Chapter 33: Blood, Sweat, and Tears

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Before this chapter begins I am warning you guys later on in this chapter there will be some gruesome moments and I will be describing very gory situations. If you are not okay with that you have been warned.

The Devil of Light stood there staring at Izuku who was ready to fight. Izuku knew that he would have to avoid being hit by this guy or he would be in some real trouble, this meant he would activate all his quirks in this fight to stop himself from making a huge mistake. Izuku felt One for All's power go throughout his body the whites of his eyes blackened his green pupils turning to his Reaper form eyes but instead of them being white skulls they were red skulls. His body covered in lines of red energy that almost seemed like veins, his cloak manifested on him but it seemed different as it flowed as if it were on fire along with his hood. The Devil of Light charged at him the speed causing a shockwave behind him meaning he had broken the sound barrier and a crater was left where he had just launched himself. Izuku used his own speed to dodge needing to use his flash step to dodge as he could feel that One for All wouldn't be fast enough for this fight. Izuku threw a punch at his opponent who just stood still and took the blow a gust of air erupted from the other side of where he was hit but there was seemingly no damage to his opponent. The Devil of Light punched Izuku at the close range that had been made this sent Izuku flying into the wall of the arena Izuku was able to hold onto to consciousness due to his shock absorption but it was still a ridiculously strong blow and Izuku guessed he might be able to take maybe 2 more hits if he pushed himself to his absolute limit. Just then he saw his opponent charge him and this time he was hit in high speed with not as much power, Izuku felt as each hit seemingly felt like a 16 wheeled truck hitting him at 200 km/h Izuku knew he wouldn't be able to win this fight at this point but he refused to give up. Izuku used his telekinesis to bring his opponent off of him, after getting the monster of an opponent off of him he manifested his scythe. Izuku charged at his opponent in an attempt to paralyze him long enough to knock him out. He managed to land the scythe in a few places and felt something he recognized, he noticed the nerves seemingly had been cut by him before but also seemed to already be dead. Izuku backed away and looked at his opponent again and this time his opponent pulled out a knife and cut his hand. An instant later Izuku felt himself get hit by what felt like needles, Izuku looked down and saw long sharp pieces of blood emerged from him. Izuku's eyes widened in horror, as Izuku used his absolute full power to spray flames at his opponent, the cloak that was being worn began burning and underneath a familiar face emerged. Mitsuki was standing there smiling with a crazed look on his face. An announcement came onto the P.A system. "The Living Weapon Mitsuki is at the tournament and had not been able to compete ever since his first tournament where he nearly killed the Undertaker in the finals." Izuku was shocked as the last time he had been seen he was killed by his own hands. "Mitsuki, how do you know all this stuff you were talking about earlier?" Mitsuki smiled. "All For One has a resurrection quirk and revived me after seeing my potential." Mitsuki charged Izuku before Izuku could do anything Izuku realized he was unable to move. The blood that had been implanted into Izuku's body after his attack was controlling him and stopping him from moving. Mitsuki landed a hit that caused an explosion and sent Izuku through the arena's wall and Izuku was stuck. The announcer came on to the P.A system again, "We need to restrain Mitsuki all available contestants,  pro-heroes and staff please work to restrain the man." Mitsuki smiled sadistically at this announcement. Many contestants had entered the arena trying to restrain him, followed by pro-heroes, and staff. Mitsuki quickly charged a group of contestants and grabbed one of them before ripping their arm off and throwing the person at another contestant. The contestant who's arm had been ripped off suddenly exploded into a puddle of blood that was then used to slice off the contestants heads that were close by. A pro-hero got close to Mitsuki and tried to restrain him just to have Mitsuki impale the pro on his arm and then he was turned into a blade of blood that Mitsuki used to butcher more contestants, pros, and staff. Soon after the bloodbath had covered the arena in blood Izuku emerged from the hole he had been put into, Izuku saw the blood and was horrified, he then saw someone he knew enter the arena. It was Mitsuki's mom carrying a child, "Mitsuki stop this!" she approached Mitsuki who turned and fell to his knees, tears flowing from his eyes. "I'm so sorry" Mitsuki says staring at the blood all around him, his mom knelt beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. "It is okay we can get you the help you need, you will be gone for awhile but then you can come back to us." Mitsuki looked at the child. "Is... is that my sibling." Mitsuki's mother smiled. "Yes it is your new baby sister we called he Beth." Mitsuki began smiling, but Izuku saw his eyes and began yelling. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" All of a sudden the child was on the ground and Mitsuki had grabbed his mother and began tearing her slowly apart from the middle of her body.

Mitsuki's Mothers POV

I felt my stomach stretching from the center of my body, I felt pins poking the area that I saw stretching. I was unable to do anything as my skin slowly split revealing the crimson blood that began flowing from the initial split. He had no remorse in doing this too his own mother, I guess this is what I get for ordering his death. I feel my spine separating the ability to even move has been taken away from me, my consciousness is fading, I feel a darkness start to envelop me until I feel nothing left.

Back to normal Perspective 

Everyone gasped in horror as they saw Mitsuki tear his own mother in half. The screams faded as she had been torn in half Mitsuki dropped the bodies two halves in front of him. He looked to the child. "I WILL NOT BE REPLACED BY THIS WEAK CHILD!!!" He stepped on his mothers head crushing it beneath his foot he began manipulating the blood of his mother's head and thrust it into the child's arms and legs piercing straight through the child. He picked the child up and Izuku tried to stand up to at least save the child. "What's wrong Izuku, can't save anyone now, All For One was right you really are weak. How did I ever lose to you?" Mitsuki laughs and breaks the child's pinky finger. "Come on Izuku, the child could still live if you are fast enough." Izuku could no longer feel his legs and he began crawling towards Mitsuki pure rage in his eyes. Mitsuki continued breaking each finger. "Aweh I guess nobody willnhold this child hands anymore." Mitsuki ripped the hands off the child. and then grabbed the head. "I have always wondered what happened if I ripped someone's head straight off? Does the spine stay connected to the skull because of the brain or does it split off?" The child's head was then torn right off the spine still attached to the skull. "Huh so it does stay attached." Mitsuki laughs sadistically and begins walking to Izuku. "How about I kill you or better yet I'll go join All For One back in Japan and begin hunting your friends down." Mitsuki punted Izuku's face and sent him into the stands completely unconscious. Everyone would refer to this years tournament as the Final Blood Tournament. 

Several Weeks Later

Izuku was deemed the winner of the tournament due to Mitsuki's conduct but Izuku didn't care he just wanted to make it back to Japan to try and save his friends. Amestra Alice, Stephen and Scarlet had decided they would go with Izuku back to Japan cause they knew he would need as much help as they could get.

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