Chapter 2: Exam

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Izuku was still unclear of how his quirk worked he only knew what he could from his encounter with the man. He assumed his quirk aged people and then manifested the scythe. He went back to Dagobah beach to attempt to train his quirk. When there he tried to activate the quirk and the hood and cloak manifested. He attempted to summon the scythe but it wouldn't show up. He began walking around and slowly the sycthe began manifesting but he was unsure why. He looked around and saw some small fish on the surface of the water dead. He then understood his quirk, the hood and cloak drains the life force of things to manifest the scythe. He thought that he had a villain quirk but he felt like he didn't know anything about the scythe as he only used it as intimidation. He smiled and dismissed his quirk, he had decided to go to a forest to try and figure out more about the scythe.
He figured out it doesn't do any physical damage but attacks the nerves and mental stability of people and animals. He assumed it was the same for people as he had only practiced on animals. He knew he had about a week before the U.A exam but was worried about fighting something that doesn't have nerves or a mental state. He decided that he would need to figure out a way to beat those. The day before the exam he was wondering how he would fight anything that wasn't mortal. He was walking home and saw two people seemingly mugging someone he decided to help the person as no heroes seemed to be around he activated the cloak and hood and absorbed the life force of plants and trees nearby to  summon the scythe. He ran to the muggers and sliced with it at the knees to drop them to their knees. They both fell and he then sliced through their chests causing them to begin freaking out. He had disabled both muggers and the person being mugged looked to their hero. "Thank you so much how did you do that without killing them?" Izuku smiled "I attacked their nerves to disable them they will be like this for about an hour which is enough time for heroes or police to arrive." He left and ran back to the Bakugo residence and dismissed his quirk. He smiled knowing his training had proven beneficial to determining what to absorb the life force from. He had a weird feeling in his chest though and was unsure what was happening. He went to sleep in preparation for the exam tomorrow.
The next morning he went to the exam with Bakugo who had started to be nicer to Deku after the situation. Deku thought it was good that he could be friends with Bakugo again for now. Izuku arrived to the auditorium where the exam was explained and found they would be fighting robots. He knew he was screwed for this exam as he couldn't hurt robots and he hadn't figured out a way to fight non-mortal beings. He was trying to figure out up until the entrance exam had begun but he decided he could activate his quirk and attempt to attack a robot to see if maybe it will attack the system controlling them. It failed and the robot punch Deku through a glass window in one of the buildings. He got up and felt a weird surge of power that he decided to embrace. When he did he felt like he had another power he could activate, he began to activate it and felt that he could form water in his vicinity he used this as a whip and hit the robot from a distance shorting it out and destroying it. The judges looked to the boy who seemingly had 2 quirks and looked impressed and 1 of the judges was worried as he had seen this quirk in a villain who had mugged someone the last night but had been defeated by a "Reaper". Deku continued using this water power to destroy robot after robot until he felt the warth shake as a massive robot with a 0 painted on it showed up he began running but saw a girl trapped in rubble by the robot's foot. He rushed to her and used water to slice at the robot's foot and then slid the water in the break to destroy the system. The robot began sparking as it was destroyed from the inside from the water. Izuku smiled as he then went to fight more robots. At the end Izuku had gotten 56 points from the robots destruction. He smiled knowing he had probably passed.

A few days later in the mail both he and Bakugo had a letter from U.A. they both had been accepted and Bakugo got pissed as he saw Izuku had gotten 20 points more than him. He was unsure how as Deku still hadn't shown a quirk that manifested.
"Yo shitnerd how did you do better than me. You don't even have a quirk." Izuku smiled as he said "Come outside and we will go to the woods and I'll show you." He left the house and went to the woods and Bakugo followed. When they both arrived at the clearing he activated the hood and cloak. "I have manifested a quirk." He began absorbing life force from plants and manifested the scythe. He smiled "Wanna spar it could be good for both of us." Bakugo smiled as he charged Deku. Deku dodged the first hit and used his scythe to hit Bakugo's opposite hand. "What the hell did you do?!" Bakugo said as he saw the scythe pass through his hand but he was unable to activate his explosions there anymore. Izuku smiled "My scythe attaxks the nerves and mental stability of people and animals." Bakugo looked scared. "Then how did you beat robots." Izuku smiled as he manifested water in the shape of a ball. "I also seem to have this water quirk." He smiled as Bakugo got hit in the chest with the scythe. He fell to his knees unable to move anything except his head. "You will be like this for an hour so I will sit here with you and answer any questions you have."

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