Chapter 27: Tournament Preparation

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The next couple weeks were spent training before the tournament, other than that not much happened except that Elly had suddenly started following Izuku nearly everywhere but not many people noticed. Izuku had only found after a week from the battle royale she had been following him, he didn't mind as it was probably like how he used to be wanting to follow those who were stronger. As Izuku trained he felt a weird power within him where his stockpile would always activate. He felt as if he hadn't been able to use it's max power yet but knew that didn't make sense. Amestra had come to Izuku after his day of training, she seemed to be hiding something this time. "Izuku I need to tell you something, when we changed your quirks around there was another quirk there that you hadn't mentioned. It is seemingly like a stockpile quirk which you had asked for so I ignored that request and gave you a different quirk but you seem to not know what that quirk was. I've done a little research into your past and found that this quirk has never been showcased by you. So I was wondering were you aware of this quirk before the change?" Izuku's eyes widened, "What do you mean? You are saying this stockpile quirk I already had before you changed my quirks?" Amestra nodded and Izuku began thinking about when he would of gotten this ability and his faced dropped. "I think I know now when and how I got this quirk. If you would excuse me can you tell me what the quirk you did give me was then and then let me go send a message to someone in Japan." Amestra smiled. "I gave you telekinesis as it seemed your body already had an affinity towards that quirk." Izuku bowed then went to go send a message to Japan. "Nedzu I need to know if All-Might had any access to me before he died while I was unconscious. I believe he may have forced One For All upon me as I have found out about a quirk that had been dormant to me." Izuku sent the message and began thinking, he used some of his flames to guarantee he would talk to All-Might and All For One that night. Izuku continued the day training before going to sleep to try and find some information out himself. 

In Izuku's Mind

"All-Might I need to talk to you!" Izuku stood there waiting for the apparitions to arrive. All-Might showed up followed swiftly by All For One. "Yes young Midoriya?" Izuku had a bit of rage in his eyes. "Did you force me to become the successor for One For All?" All-Might looked down. "Yes I did Midoriya my boy." Izuku looked down. "Then I guess you both being apparitions have something to do with giving me quirks mixing with my downside of the flames I have." All-Might shrugged. "Well for me it is an influence of One For All mixing with that downside but All For One seems to be his own apparition influenced by the evil that had grown in your heart from your old quirks. This means he isn't feeding info to the real All For One whereas I am the memory and remaining personality of the All-Might you knew. This also means the other users of One For All could appear to you eventually." Izuku sat down cross legged nodding understanding this. "I'll accept this but don't think that I will ever truly forgive you for forcing this quirk on me."  

Outside Izuku's Mind 

Izuku spent the last week before the first round of the Intercontinental Tournament practicing his Telekinesis that he had been unaware of. Izuku had decided that he would continue thinking of One For All as a stockpile quirk and use it less than he had been as he didn't want to use a quirk he had been forced upon him like it had unless necessary. Izuku had been trying to figure out ways to continue having blinding speed without the use of that quirk. The guy who had disappeared during the battle royale showed up in the room Izuku was training in. "Izuku I believe it is time for me to introduce myself to you. My name is Cain, and I believe you would be a useless fighter if you didn't have quirks. Your fighting style relies on your quirks and you adapt to fights only using your quirks. I would like to have a sparring session with you with use of quirks for either of us." Izuku smiled. "I accept your challenge." They went down to an arena and a few students saw Izuku and immediately began warning the other kids and Izuku watched as students he didn't recognize fled the arenas Izuku chose an arena and got into a fighting stance.

The timer to signify the beginning of their fight buzzed as Izuku ran towards the boy. Izuku threw a right hook towards the boy and it was blocked with ease, Izuku then went to do a sweep at the legs of the boy who jumped over the sweep and landed quickly. Izuku clenched his teeth as he then threw another kick towards his gut. Cain blocked the kick by grabbing the leg and landing a palm strike to his shin, Izuku screamed in pain. "How the hell are you doing this?" Izuku asked as he calmed down. "Your movements are predictable and are telegraphed with ease. Your quirks have made you think that nobody can dodge you unless they have a speed quirk." Izuku stood in his fighting stance but putting more weight onto his uninjured leg. As Izuku backed away Cain came towards him at ridiculous speed, he threw two punches towards Izuku's head Izuku saw this and went to block but was then hit twice in the gut. "Your blocking to early giving your opponent time to change the direction of their hits, you also block your vision limiting how quickly you would be able to react to any additional hits." Izuku backed away again, pissed off at how he has yet to land a hit on this man he began studying how his fighting stance seemed to lack balance he knew if he attacked one of his legs first he would lose his balance. Izuku charged the boy and did a quick strike towards the boys front leg, Izuku was met with a kick to his chin that sent him back. Cain was standing there his front leg in the air at about the height of Izuku's head. "Your still too predictable, but I guess I should end this." Cain then seemingly teleported the distance between him and Izuku and kicked him in the head this knocking Izuku out. The students who had stayed to watch were shocked that someone who had dominated the battle royale had been defeated without using quirks so easily. Cain picked him up and brought him to the training room, he sat beside Izuku as he waited for him to wake up. When Izuku awoke Cain was sitting beside him. "How the hell did you knock me out, my shock absorption should of given me a lot more resilience?" Cain smiled. "We are a high tech school, we can set the arenas to nullify all quirks with in the fight." Izuku nodded. "But wait then how did you teleport during our fight." Cain laughed. "It's not a quirk but a technique I have been taught. It is called flash stepping, it is used to cover a distance at light speed but with enough practice you can use it to run on air." Izuku knew that he had now found his way to travel fast without his quirk. Izuku went on the ground. "Please teach me how to be a better fighter and this technique." Cain smiled. "I had already planned on it, you are impressive when you are using your quirks and your battle instinct is great in terms of quirks but with practice I think you could become unbeatable in a fight. By the way I should probably tell you my quirk is Gravokinesis, it is allows me to change gravity of whatever I wish to control." Izuku smiled, he appreciated that he would be learning new techniques.

A few days later

"Izuku you have done well these past few days but you are still far from being able to beat me. I hope your ready for the tournament." Izuku nodded as he started heading to the meeting spot that they had agreed. When they all arrived they got into the vehicle to head to the tournament grounds. On the way to the grounds they saw a massive arena that looked like it could hold all of U.A easily. They arrived and saw many other schools with their ten students, Izuku was looking forward to this tournament because he knew if he won this tournament he would be one step closer to get to go back to Japan. The first round of the tournament was set to begin and all those participating were told to change into their hero costumes Izuku had decided to go with a pretty basic costume for the tournament as he changed into a pair of jogging pants that allowed more flexibility, he decided to wear his black training top and he wrapped his arms in white strips to give them a bandaged look. As they entered the arena he noticed there was a lot of space to begin the royale. Izuku wondered if he should try to eliminate as many as possible from the beginning, he then had an idea. "Cain is there a way you could reduce the gravity within the arena for everyone except us." Cain smiled "That is definitely something I can do." With that the first round was set to begin.

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