Chapter 10: Examining

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The backlash of the Stain incident became known quickly as videos from that night had begun appearing on the internet, just to be taken down after a few hours of its release. The damage had already been done many civilians had already seen it which means more villains had probably also seen it. The heroes were trying to make sure that the villains who now started being more active were caught but it was getting harder to catch them all with the rising rate of activity. Izuku and Iida were then being questioned by police about the incident and were told they would either have to give up the capture of Stain to a pro or they would have to get a punishment that could lead to their expulsion from U.A, the boys of course gave the defeat of Stain to a pro and it was decided it would be Endeavor who had been seen there and was the first pro on scene when Stain had been captured. After this the class of 1-A was pretty uneventful except that with exams coming up many were already studying and practicing for the exam. Izuku knew he would do fine on the exam he was more worried about the physical exam as he was pretty sure that it would be difficult no matter how powerful he is. The day of the exam came and all the students passed the written portion of the exam and were now just waiting to find out what the physical exam would be. Aizawa then entered the room and began explaining that the physical would be two students versus a teacher in a battle where the goal was to either but these handcuffs on the pro or escape the arena you are fighting in. Another part of this exam that Izuku figured out based on the teams and the pro they were facing is to test how each student would fair against someone who has the ability to exploit their weakness. Izuku and Bakugo were paired together against All-Might, Izuku thought to himself if this had been in middle school this would of so much worse because of the hate Bakugo had for him but now they are so close the teamwork portion would come to them naturally. When the entered the arena for their fight with All-Might Izuku activated the cloak and hood of his quirk and began searching for sources to drain that were not people and he found that there was a surprisingly large amount of animals in the area and began draining them of their life force. Izuku hated to do this to animals as he felt the death of these creatures but he had gotten used to the sudden death that is sometimes caused by his quirk. Izuku's scythe manifested, Bakugo looked at Izuku and smiled "So what is the secondary quirk you have right now?" Izuku smiled "Still your quirk Kachan." Bakugo laughed as he handed Izuku a gauntlet "Here start using my quirk to store up as much nitroglycerin as you can in it. Then release it by pulling the pin in All-Might's face and then I will start attacking him and then you start using your scythe to slowly immobilize him." Izuku nodded as he began filling up the gauntlet with nitroglycerin as they walked around towards the exit to fight All-Might who probably expects them to be going for the exit. Just then Izuku hears a loud noise that sounds like the arena is being destroyed, just then he realizes what had just happened "KACHAN GRAB SOMETHING TO KEEP YOURSELF FROM BEING SENT FLYING!" Izuku grabbed a pole that was in the ground and Bakugo did similar when the shock wave hit them they managed to stay where they were but the poles they had grabbed had barely stayed in the ground. It was now a straight shot towards All-Might and the exit. The pair of boys began running towards where the shock wave originated and saw All-Might waiting for them smiling. Bakugo immediately charged All-Might and began releasing explosions at All-Might who was seemingly unaffected and punched Bakugo in the gut causing him to puke. Izuku charged and used the gauntlet's explosive power to release all the pwoer that had been built up into All-Might's face which caused him to be sent flying into a wall, Izuku could feel that his arm may have been dislocated from this and began admiring Bakugo more that he could handle the use of that with the illusion of ease. BAkugo got up and walked to Izuku. "He is probably just pretending to be down but with his power we might want to bring this fight closer to the escape gate." Bakugo said to Izuku who was surprised to hear him telling him they might not win essentially. Izuku smiled at Bakugo "Kachan I have a secret. I held back at the sports festival, I just didn't want people to see what I am about to use on my first impression to make myself look like a hero." Izuku then began glowing a dark purple energy as he released a mist from his body that emminated from him but would disperse pretty quickly after leaving Izuku. His pupils turned to white skulls and his eyes were black except for those pupils. He began walking to where All-Might would be and was suddenly charged by All-Might who released a punch towards Izuku who dodged it and threw his own punch into the chest of All-Might who recoiled from the damage he had just received. Bakugo stared at Izuku who was seemingly able to fight All-Might on level with him. All-Might then threw a flurry of punches that Izuku didn't manage to dodge but he did block the first couple before it overwhelmed him sending him flying into a building on the other side of the destruction caused by the shockwave. Bakugo looked to where his teamate had been sent to and began panicking due to the distance he had just been thrown and would have to traverse to get back to the fight. When all of a sudden he was back and beside Bakugo, he then pulled his scythe from his back where he had put it after receiving the gauntlet. "Kachan we can fight him but even me at full power will  make this a hard fought victory but we could win by escaping and I would be able to distract long enough for you to escape. I'll leave the decision to you though cause I am fine with beating him in a fight or running." Bakugo smiled. "Well might as well beat the guy if you think we can, but did you think of the time limit?" Izuku laughed "Yeah before I got back here I quickly Shadow Stepped to the judging room to see how much time we have. We still have got about 10 minutes before we lose." Bakugo laughed and then they nodded to each other as they charged All-Might. Bakugo began by releasing an explosion towards All-Might's face to blind him as Izuku used his speed in the Dark Manifest form to hit All-Might's left leg with his scythe to test how well the scythe would work on All-Might. His test was immediately answered when All-Might tried to walk towards the boys right after the attack but was severely slowed but still able to use his leg. Izuku smiled thinking they were lucky the battle is going to be easier than he thought now that the scythe actually works on All-Might, Izuku charged with Bakugo who released the nitroglycerin in his gauntlet to damage All-Might immediately afterwards Izuku landed a punch on All-Might sending him into the ground where Izuku began slicing at him with the scythe. He then felt a surge of power enter his body. Izuku guessing what it could be tried to tap into the power of explosions and couldn't as there was a different power there. Izuku tried activating it and felt power surging through his body and punched All-Might once more and felt his arm break immediately after punching All-Might. "Kachan, run I broke my arm with that last punch and that made us lose a lot of our opportunity to win a fight against him." Bakugo nodded and began running for the exit and Izuku released the power he got from All-Might and focused on his own quirk to use. All-Might got up after this and smiled "You used One For All. This is the power I offered you but seemingly you wouldn't be able to use the full power of it yet." Izuku looked to All-Might "I told you I don't want to be your successor for this quirk I mimicked this quirk by accident." Izuku punched All-Might once more with his Dark Manifest form. When the buzzer went signifying that the pair had passed the exam. 

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