the all too familiar sounds of explosions. Izuku smiled knowing it was Bakugo, but Izuku began worrying when he saw a 0 point robot from the entrance exams show up. Izuku paused as he thought of trying to use his Shadow Step to get inside and destroy it from the inside. He knew it would be impressive to those watching while not showing his power to much, he decided on doing it and he climbed into the robot and found that the wiring inside was pretty basic but decided to check the head to see if he would be able to use it's fall as a way to push himself forward farther. When Izuku arrived at the top he saw that he would be able to control the robot and smiled thinking of making it to the end with the giant robot. Izuku controlled the robot to move it through the obstacle course and felt it start to fall Izuku used Shadow Step to get onto the top of the robot's head he saw the chasm with pillars through it and jumped to the nearest pillar using shock absorption to soften his impact. He looked back to see a few of the pillars had been destroyed by the robot's fall and Todoroki and Bakugo had just gotten to the start of the obstacle. Izuku began running and saw the minefield ahead Izuku decided using Shadow Step would be the best option as he showed his intelligence with the robot. Izuku then submerged and showed up in the end area and everyone was shocked when it was announced, many had placed bets that Todoroki or Bakugo would be first. As everyone arrived it was announced the second round would be a cavalry battle, Izuku looked at Bakugo who smiled and Izuku knew they would be a team. Izuku also looked at the other classmates when the purple haired began to approach and Izuku activated his cloak and hood. "Midoriya, your name is Midoriya right? I want to be on a team with you and that Bakugo guy. Also the bird guy Tokoyami would seem like a good addition." Izuku smiled "You know what I agree with you." Izuku asked Tokoyami to join his team and thus formed the team of Tokoyami, Shinso, Bakugo and Izuku. During the cavalry battle not many teams put up a fight against this team Todoroki's team nearly got the headband on Izuku's head but was stopped by an explosion from Bakugo, Izuku felt weird being there but unable to use his quirk without draining people due to the lack of other life in the stadium. He could feel a few bugs here and there but nothing close enough for him to drain. His team ended up winning and then the one on one matches were announced. 

Shinso vs Midoriya

Kirishima vs Iida

Kaminari vs Todoroki

Sero vs Uraraka

Aoyama vs Bakugo

Ashido vs Shiozaki

Tokoyami vs Hatsume

Tetsutetsu vs Momo

Izuku smiled knowing he was teammates with the man he would be fighting. He knew from the classes interactions both Shinso and him were thought to be the villains of their classes. Izuku knew he wouldn't need to use his quirks and but he decided he would use them to leave an impression. The next day the first rounds of the fighting tournament were to take place Izuku got to the ring and smiled at his former teammate. The bell signifying the beginning of their fight went off and Izuku activated his cloak and Hood he thought that with this many people nearby he would be able to summon the scythe if he drained negligible amounts of life force from everyone and they would only receive a feeling of tiredness. He did so and the scythe manifested, he thought to himself there has to be a way for him to use the scythe without draining things, he put this thought away for later practice. He knew he could end this when he heard the boy say "So aren't you the kid who lost his mother a year ago in that hostage situation after being saved by All-Might from that sludge villain?" Izuku felt a rage inside of himself that made him scream "DON'T YOU SAY A THING ABOUT MY MOTHER YOU BASTARD!!!" Shinso smiled as Izuku felt himself lose control of his body. "Now walk off!" Izuku heard Shinso say as his body began walking towards the edge. The problem was that his scythe slipped down and hit Izuku's legs, causing him to fall to his knees and snap out of the hypnotism. Izuku still enraged looked towards his opponent. and began crawling towards him scythe in hand but on his knees. The crowd looked to the boy on his knees crawling to his opponent who laughed at the struggles. Izuku knew he would have to use Shadow Step now. He submerged into the ring and appeared behind Shinso and used his scythe to hit the boy in the knees. Bringing him to his knees the crowd began to look in awe as both heroes were on their knees but Izuku kept seemingly teleporting and slicing Shinso very shallowly to make it so he felt no pain and then he felt his own paralysis end as he stood up he walked to the other hero and leaned in to his ear and whispered "You talk to my mother again and I will make sure you don't have a tongue to talk again." Izuku then punted the boy in the face knocking him out and winning the first match. 

Iida versus Kirishima went how Izuku predicted, with Iida trying to push Kirishima out but Kirishima's quirk made him able to punch the boy in the face with a hard hit knocking Iida out of the tournament. Todoroki beat Kaminari easily by blocking the electricity with his ice until he ran out of juice and became a dunce and Todoroki just asked him to walk out which he did. Sero vs Uraraka was an interesting match as both seemingly were forced to do close quarters combat but Sero using his tape to stay on the ground Uraraka ended up winning the fight as Sero's movements became stressed due to him having to keep the tape attached to himself and the ground. Bakugo defeated Aoyama easily as he was able to dodge the lasers with easy and overpower him with explosions. Ashido won the match between her and Shiozaki due to her acid being able to melt the vines created by Shiozaki and she was more maneuverable. Tokoyami beat Hatsume due to her resigning after him not entertaining showing her creations off using him as a model. Momo beat Tetsutesu by creating slippery substances constantly and placing them between her and him so he when he charged he was unable to keep his footing and eventually slid out of the ring. Midoriya knew tomorrow his fight would be difficult when he fought Kirishima due to them both being close quarters fighters but Kirishima having the harder hit.  

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