Chapter 23: Decay

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Izuku was standing in the arena facing the four other students, the four students had begun getting into their hero costumes. Izuku just stood there in his white t-shirt and his black jeans ready to fight. As soon as they are all ready Izuku ignores the initial bell as the four students all charge him and he begins to dodge by barely moving and saving as much energy as possible. Izuku knew they were not a difficult fight and begins yawning as he was getting bored. Izuku then used the stockpile quirk and did a chop to each of the students necks knocking them all out. Izuku walks out of the arena and a few students got out of his way as he had manged to intimidate the students with his overwhelming victory. Izuku walked to the council office and saw Mitsuki and knew he hadn't fought him yet. 

"Mitsuki, meet me at the arena. I wanna fight you." Mitsuki smiled and ran out of the room. Izuku walked down to the arena where Mitsuki was already waiting on Izuku. As he walked into the arena he kinda just stood there waiting for Mitsuki to make the first move. Izuku noticed that there was a scared look on the faces of all those watching, Izuku looked at Mitsuki and noticed he appeared to gain the look that Stain had when he was cornered. Izuku went into his old fighting stance and began watching every movement that he made. Izuku let loose a stream of fire towards him and Mitsuki tanked the damage, Izuku kinda panicked a little bit as he continued to launch fire at Mitsuki but was unable to do any significant damage to him. Mitsuki pulled out the metal claws on his costume and sliced his arm and began using the blood that was flowing from his arms. He created orbs of blood that began hovering around him and Izuku was unsure what would happen now. Mitsuki sent the orbs flying at Izuku at a blinding speed, Izuku feels the orbs pierce him and falls to his knees in pain and then notices as he begins losing feeling in his limbs. Mitsuki smiles and walks over to him and kicks him in the chest. "Your about to pass out from loss of blood circulation. Let me know how it feels before you pass out." Izuku looks at Mitsuki and just wonders how the hell there are people who could be even more sadistic as a hero than Bakugo. At this point Izuku passes out and knew he had just loss. 

Several days later Izuku wakes up and this time Izuku is evidently pissed off that he cannot win fights against people he probably should be able to. Izuku gets up and ignoring the nurses pleas that he rests more. Izuku walks to the gym and begins training and continues to train for weeks without much sleep. Alice, Amestra, Stephen, Scarlet and Mitsuki had all gathered and began talking about the new Izuku who focused on nothing but training and fighting but took no time to recover. "We need to get him to talk to us," "He can't continue this way." Were the general comments talked about. As this was happening Izuku walked by the room they were in and overheard what they were talking about. Izuku hated that they were stopping him from doing what he needed to do. He decided he would go out and find a place he could train where nobody would find him. As Izuku found the area he began training, over the time he spent there he had gained strength and knew his stockpile would be stronger now. 

The group of those looking for Izuku had found out he hadn't been in any fights for a few days and hadn't been to his room in the long as well. They began panicking as he hadn't been the best mentally since the trip into town. 

After two weeks of training Izuku had begun hallucinating and was causing him to fight the hallucinations of All For One and those he has lost to. The group had found him but nobody wanted to approach him as the area he had been using to train was covered in what appeared to be magma and craters. Izuku had at this time appeared to be barely conscious with a small stream of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. Mitsuki began walking towards Izuku, Izuku saw the boy walking towards him and immediately began attacking with fire that was surprisingly hot, Mitsuki tried to tank it but felt it burning him and he quickly cut himself to send orbs of blood at Izuku. Izuku dodged these with blinding speed and appeared behind Mitsuki and threw a kick at his chest. Mitsuki managed to catch the kick and an eruption of air formed, Izuku then did a flip kick and kicked Mitsuki in the skull sending him into the ground. Izuku finished the kick on one leg and then kicked repeatedly in a circle sending waves of air in all directions sending the cover of the others into the air. "I guess this means these are the real deals." In response Mitsuki had punched Izuku in the face and this sent Izuku flying into a crater that had magma in it. Izuku got up and smiled wiping the blood from his mouth and erupted flames from him at an extremely cold temperature to cool the magma. Izuku then smiled as he sent a wave of liquid fire at Mitsuki and it was a light green as it landed on Mitsuki Mitsuki's skin turned black. Mitsuki screamed as his entire left arm had turned black. "How's the frost Mitsuki? Are you chilled to the bone?" Izuku laughed as he kicked Mitsuki's arm while cloaking himself in flames. "FUCK YOURSELF IZUKU! WE ARE JUST TRYING TO HELP YOUR SELFISH ASS!!" Mitsuki got up and smiled. "W.M.D!!" Mitsuki smiled as he threw a punch that Izuku caught. "Oh Mitsuki you think that I don't know about the power boost to yourself." Izuku then felt himself get thrown back as an explosion erupted from Mitsuki. "There is a reason it is called W.M.D. BECAUSE I AM A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION." Mitsuki kept walking towards Izuku and with each step an explosion rang out. Izuku smiled then wiped some dust off himself. "Finally a challenge." Izuku moved faster than Mitsuki could see and kept landing hits on him and Mitsuki couldn't do anything. After an hour of him being beaten up by Izuku Mitsuki finally fell down to his knees in defeat. Izuku stood over him and smiled. "I WON!!! Now I will beat all of you if I have to. Let me train how I want." Izuku walked over to them. "I will return but I had to get stronger or I can never do what I need to do." With that Izuku walked back to the school where he continued with his intense training schedule. 

Within Izuku's Mind

"Izuku why do you think you can win against me?" The figment of All For One said. "How can you avenge me if you struggle to beat kids with limited quirks?" The figment of All-Might said. Izuku stood between them and just fell to his knees. All For One stood over him. "I haven given you the option to join me but you spit in my face. The next time we fight it will be domination and you will submit to me with blood dripping from your body. You will then receive more punishment for rejecting me the first time." All-Might looked to Izuku. "If you had received One For All you could of won and then you would of been able to save me and everyone else. This is the punishment for your choices, your mother's death, my death are the punishments currently but prepare for the deaths of all the others your close too." As soon as this had finished being said a flash of a dead Bakugo was shown. Izuku curled up and felt the pain of knowing he would be the reason for the death of all his friends. 

In the real world

Izuku began punching the training dummies in the gym with massive amounts of power, his eyes glazed over and a killer intent showing in the way he was attacking. Nobody had choosen to challenge him since his return as rumors had surfaced that the group who had been looking for him had fought him and Izuku managed to beat Mitsuki who had previously dominated him. 

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