1. A Night Out

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~Dae POV~

"It's been a month since we last went out and had some fun." I said as we all were in the car on a much needed break. Right now they are in America for their tour but they convinced their manger to let them have the night off.

"You can say that again." Him said leaning his head back.

"So Dae, where are we going." Zelo asked leaning forward.

"Well I got this email about this cool party that someone is having for Halloween so I decided we could go and check it out." I said, Zelo smiled leaning back. I look over to see Yong's mind was on something. "What's wrong Yong?" I asked him.

"Nothing it's just I miss home." He said, everyone agreed.

"Cheer up soon the tour will be over and we can go home." Jong was trying to make him feel better. He just looked out the window as we drove down the street, about fifteen minutes later we arrived at the place.

It was a big place, many people were going in and out. Some looked very strange. We got out and went closer, the place was amazing. Definitely designed for Halloween.

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We walked inside was was in another world

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We walked inside was was in another world. This place was amazing. As we walked about I watch Yong go over to a table off in the corner. Maybe coming out tonight wasn't a good idea. I turned when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about him. He'll be fine soon. Watch before long he'll be dancing with a girl." Young said with a smile. He's right, but still he's just sitting there. I'll keep my eye out on him just in case.

Now they others left to check out the rest of the house. I went over to the bar and slightly watched Yong, he was just staring off into space when I saw his head turn. I followed his gaze and saw a woman with long and very white hair. She was on the dance floor, swaying to the music and he was watching her. I've seen he watch girls but never with such focus. I stood up with two drinks, walking over to him and when he saw me coming he turned away from the dancing Madian.

"She's pretty. In a creepy Halloween kind of way." I said, finally getting him to smile. "Here drink." I said sliding him the drink. He took a sip then went back to watching her, his eyes followed every one of her moves. The music made her really move in a hypocrite way. "Go dance with her." I said, he nearly choked on his drink.

"No way." He said looking serious.

"Either you do or I will." I said smiling. He sighed then stood up.

"I hate you for this." He said.

Walking out the floor I watched him as he moved closer to her. She seemed to notice that he was there and as he started to dance with her, she let him. I smiled, score. I took another drink when I felt someone watching me, I looked around to find a woman with a hood on watching me with a smile. The longer I watched her the more I wanted to go over and talk to her. Then I jump when someone slammed their hands on the table.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, the guys started laughing. I looked back to find she was gone, damn minis one point.

"You're to easy." Him said laughing. They sat down and followed my eyes, they smiled to see Yong with a lady on the floor.

"Told you." Young said smiling.

The night went on and now we all were dancing with ladies, in that entire time Yong didn't step away from that white haired girl. He was completely attached to her, I could tell she didn't mind having him touch her, his have practically went everywhere on her. He started kissing her neck, they were getting busy😉. But as the night slowed down I once again felt someone watching me, then I felt someone push the girl I had with me away. I look down to see the girl from before, she was kinda hot. Like I said before, for a Halloween kind of hot.

She stayed grinding on me, definitely keeping my attention on her

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She stayed grinding on me, definitely keeping my attention on her. I didn't mind but I started to feel weird. Like her eyes were pulling me in. As we danced she started talking to me, asking if she could talk to me and the guys. The others were around me but somehow Yong was gone and so was that white haired girl. I even looked around but nothing, there's no way I could miss that hair. I said yes and I dragged the guys to our table. She sat with us and started talking.

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